Thursday, October 30, 2014

With Dozens of Close Races Promised on Election Night, One Man Has Done More Than Any Other in Furthering the Prospects for Wholesale Voter Fraud. That Man is Eric Holder

BALTIMORE, Maryland October 30, 2014 - In state after state, district after district, local legislators have followed voter momentum and federal mandates to improve the accuracy and believability of voting practices, all with an eye toward heading off planned voter fraud. Democratic action groups, I'm ashamed to report, are almost always at the forefront of these voter fraud efforts. Democrats have fought to register illegal aliens, the dead, and even non-existent individuals. Groups like Acorn are legendary in their efforts to swell democratic voter rolls no matter how illegal their tactics. States were instructed to improve the honesty, up-to-date posture, and believability of their voting rolls by culling people who had died, people who had moved out of state, and people who have moved and people who have missed so many successive voting opportunities that laws decree their names are to be stricken from the rolls. And every time a state goes about this, Eric Holder and his justice department intervene to block the effort.

Holder uses the language of civil rights, but the days when racial hooliganism was used to limit minority participation are over. The only hooliganism taking place in 2014 is at the behest of the Democratic Party. Republicans are too bashful, afraid, and downright boring to pull the illegal nonsense that the Dems promise at every turn.

And whenever any state tries to clean up the mess, Holder tries to keep it from happening. Consider this:

The Dems are strenuously and diametrically opposed to voter ID cards. They claim it is a ploy to limit minority participation. What they are saying is that minorities are too stupid to obtain the requisite ID cards, but white voters will not have such problems. Really? Is there any minority group in the United States that is that stupid? I didn't think so. But such ID cards will absolutely keep illegal aliens and the like from voting. That would be a huge problem for the Dems, who seem to sign thousands of them up each election day.

Holder takes the same tact when any state or local jurisdiction tries to cull the dead or the moved from their voting rolls. He couches this nonsensical, biased, bigoted ploy in civil rights language also. Obama backs this. And the media doesn't say a word. What kind of country has a major political party openly favor fraudulent voting? Right now, the answer is these United States.

Holder should be indicted.

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