Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fire with Fire

He has sunk to the lowest level imaginable.  On the heels of a campaign ad that accused Governor Romney of killing the wife of a former steelworker, an ad that jammed so many lies into a short time it boggled the mind, obama has now come out with a new low=life ad that falsely accuses Romney of being a tax thief.  Like the former ad, it is jam-packed with lie after lie.  Lie after lie.  On the campaign stump, he spews nothing but lies and quarter-truths.  I believe that he thinks he has a moral right to lie because it is the only tool he has that can get him reelected.  People who believe this kind of thing about themselves are the most dangerous, because they think the ends - his continuing in power - justify the means; i.e., the bald-faced lying.

When people start to act like that they have put themselves ahead of the public good.  When honesty and nobility lose, when the ego trumps morality, the country is a certain loser.  What's worse, the media, now totally devoid of integrity, is out echoing the obama campaign's talking points, arguing that these ads are the moral equivalent of romney's ad pointing out that obama, by executive order, has gutted clinton's welfare bill that provides benefits only to those seeking work.  Now, no such effort on the part of recipients is required.  One of NBC's functionaries asked Romney if the campaigns are in a race to the bottom.  Romney was slack-jawed at the thought that there is any sort of moral equivalency to the two ads, since obama's is a collection of bald-faced lies while Romney's is a mild telling of the truth.  We haven't dredged up anything personal about him, Romney told the DNC's Chuck Todd.  Oh, OK!

There has never, in the history of this country, been such a low life holding the reigns of power.  He makes Nixon seem like an angel.  We have always been a noble people, until, that is, the current rabble took control.  This group, beginning with the drone-like obama, sees no lie or distortion they cannot embrace if it will keep obama in power.  Some have speculated from the outset that obama will not cede power.  There were, almost immediately, signs that it was true.  The governor of North Carolina said elections came too fast and the group in power needed more time to get the country on the right path.  She forgot that our willingness to change leaders regularly is what keeps us from falling into the trap that caught Germany, Italy and other western nations.

Some observers, me included, are agog at the spectre of the leaders of one party doing these kinds of things to the country, while the rest of the party sits back and watches, staying silent.  It is the mark of an individual that speaks truth to power.  But now an entire party stays silent while the leaders run as fast as they dare down the rails to an abysmal and cataclysmic new low.  How low?  Nothing is sacrosanct.  Nothing.  It has been said that the aim of obama is to convince the country that Romney is the lowest of the low.  Let me say this:  obama has proven he knows that place extremely well.  

We have gone from the country of John Kennedy to the country of the thug leader.  Thuggery is the rule of the current group, and the rest sit by silent.  The GOP nominates an honest businessman and politician who preaches a middle-of-the-road platform that has been the hallmark of both parties for over one hundred years.  Disagree with it if you want.  Believe that he has an inability to spot evil, even when it is barking at him and standing on his toes.  This is your right.  But don't do so by embracing this low-brow, low-life kind of politics.  And what kind of man allows himself to be at the top of the mob that uses such thuggery?  He is obama.

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