Thursday, April 16, 2015

Feckless Hilary Again Rubs Elbows With Complicit Media

BALTIMORE, Maryland April 16, 2015 - What is an aging, feckless, amoral political hack doing running for President of the United States?  Why Not? Isn't this the same nation that just elected - twice - a amoral Islamic Sympathizer with openly Anti-Semitic Tendencies and an openly Marxist Pollitical Outlook which he has morphed into openly Marxist Policies?  It is!  Hilary Clinton was the consensus favorite eight years ago when she managed to lose to President Obama, who back then was only briefly a United States Senator after spending his entire adult life as a hard left functionary fresh out of the Ivy League.  Clinton lost pathetically.  Now she is back and nothing at all has changed.  In the interim she got herself involved in Obama's low-brow and disgusting Benghazi scandal and other policy failures that will fill many a book.  In short, Obama has been an abject failure that many Dems won't even contest.  Now Hilary is out there hoping all of Obama's low-information idiots will also vote for her, and just as often as they voted for Obama.  This is what is known as a nation in swift decline, helped along by Obama and now Hilary.

Clinton is known for staging every event right down to the smallest detail.  God knows why when the complicit media will clean everything up for her.  Now, the Daily Mail of London - with thanks and full credit to Rush Limbaugh - has outed one such affair that took place this week in Iowa.  Clinton functionaries lined up three devout Clinton adherents to appear at an Iowa Coffee Shop and toss softball questions and thinly disguilsed praises at Hilary after the candidate "just happens" to walk into the shop and "just happens" to sit at the table with the three operatives.  The USA media horde all reorted this as a spontaneous event in which Hilary shone brightly.  The Daily Mail didn't buy it - why would any real reporter? - and made some phone calls.  The truth quickly emerged.  None of the media adherents of Clinton who reported the event falsely can be expected to walk it back.  So don't bother arguing about objectivity.

It was apparent within a few months of his inauguration that Obama would be a pathetic president.  The only real question - as this column reported time and again - was whether Obama was merely a bad President or was he a bad person to boot.  The latter quickly proved true.  Freed from the worry of any elections, Obama has dropped any effort to conceal his anti-American feelings and his disgust with all things American.  He now openly gussies up to American Enemies while heeping scorn on our Allies.  He is openly Anti-Semitic.  He has approved a deal that will allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon in his lifetime.  The next worry will be when folks start to evacuate from Israel.  Many won't.  Many leaders, not all of them Christian, openly talk about the end times.  And now onto this cheerful scene hops the low-brow, vicious Hilary Clinton.  Only a win by a real conservative will reverse this disaster.  How bad can it get?

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