Wednesday, July 8, 2015

More of Obama's Nonsense

BALTIMORE, Maryland July 6, 2015 - Even as Russian Strongman Vladimir Putin was talking on the phone with President Barack H. Obama, Russian Mig Fighter Jets were flying over Alaska in direct violation of United States' sovreign air space.  Was Putin concerned that such a stunt would prompt a response from the USA?

What do you think?

I think Mr. Obama should resign.  But the trouble with that concept is that he would be succeeded by Joe Biden.

In Vienna, the United States and Iran have agreed to extend the deadline to reach an agreement with regard to Iran's ability and right to build a nuclear weapon.  On Sunday, Kerry promised to walk away from the negotiating table if an agreement that safeguards the USA's interests cannot be reached.  Yet he remains at the said table, wearing out the knees of his suit pants.  Where did we get these people?

The other day the head of the USA's so-called "ICE" unit, charged with deporting persons illegally in these United States, told Congress that it needed to toughen up the laws and regulations under which her unit has to operate.  She was outraged at the senseless killing of a woman in San Francisco by a man who had been deported five times, only to sneak back in to these United States each time.  Congressmen at the hearing promised, joyfully, to comply.  That night she was taken to the proverbial woodshed by Obama and his functionaries - senseless killing or not - and the next day, rather than resign in protest, she walked her comments back.  So much for the rigidity of the spines of Obama's minions.  Even the uber left mainstream media concedes that the proposed "agreement" with Iran concerning nuclear weapons is the penultimate foreign policy accomplishment of the eight Obama years.  But it is not an accomplishment.  It is a disaster that may very well be a mass death sentence for Israel or even these United States.  Along with their work on nuclear weapons, Iran is working round the clock on their nascent Inter-continental balistic missle program.  The goal of that program is building a missle that is capable of carrying a nuclear weapon to these United States.  For such a program to reach its goal, Iran will need a nuke to put in the missle.  This is where Kerry and Obama come in.  Every other USA President has vowed never to allow Iran to attain a nuke.  Even Obama promised this.  But like so many other "promises" of this badly flawed man, this too is a lie.  He is said to believe now that Iran "needs" a nuke to offset the threat posed by Israel's nuke.  But Israel doesn't threaten anyone with their nuke.  They are a rational and peace-loving country.  Iran, on the contrary, is a pure war mongerer.

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