Saturday, November 22, 2014

Obama's Speech: Unbelievable in So Many Ways; Fortunately, Nobody is Shocked By That

BALTIMORE, Maryland November 22, 2014 - The President of the United States took to the Television Bully Pulpit on Thursday Night, but even though he was speaking to all of America, it appeared that his target audience was the crowd that usually is watching E! News, or Gerry Springer. Some of the things Obama said were well nigh unbelievable. You know why they were well nigh unbelievable? They were untrue. But who did Obama think would believe that which he actually said? I am afraid to guess. It would surely rile the Politically Correct Crowd.

Obama said: His administration's record for border security is unmatched in American History. He actually said this. Even as border guards sit in their barracks, unable to do anything, or anything having anything to do with stopping illegal entry into these United States, Obama wants us to believe he has all but slammed the Southern Border shut tight. He points to figures which show the many deportations carried out by his administration. Most Americans have learned that Obama achieves this mark by counting, as deportations, those persons caught in the act and immediately turned around and sent back to Mexico. No other President has counted these persons as That has never before been counted as a deportation, but Obama has the numbers for this act plugged right in, making it look like he really is interested in border security. It is at least very bad faith with the American people. I will stop there.

Obama said: In granting amnesty to well over five million persons who entered these United States illegally, Obama said he is acting no differently than at least eleven other Presidents. This is grossly untrue. It is as if ten Presidents shop lifted an apple from the grocery store, then along came Obama and he stole the Crown Jewels. All eleven stole something, Obama says, including himself. The acts of the previous presidents do not compare in any real way to what Obama has done. But because a fair few number of sadly underinformed Americans still believe things this man says, and a gross majority of main stream media folk still report what he says without the necessary factual underpinnings, some of this garbage will be repeated the next day as if the Lord had spoken those words to Moses.

Obama said: He has the authority to do what he is doing, and what he is doing is legal. He is at least wrong. Unless you watch only MSNBC or some other DNC outlet you have by now seen the very recent video tapes of Obama explaining why he is unable, legally, to do exactly what he has now done. In the videos, he explains to several differnt groups that for him to do what he has just done would be a direct breech of the time-honored, court-approved way to changing existing black letter law. Doing it the right way entails introducing legislation in the Congress and then shepherding it through. He could have accomplished this during the first two years he was President because the Democrats held sway in both houses of the Congress. He chose not to. Do you hear that America? HE CHOSE NOT TO. He sat on his advantages and now, only when these powerful advantages are all gone forever does he pull this dictatorial stunt for the very tired masses, making himself out to be a reasonable victim. Ask yourself how a man who had a virtual and fully legal dictatorship for two very very long years managed to squander this advantage, leaving himself, for his final two years, as a penultimate lame duck, lacking a majority in either the house or senate, and having been so mightily slammed by the electorate that even members of his own party look at him with wary eyes. The answer begins with the false way he sold himself in 2008, campaigning as a moderate. The first half second after he was inaugurated he shed the moderate tag and donned the uber leftist radical uniform he has worn with total beligerance ever since.

Let us go back now to one of Obama's very few real American moments. Called on the carpet by a number of Hispanic Organizations for not moving on immigration when he had a majority in both houses of Congress, Obama appeared and explained, honestly, that he could not accomplish what they wanted unless Congress enacted his legislation. "We are not a dictatorship!" he snapped once on the podium. He said that, sadly, he could not get a pen out and sign some kind of order doing what the group wanted. And what did the group want? Exactly what he purported to give them last week with this so-called Executive Order. What has changed since Obama made those statements, over and over again, just a few years ago? Nothing subjectively. No laws have changed. No relevant part of the Constitution has changed. Certainly Obama changed his mind. He got up one morning and it tickled his fancy to say that he now has the authority to do exactly what he said he didn't have the authority to do just a year or so ago. And that is it. Now, he wants everyone to believe that he now does possess the authority to do what he argued vociferously against just months ago. Funny thing is, he doesn't even give us the respect, as citizens, to explain how this metamorphesis in his thinking took place. What a guy! What a guy!

All of you Far Left Radicals now applauding Obama, I have some sobering thoughts for you. What happens if someone as far right as Obama is far left gets into office sometime in the future, and he says he is going to do exactly what Obama did, only instead of ignoring precedent and the laws in the area of immigration, he goes to town on the laws in the area of religion in the classrooms, or abortion? How about if he or she decides that instead of simply closing the southern border, he is going to stake out a fifty mile demilitarized zone south of the border? And out comes the pen and he signs the order and Voila! It is done! How about if the new GOP Conservative President just does away with the EPA and IRS. Out comes the pen and Voila, it is done!

Obama started it. Rome had a Republic, once. Then it had Emperors. How fast was the transition? Sometimes our system seems slow. Sometimes laws take decades to change. Even good ideas aren't implemented overnight. In retrospect, that seems awful. But sometimes, as hard to believe as it is, society isn't ready for positive change until it gets debated by the public, or by Congress. Over the last 238 years, give or take, we have managed to make an awful lot of right decisions in almost every area imaginable. When Obama says he is tired of waiting, most of the country says, too bad! Most Americans have said, over and over again, that the next time there is an amnesty of any kind it has to be matched with a hard and fast closure of the Southern Border. But Obama is an Uber Leftist, and in his closed and bigoted world, common sense is absolutely prohibited.

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