Wednesday, March 6, 2013

President Obama's Sinister plans

I wish....heck, I pray that some rational soul would point out to me why the very common sense conclusions announced to the world in these recent days by folk like Brit Hume and Rush Limbaugh and the folk at the Washington Post are not true.  I really really would love to wake up in the morning in a world where the President actually was fond of the great nation he is so fortunate to lead. I would rejoice fervently if the day came when Obama had some modicum of appreciation for all that these United States and its people had accomplished.   but, sadly, I have the feeling that this President is the first one to hold that office who has not one shred of appreciation for the fact that the literally thousands of incredible inventions, jaw-dropping technological breakthroughs, life-changing social and cultural initiatives that literally changed the course of human development, each and everyone dreamed up, thought out, authored and realized by common every-day Americans. American Exceptionalism is the tag some put on this reality. And it is just that: a reality. For some reason, the people who live in these United States, as opposed to people who live in other places, have come up with more ideas, invented more, thought up more, done more, accomplished more, give more or themselves an their money, than anywhere else on earth at any time in the history of man. It is a recognition of the fact that in America, as opposed to other places on earth, people have been free to think without worrying that the ruling junta, dictator or king will feel threatened by the change such an idea might bring about. A man or a woman can push forward and hope to realize the profit of their idea. The sky is the limit. Push away all the jumble, and you realize that in America we treasure and reward ideas. And it is the idea that matters, not who came up with it. People in other countries have ideas. But we have more, and not just because we have more people. We have more ideas because we treasure and reward ideas. Our democracy and way of life provides an environment that nurtures great thinking. And when somebody has an idea, we have the resources to get the idea off the ground. There is a commercial on TV you may have seen. It shows garages across the country and points out what great company started in that particular garage. A man or a woman did their 9 to 5 thing, then came home and, in his or her free time came up with this idea, and started to put that idea to work in the garage.

Americans invent, conjure up, aspire, all the while assured that what they 'dream up' will have an opportunity to be realized, even enhanced, because in America we nurture such thinking. without fear that at every turn someone else will take what they have done, that improved every citizen's life came about because the country as a whole was free to think, free to invent, free to experiment, free to dream, even free to think outside the box, and yes, even free to fail.  

I want my America back.  I'm not a gun-toting backwoods moron who yearns for the day when people who look like me ruled the world.  I am an American who grew up praising and trying to emulate King, Kennedy, Roosevelt and Truman.  I live in an integrated society where anyone can found a company that employs thousands, or worship, if he or she chooses, in whatever house of worship they desire.  I am proud to live in a world where anyone can run for office and know, when they decide to do so, that if they do it right they will win regardless of their color, race or ethnic background, and regardless of whether they are a man or woman.  I live in a country that treasures words like freedom and liberty, treasure them, fight for them, die for them.  I live in a country that finds it very very difficult to come to grips with the cold reality that somebody they trust actually wants to take away their freedom and liberty.  But there he is, in the White House, scheming for a nation with one-party rule, a nation that where he wants to start dictating where you and I can go when we're sick, a nation where he will purloin over half of what we earn for purposes we abhor.

I was smack-dab in the middle of the most liberal time of my life when President Reagan said that the obligation of a great nation like ours was to cast a wide safety net so that our weakest, sickest, most debilitated citizen can live in dignity and safety. I heard him say those words and I thought to myself that it was amazing that someone like him, thought of as being really conservative, can encapsulate one of the great truisms of my world, and I totally agree with him. That is my duty, and I believe it is our duty. In fact, I think it is our sacred duty. We are obligated as a country, to cast a wide and strong and sure net, and make absolutely sure nobody ever slips through it.

President Obama does not share these beliefs. He does not believe in American Exceptionalism. He was raised to think that we are a virtually evil country that has done few if any commendable things. He thinks we exploit and take advantage of other countries. He thinks that the richest among us are exceptionally evil. In his mind, no one gets rich except by stepping on the throats of others. He is hell bent - and 'hell bent' is exactly what he is - hell bent on taking as much of the rich's money as he can. He is hell bent on buckling America's knees. He is hell bent on instituting far left social and cultural policies no matter the devastation they bring to the country. Obamashame (i.e. Obamacare) will certainly devastate thousands, if not millions, of Americans. And because it is not accomplishing what its stated goals were - providing health insurance to each American - and, in fact, isn't even headed in that direction, one starts to wonder if the goal of Obamashame all along wasn't to visit economic devastation on corporations and individuals, and then using that money the government collects, for other far left initiatives. He is like an addict who will do anything for a world where well over half of what I make and you make will not be ours. This is the world where I work all week for wages and then, at the end of the week, have to stand there while he swoops in and takes over half of it.     In Obama's world, the far left elites running the show make every decision, because they are smarter and more plugged in to what is far left and correct. He takes away our freedoms because we are too stupid to know what is best. He says one thing in public and then, with a sinister intent he can no longer conceal, acts to rule our nation in a manner virtually nobody except him and a few hundred leftist elites, would even think of hoisting on our country.  In Obama's world, the people who create wealth, create jobs, create prosperity, are only to be permitted to keep "what we need." Everyone, if they were listening, have heard him say that individuals should not be allowed to keep more than "what they need." So if I work like a dog and earn some money, and even after he gets his 60%, I worked hard enough and still have quite a bit left, I don't get to buy a bigger house or a better car, or whatever else I choose to do. I only get to keep what I need. If my dream is to own a small condominium on the French Riviera, I need to forget it. I won't ever get there because I don't need that. And who decides what amount I need? Well of course, Obama does (or whatever other far left idealogue is in power). I can't be trusted to decide how much I should be allowed to have. I am neither smart enough or wise enough. But Obama is, so he'll decide.  That has never been the test.  And I ask Obama whether he "needed" to fly to Hawaii twice at Christmas?  I ask whether the opulence he flaunts for his family means that only the ruling elite get to live a good life while the rest of us keep only what "we need."  There have been others throughout history who spoke from a decadent pulpit.  Their message never resounded with the people.  Francis Scott Key wrote, in the ballad that became our National Anthem, "Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?"  In Obama's world, the answer is not clear.  In fact, it isn't even clear what he thinks the answer should be.

