Thursday, July 14, 2016

Fox Radio News Has Love Affair With Clinton; Forgetting All the While About Objectivity.

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Thursday, July 14, 2016 - A lot of radio stations around the country subscribe - at considerable cost - to Fox Radio News, believing they are getting competent national and international news that is not slanted to the left like the other ultra left mainstream media services.  Sadly, these subscribers are being hosed.  Fox Radio News is just like ABC, NBC, CBS, AP and NPR; that is, they are very far left and intent on staying there.  Even a moderate sampling will prove the point.  For the last two weeks you would swear that Hillary Clinton's run in with the FBI was, basically, a non-event.  The only news about James Comey's very unusual dressing down and criticism of the sociopathic Clinton was a passing reference to the decision not to prosecute.  The fact that Comey spent so much time and space explaining was a liar the presumptive Democratic Nominee is, how lax she was with the most precious national secrets, etc was not news as far as Fox Radio News was concerned.  It didn't end there.  

Hour after hour the news reported about the campaign was 95 percent pro-Hillary and, thus, 95 percent against Donald Trump.  Each hour provided ridiculously edited sound bites about something wonderful Hillary said with no balancing report on why she should not be believed.  When she asked supporters what it would be like if Donald Trump was in charge of the FBI, no one mentioned that she was part of the first administration ever to make wholesale use of the tax agency to attack political opponents.  George Bush Sr. and Jr. were never accused of any such low-call behavior.  But Obama and company certainly have.  If Trump became president and ordered immediate audits of Bill and Hillary, no one would blame him.  In fact, it is long long overdue.  

Donald Trump has never held public office.  He has never been investigated for any crimes.  But listen to sound bites on Fox Radio News and you would think the file on Trump's illegal activities are a mile thick rather than empty.  Criticize Trump's lack of experience and report on it, but don't forget that Hillary spent her four years at the State Department in permanent debacle status.  Even life long Democrats can find no instance when Hillary took up a problem in American foreign policy and did anything other than make it much worse.  Her crowning jewel, of course, is Benghazi.  If you listen to Fox Radio News, can you remember hearing Donald Trump talking about Benghazi?  You cannot.  And this, even though Hillary lied about her role, lied about her activities with respect to the international embarassment, and, worst of all, lied to the families of the dead when their bodies arrived back in America.  That incident, in and of itself, disqualifies her from ever again getting near the White House in the mind of many Americans.

And then there are the polls.  Polls released this week by and large show Trump surging in the polls, both nationally and especially in swing states.  But those objective souls at Fox Radio News must have been held at gunpoint because they got nowhere near the news about those polls.  The only ones the ultra left were reporting on were the outliers and their results in the two states where Hillary, inexplicably, continues to do well.

Fox Radio News has fallen into the disgrace category when objectivity is judged. 

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