Friday, August 16, 2013

Clumsy and Despicable

BALTIMORE, Maryland August 11, 2013- A lot of folk have heard the elitist nonsense about it being inappropriate to criticize someone as special as obama for the various corruptions inundating his regime in this, his second four years (of planned descent into a marxist imbroglio).  Somehow these elitist commentators still believe obama is some sort of secular saviour come to pull the cowboys and riffraff that populate much of America, along with the low information (out of touch, don't care) crowd that lives in the rest of the country, into their vision of a leftist utopia. 

Leftist Utopia?  

But even this pathetic group is hard-pressed to make excuses in these days of the Benghazi boil over, the IRS and now FEC conflagrations, and the shocking revelations of wholesale internal spying, including "look-ins" and "listen-ins" of non-probable-cause domestic phone and email communications.  It was, after all, the far left that led the ding dongs against President Bush when he revealed a NRS and CIA program that monitored calls originating overseas from numbers that had pre-existing ties to known terrorists.  Bush's program looked safe and happy compared to obama's pot luck pick-a-number hoe-down.   Even the Far Left Anti-American contingent is having a difficult time trying to excuse his idiotic flim-flams and unapologetic anti-American scheming.  In Benghazi, for instance, he was out-maneuvered by some third rate rural islamic terrorist from the wilds of the Libyan outback.  The guy led the attack that butchered four Americans, then met with reporters in some tenth-rate cafe to brag about it. That would be, as they say, right out in the open.  We can launch drone attacks in Afghanistan but cannot nab a self-identifying terrorist meeting western reporters in the open for broadcasts on the evening news. About one year later, with their hands tied and everything fully out of control, top functionary Eric "the red" Holder (a great attorney general, we were told recently) has the guy indicted.  That's right, indicted.  Here, in the USA.  Did Eric the Red think he would turn himself in?  

In the meantime, other functionaries told media people over at the DNC that the USA could not have put military assets on the ground for at least 24 hours after word of the attack came.  This, from the land where Charleston is a gulf port.  Perhaps a drive there when you're up at da Vineyard? I'll come along.  

Just for the record, there was a full military contingent on the tarmac at Tripoli about to take off when - and this is almost unimaginable even for this bunch of leftist dimwits - the militarily astute V. Jarret told them to "Stand Down."  Upstairs there at the Whitehouse, obama phoned Hilary to hash out the details of the video-caused-it excuse for those fun-loving folk in the low information crowd.  And, word is, that lone phone call was obama's contribution to those all out efforts to save Ambassador Stevens and the other three dead Americans.
When that lie fell apart, it became necessary to dispatch thugs to the CIA to threaten, and then actually administer monthly polygraphs to the many eyewitnesses who had a mind to fill the nation in on the adventures of barack in time of military crises.  

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