Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The GOP and the wimp factor

Everywhere you turn, some obscure or not-so-obscure member of the GOP (with the not-so-obscure racing to obscure status with amazing speed and dexterity) is "hinting" that "new revenue" will have to be part of any solution keeping the government from falling over the so-called fiscal cliff.

Tell me the name of an American member of Congress who is still adamantly opposing tax hikes.  I know of one, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas.  Huelskamp is angry about GOP members who are giving in during an economic meltdown that features a National Debt so large it is difficult to comprehend. Despite the humongous size of the debt, no meaningful cuts of current spending are even on the table and obama is gung-ho on spending billions more.  Got that? obama wants to spend more.  When the only thing that can save us is for obama to implement massive spending cuts, he is insisting on spending more. More spending.  More.  As the national debt skyrockets, obama says: spend more, lots more.

obama is a sinister man; the American Nero in-person.  He tells this ridiculous and sinister story about the only way to save the American economy is to raise taxes on the top two percent of all money earners.  And yet if you are paying even the slightest bit of attention, you will know that even if the government confiscated all of the top two percent's money it would not make even a slight dent in the national debt.  It will solve nothing.  What obama says is a joke and a diversion to his plan to spend more on entitlements.  Entitlements for those who don't know, is welfare and other plans to give people who don't work more money.  obama says it is government money, but the government, all but imbeciles know, is getting its money from you and me.  obama wants to take money from the middleclass and give it to those making little.  He says he isn't going to raise taxes on the middle class.  But he absolutely is.  He is calling attention to the idea of taxing the rich in order to pin the defense of the rich on the GOP.  The GOP is too stupid and spineless to fight obama.  No one, or hardly anyone, will tell obama to knock it off.  No one says that taxing the rich isn't worth talking about because it won't begin to solve the problem.  The only thing that solves the problem is massive spending cuts.  obama won't do it.  and no one will call him on it consistently and vigorously.  obama is sinister and the gop is spineless.  is it clear now?

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