Thursday, April 13, 2017

USA Uses Largest Bomb In Its Arsenal on ISIS Installation Located in Cavern Complex in Afghanistan

TOWSON, Maryland, Thursday, April 11, 2017 - The absolute largest bomb in the entire United States arsenal was dropped today on a cave complex used by ISIS Islamic Terrorists.  The cave complex is in Afghanistan near its border with Pakistan.  

There is no word on casualties.  The bombing comes just days after an American Green Beret soldier was killed in Afghanistan. This attack by the American armed forces comes just days after the United States launched an attack on a Syrian Air Base utilized by the Syrian Air Force to launch a plane loaded with deadly Sarin Gas.  That Syrian Air Force plane dropped the Sarin Gas laden ordnance on a small town in Syria that was under the control of Rebel Groups fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأس) .  Up to 100 people, many of them infants and small children, were killed and injured in the Sarin Gas attack.  

The attack using the huge ordnance was announced by the United States today at a White House Press Briefing.  Fox News has photographs of the bomb.  It is said to weigh 21,000 pounds, compared to the 1,000 pounds that each Tomahawk Cruise Missile weighs.

Use of the huge ordinance was necessitated by the fact that this key ISIS installation was mostly in caverns deep beneath the mountains of Afghanistan, very close to Pakistan.  The bomb is officially designated a MOAB, which is the acronym for Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb.  Military personnel have used the same acronym to rename to ordnance the "Mother of All Bombs."

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