BALTIMORE, Maryland, Tuesday, February 28, 2017 and Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - Here we are, a week or so after Donald Trump's pronouncement that the Ultra Left Mainstream Media is, without any doubt, the "Enemy of the People." That's right, here we are. What has actually happened in America since that prodigious pronouncement that was said to have shaken America to its core?
To suffocating praise in the mainstream ultra left media, the Democratic National Committee chose Thomas Perez to be its new leader. Perez, a committed leftist - give the man credit here, he does not try to hide his political beliefs - immediately named the number two finisher in the balloting, Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, to be his top deputy and, for all intents and purposes, co-leader. The reason for this move, both Perez and Ellison explained, was to ensure that the Democrats were united in the their battle against the very bad Donald Trump. Both Perez and Ellison's politics make their predecessor, Debora "Blabbermouth" Schultz, seem like a conservative, and Schultz, a top lieutenant (as it turned out) in Hillary Clinton's failed campaign for president, is no conservative by any stretch of the imagination. (By the way, the "Blabbermouth" tag is not mine, that is what she was called by many conservatives).
I should tell you up front that I was stunned to learn that anybody really argued about the idea that the Press was anti-Trump.
The "Media," as that term is understood by most Americans, is, in this this second decade of the third millennium following the birth of Christ, strictly a foot-soldier and tool of the Ultra Leftist Elites who run the Democratic Party.
It is possible that if you live, say, in Europe or in Africa, Asia or South America, you might not be following events in America close enough to understand this. You should not doubt the truth of this reality. Few in America do, although those still trundling about in the haze of life on the Ultra Left may not have been able to come clean with the the image in the mirror.
Another absolute truth that only those on the Ultra Left still have not come clean about is the trash about Russia affecting the outcome of the fall elections. I am not about to go into another round of spoon feeding here. Just remember this as you go forward. Trump won the fall Presidential Elections by winning, with relative ease, in the United States Electoral College. Russia had nothing to do with this victory.
Rush Limbaugh, expert as always in interpreting the meaning of events, says that Trump's victory will have one certain impact on the Ultra Left that it has, perhaps, not come to grips with just yet. The fact that the Left is out of power to a certain extent, will require it to show its policy choices and its politics much more publicly and much more plainly, than it is comfortable doing. Now, Limbaugh, says, the policy choices the hardcore Ultra Left favors will have to be put on the table. All of America will see exactly where the Ultra Left wants to take America.
I believe that Perez and Ellison are well aware of their situation and have already begun to deal with it. The coming together of Perez and Ellison immediately after the balloting shows how 'desperate' the task of avoiding a splintering of factions is to any chance they have of being successful. Ultimate success, Perez and Ellison said when they spoke jointly later Saturday evening, is winning back elected positions at both the state and national levels. It is truly mind-boggling to see how far the Democrats have fallen during the Obama years. Obama's re-election in 2012 apparently disguised the free-fall the Democratic Party was in during this time. At the national level, Obama took over in 2008 with the Democrats holding majority positions in both houses of Congress. When he left the White House just a few weeks back, the Republicans were firmly in control of the House and still in control of the Senate despite the inter-party brawling that marked the fall campaign.
At the state level the situation for the Democrats is far worse. The GOP is in firm control (by firm, I mean at both the Executive and Legislative levels) of 34 states, while the Democrats have firm control of only 4 states.
Even the Democrats' media lap dogs have been forced to concede this sorry state of affairs.
If there were real actual reporters interested in portraying the actual state of things to American voters, some of the questions they might pose to Perez and Ellison would be centered around the kinds of tactics that should now be considered mainstream and acceptable to attain and hold power in America.
We are coming out of an election cycle in which Democratic operatives right up the ladder to Ms. Clinton thought it was perfectly okay to disguise hired thugs (or, mercenaries, if you are more comfortable with the description) as Trump supporters and to use these disguised thugs (or mercenaries) to start stunningly violent confrontations at quite a few of Trump's campaign appearances (and before anybody tries to divert the subject matter by arguing about how many different appearances the thugs started violence, even one such episode is beyond the pale and should outrage all Americans. If you were a Hillary supporter, just imagine a future campaign in which such tactics were used against your candidate and his or her supporters). . Nobody, least of all the mainstream ultra left media, has inquired about an apology for those responsible, or indictments, for acts that would have been thought outrageous and far out of the mainstream just, well, eight years ago.
Instead - and if you give this any thought at all you will realize how completely shocking it is - the media has been perfectly content to forget all about this all-but-acknowledged thuggery and continue with business as usual. Does this mean that such acts are now not only tolerated but both encouraged and expected by both sides.
Following these events to the logical conclusion, the use of hired mercenaries instigating and participating in street violence has to be considered as fair game going forward. Some will say, why worry, only the Democrats do this. For how long?
And if we don't come to grips with these facts now, we will reap the benefit of our complicity sooner rather than later.
