Thursday, September 19, 2013

A New Effort

BALTIMORE, Maryland September18, 2013 - Because of a number of extremely compelling factors the posts have not been consistent here.  That changes, effective at once.
Criticism of obama comes from stunning source: Usually, when the headline reads something to the effect that "Former (fill in blank) Secretary" blasts obama, you expect the blank to be someone from a Republican administration.  You don't expect the blank to be filled by a democrat, and you really don't expect it to be filled by two of obama's former secretaries.  But Tuesday in Dallas, William Gates and Leon Panetta, obama's first two defense secretaries, openly criticized the marxists's handling of the Syrian crises.  Both decried the way obama announced military action, then decided to seek the approval of congress.  The foreign policy embarassments continued after that when obama decided he would trust his good friend, Vladimir Putin, and his assurances that Russia will take possession of all of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile, making sure none of it is ever again used against the Syrian People.  Putin is also said to be offering an attractive deal on the sale of the Brooklyn Bridge.  And obama was surprised to discover that Putin owned the bridge in the first place.  Everyday is a surprise for our own little marxist...Boehner said to follow conservative's plan: John Boehner, the Ohio Congressman who is majority leader of the House of Representatives, is said to be reluctantly acceding to a conservative plan to defund obamamess (i.e., obamacare).  Boehner had previously been opposed to such a plan, fearing it would result in a government shutdown which would be blamed on the GOP (John also fears that shrewd and mysterious thing that keeps following him around: his shadow).  This, even though the congressmen who are behind the plan intend to couple the volley with constant reminders to the public that the GOP will fund the entire government save for obamamess and have no intention of shutting the government down.  Granted, the leftist-controlled mainstream media will only carry the obama talking points on the issue, but there is increasing evidence, in the form of obama's plummeting poll numbers, which indicate the public is not being fooled by obama's talkling points. Unexpected growth in 'Made in the USA' products: An article in TIME reports on a surge in Made in America manufactured goods.  From batteries to airplanes, products which had been outsourced for decades are suddenly finding a manufacturing home in the USA.  One key reason fueling the surge - the availability of cheap energy, thanks in large part to the increasing output of fracking operations - might be in imminent jeopardy, however, as obama seeks to curtail the cheap and environmentally safe method of extracting oil and natural gas from deep underground shale deposits.  The TIME article is at  Even Democrats cringe at obama's shrill partisan tone during speech that coincided with Navy Yard Massacre: On Monday, even as a gunman was killing 12 innocent people at the Washington, DC Navy Yard, obama was telling the nation that Syria was solved and he was returning his attention to bashing the GOP.  He was roundly criticized for ignoring the disaster at first, then blaming the GOP for not supporting his anti-second amendment initiatives.  Polls show the country, by a stunning majority, oppose any form of additional gun control.  The dirty little secret is that citizens oppose gun control because of the increasing bullying of the obama-controlled federal bureaucracy.

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