Friday, October 26, 2012

Benghazzi: The horror story gets worse; obama again implicated

More stunning revelations about the massacre at Benghazzi on September 11, 2012 has left even the most grizzled Washington observers slack-jawed and speechless.  Even as the main stream media continues efforts to divert attention away from the story, the story itself apparently has enough energy to run right by the cover-up and barge headfirst into America's living rooms.

Today it was learned that repeated calls for military help on the day of the massacre were turned down by officials in Washington.  These calls came from Americans on the ground in Libya, and apparently included calls for help from the besieged ambassador and the other three Americans, including two Navy Seals, pinned down by Al Qaada terrorists in Benghazzi.  It had been revealed yesterday that the four Americans offered resistance for between five and seven hours, and that at least two Americans were alive until well into the final hour of the siege.  Another report today revealed that American Military assets were ready, willing and able to intervene and even went so far as to request permission themselves to intervene.  They were turned down.  CIA sources said that permission was denied agents seeking to intervene several times during the siege.  The siege itself was caught on video, which was being shown in real time at the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and at Langley, Virginia where the CIA is headquartered.

It is unknown how much, if any, of the video was viewed by obama, who was busy preparing to fly to Las Vegas for a fundraiser.  It is still unknown when obama met with top White House advisers to concoct the "spontaneous demonstration turned deadly" story that they used for ten days to two weeks to coverup their role in the catastrophe.  obama and his top functionaries apparently believed that they could pull off the coverup with the expected help of the main stream media, which has played a compliant and active role in his re-election bid.  The coverup included the jailing of a California man who was a key figure in creating a short film about islam that obama has publicly blamed for the four deaths.  obama knew before making the charge the first time that it was not true.  He made it anyway.

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