This is a nation where tens of thousands of our best and brightest young men went off to protect us from tyranny, and for which they gave their very lives.   They gave their lives because they wanted, more than anything, to live in a land that was free, where the people were free to do what they wished, when they wished.    and, really, a president who understood just a little bit that the tens of thousands who have given their very lives to protect it didn't do so so he could terminate the country as we know it and love it and replace it with some god-awful marxist-looking state that punishes people who employ, invent, create and work.  Now don't go and start saying you are this and you are that; the country that I love and live in has always aided the poor and downtrodden. The reality is that here in these United States, the poor are treated far better than are the poor of any other nation on earth. In fact, we treat our poor and downtrodden better than any nation in the history of civilization.  

Obama isn't interested in helping the poor.  He wants to bash the working class on the head with so much force that they drop down and take their place beside the poor.  in Obama's world, today's rich will be tomorrow's nuveau poor.  

Here is what Obama and his equally far left functionaries are up to:  Obama has learned to avoid blame for his goofy and malfunctioning economic policies, the policies that have plunged the nation into trillions of dollars of debt, stagnated growth, sparked inflation and grotesque unemployment and all sorts of other awful realities.  He does so by constantly campaigning against the evil his own policies have caused. He campaigns against unemployment as if somebody else is the cause of it. The cause of unemployment, to a great extent, is Obama. Companies are being regulated into oblivion. The anti-business regulation-writing combined with Obamashame and other capital-gorging social policies, have convinced most corporations to hunker down and try to survive Obama. They will not invest or hire because they have absolutely no confidence that their own government won't beat them back, either intentionally or unintentionally. As you read this, Obama's minions in the EPA are so busy making everything illegal that they hardly have time to sleep. They are hard at work making fracking illegal. They are very hard at work making every other plan to increase energy output illegal. [These rules that curtail energy production here are the height of hypocrisy for someone like Obama, because when we can't get our energy here, where the drilling practices and envionmental policies are the toughest on the planet, we go overseas, where they give not a second thought to the impact on the environment. Who has cleaner oil production, these United States, or Russia?]  Obama is aided in his efforts to hoist a far left social agenda and draconian environmental rules on America by a complacent and equally far left media who absolutely refuse to print the news that it is Obama who is causing the economic catastrophe we are living in.   Obama gets away with so much of what he does and has done because the media literally leaves out any bad news about Obama and also because so much of the country votes Democratic without giving it a second thought because they keep sending the checks.h

Obama intends to continue to blame the GOP for everything even though its only mistake is being too spineless to stand up to this American Nero.  He wants to keep this debilitating charade up for another string of months, or until the 2014 mid-term elections, which he hopes will return control of the House of Representatives to his partners in crime - the current edition of the Democratic Party.  (I, for one, would like to see someone sue those folk for slandering the name of my party).  Then, with no meaningful check in place,  Obama can rule like a dictator for two years, ramming every leftist idea down America's throats with ease.  God Forbid, please!  Imagine Obama back in control of both houses of Congress, introducing cap and trade, abolition of firearms, nationalized industries, abolition of gasoline-powered engines, a virtual elimination of private industry, 80% tax brackets for anyone earning $100,000, and who knows what else.  As for foreign "policy," well, if I were an Israeli citizen and Obama had the kind of control he drools over, I'd move out very very quickly because there will be a nuclear bomb dropping on your nation sooner rather than later.  National icons like Washington and Jefferson would be replaced by Castro and (may he rest in peace?) Chavez.  Allies like England, France and India would be replaced by "friends" like Iran, Egypt and Venezuela.  

The only thing that can prevent most of this is for the Republicans to start acting like Obama is the enemy, which he is.  I should be able to add here that the problem could also be solved if the remaining patriotic Democrats would stand up to Obama and tell him they will no longer support his marxism.  .  Virtually all of them follow him like sheep heading off to slaughter.  The evil intents Obama has must be explained to the electorate with passion and conviction.  Incumbent GOP Congressmen must be supported with abandon and opponents of Obama's leftist agenda must be identified and supported just as vigorously.

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