Friday, July 11, 2014

Immigration is Not an Unsolvable Problem

BALTIMORE, Maryland July 10, 2014 - According to a popular TV pundit, only far right wing folk believe that the situation at the Southern USA Border is as it is because that is the way the President wants it. It is a ridiculous statement, equivalent to saying that if you believe the truth, you are on the political fringe. I hope we haven't come to that. I would refer that pundit to the President's so-called autobiographical tomes - there are two of them - but I don't expect him to change his mind and, to quote a far far left wing soon-to-be-official Democratic Presidential Candidate, "what difference does it make" anyway. As we have noted time and again, Obama is a proud resident of the kook fringe; i.e., the far far left. People who spend their lives their detest democracy, capitalism, freedom, including freedom of speech, and anything else that leads to somebody following their dreams or achieving success. President Obama does not like America, believes it is evil in its formation, believes the people who formed it are evil, and is doing all he can to bust it up, whittle it down, destroy it from within, and weaken it in whatever ways he can. It really is not fair to say he is one of the worst Presidents ever, because no other President has tried to destroy the country like he is doing. He has no intention at all of checking the influx of young third-world people rushing over the United States-Mexico border. He has no intention of sending the ones that are here already back to where they came from. And, he will never do anything that will meaningfully limit the number of people "sneaking" into America. To Obama, it is and always will be "come one, come all, come now, while I am the President, because if somebody like Ted Crews or even some moderate some other real conservative gets in the oval office that border will, in fact, be closed for good.

Part of the far left strategy is to make modest efforts to conceal their intentions so that people who oppose them cannot get a toehold on power. Therefore, do not ever expect Obama to come out and tell people what I have said in the paragraph above. Instead, he will say as he said yesterday, that if those darn Republicans will only agree to immigration reform, the USA could beef up our security on the southern border. If any of them are still dumb enough to fall for that, there will be amnesty for every border jumper already here, there will be continued border jumping, and while there may be token steps to "beef up" security, it will never be enough to actually hinder border jumping.

I write this almost matter-of-factly, but in truth, it is beyond depressing and stupifying. A young and intelligent man who had the makings of greatness, instead stoops to stagnant never-worked uber left paradigms of failure. And he is a failure in everybody's mind but his own ego-drunk persona. Another Pundit ask an even tougher question yesterday: why hasn't the loyal opposition been beating a drumbeat about this miserable situation? Because, except for a group of far right thinkers - at least people call them far right, an assumption that is absolutely wrong - people inside the beltway, no matter their party, believe that some kind of what they call immigration reform is necessary. And to the people who say that, reform is equal to amnesty.

I keep proposing this solution: close the border tight. Close it permanently. Then, rewrite immigration laws to expedite the ability of those who want to come here to live to be able to do so. If no one was coming in illegally, the number of legal immigrants could be greatly increased, and we would know what we have to know about these new Americans. If there was a demonstrated need for farm workers, let them come here legally and in sufficient numbers to fill the bill. It can be done. Visas should be computerized so that those who aren't on a plane out when their authorized time here ends could be flagged immediately and put out quicker than quick. On the other hand, if your visit here is legal, you have rights not to be bothered. And so what is wrong with this idea. If the borders were closed tight, the issue of working out the situation for those who are here illegally would be simple. Really, it would. The people who oppose amnesty do so because they know it will not end the problem. But if the borders were tightly closed, that would no longer be the case. What am I missing?

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