Eight years ago - before Obama - the Ultra Left was not in power. Ultra Left thuggery and fascist politics were deemed outrageous and un-American. There is a real question in 2017 about what America will stomach these days. Its something worth thinking about because nobody on the Democratic Side has even hinted that they apologize for the thuggery or discard the use of similar tactics. How can I say this? Betsy Devos is being guarded by U.S. Marshalls. Violent confrontations have followed Trump across America. When anyone other than an Ultra Leftist has a speech scheduled on college campuses, thuggery breaks out. In Congress, the new ideas of the Ultra Left do not exist. Their one and only contribution to the current political debate is to do everything they can to keep Trump from having his cabinet. That might play well to college age radicals, but it won't play well at all to American voters. And just imagine what will happen if, God Forbid, there is a real terrorist incident. You don't think the Ultra Left will claim responsibility? Have they come that far? I hope that these last two rhetorical questions are my idea of a bad joke. Trump's win left those In the camp of Hillary Clinton and Barack-El Obama with quite the conundrum. These would be leaders (a possibility that was so distasteful to millions of Americans that they went to the polls in droves to make sure it did not come to pass) faced a choice: come clean with the people in the Democratic Party and admit that they ran a badly flawed campaign and their candidate wasn't nearly as wonderful and, more importantly, electable, as they had told everybody, or, in the alternative, they would have to come up with some other explanation for President Trump's victory. These Ultra Leftists live in a never-never land anyway, so their decision to take the second door - the so-called alternate explanation - really isn't that surprising.
Remember, these are people who say that the seas will be boiling within five years if Hillary isn't running America. It seemed perfectly reasonable to these Ultra Leftist ding dongs to scream that the Russians stole the election from Hillary. At first, a bunch of ill-informed liberals bought into it. But when it came to providing a tad of evidence to back up this fairy tale, well, there hasn't been even a shred of such proof to be had. Anyone with an ounce of logic knew that right from the moment this absurdity made the rounds of the mainstream far left media. The proof would be in the evidence. But there wasn't any evidence.
The straight and easy to comprehend truth is that this lie isn't at all funny. The other night, all of the world's insomniacs were treated to more than an hour of sobering discussion about the Ultra Left's Russian Jive. Stephen F. Cohen, a Professor of Russian Studies and History, Emeritus, at NYU, and Professor of Politics Emeritus at Princeton University, who is also among the most distinguished scholars of Russian history in the United States, discussed the Democratic Party's efforts to convince people that the Russians stole the election from Hillary with George Noory, the host of Coast to Coast AM, the nation's most listened to overnight radio show. Cohen had just penned an op-ed piece for the New York Times on this very subject. To say that Mr. Cohen is exasperated and put-out about the DNC's campaign of lies is an understatement. He broke down the DNC's "argument" into six component parts, and looked for evidence that any of the six parts had a factual underpinning. He found none.
Mr. Cohen is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. But there he was, on a national radio hook up, saying in no uncertain terms that the DNC is trying to take Trump out with a story that just isn't true. If you have been paying attention, Mr. Trump calls what the DNC and the media, together, are doing is called Fake News. It is Fake News. Trump won the election with relative ease for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the terminal weakness of the Democratic Candidate, the complete lack of answers to the nation's profound economic problems (you can only tell people about the wonderful economic recovery that took place under Barack-El for so long when, in fact, there was no recovery), and the DNC's backing of policies that are totally contrary to the nation's best interests (when gruesome terror attacks are happening everywhere, the idea that the USA has to admit millions of unvetted immigrants from the part of the world where most of the terrorists get their training is just downright stupid. Yet Obama and Hillary kept saying that we had to, just had to, admit more and more potential terrorists, or we were bigots).
The Russians had nothing to do with Trump's win. The Kremlin might want the rest of the world to believe their espionage and cyber capabilities are great enough to pull something like this off, but (A) their espionage and cyber capabilities are not that great, even against managers as inept as the ones the Obama regime had in charge of their American counterparts; and (B) the Russians never made a serious effort to pull off anything so Herculean as changing the American Election results. If the Russians were to decide to change such an outcome, or even influence such an outcome, it would come in an election where the result would profoundly affect the way the Russian nation would fare in the subsequent four or eight years. In this election, the outcome would profoundly change the fate of the American nation, because either America's rapid free fall would continue if Hillary won, or the free fall would bottom out, finally, and start to improve, finally, if Trump won. Either way, the long term effect on Russia won't be all that dramatic in the near term no matter who won. Thus, the Russians would be extremely reluctant to play their big cards in an election that will not affect them all that much in the near term.
The mainstream media reacted to Rush Limbaugh's interview with Chris Wallace recently as if Limbaugh said something that was a new and completely novel idea, that no one in their right mind would or could ever think that they were the people's enemy. If you are just stupid, let me spoon feed it to you. (I know I said I wouldn't do this again, but here I go). Obama said up front that he'd change America. He did. The media described these awful changes as good things. They described how wonderful it was to have a vastly weakened military at a time when our enemies - Russia, China and Iran chief among them - were expanding and beefing up their military might as fast as they possibly could. The Leftist Media ecstatically wrote about the mindless anti-American deal that will bring nuclear weaponry to Iran. And when Obama and Frau Hillary did the quadruple massacre in Benghazi, they covered it up, keeping obvious facts from the American Citizenry for years. They knew what happened in Benghazi but they sat silently when Ms. Rice went on national TV a few days later and told bald faced lie after bald faced lie. How about that stupid debate when Candy "I love that Barack!" Crowley actually helped Obama answer a question he was stuck on. Real reporters were kicking in their TV screens, but you didn't hear about it because in reality, there are very few of these people still around. Where once there were reporters, now there are stool pigeons. Are they the people's enemy, these Tass Wannabes? They damn sure are. Case closed.
Most Americans are either conservative or conservatively leaning moderates. It doesn't bother me to say that even though I was a liberal for most of my life. I was so comfortable with conservative folk because most of the people in my family were conservative. It was people like John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, Martin Luther King and Woodward and Bernstein who got me to thinking that conservative politics weren't the road ahead for These United States. Today, the people who have taken over these roles show no inclination whatsoever in pursuing the Democrats who voted for Trump. Do they think there are no voters to be recruited to take their place?
I don't get it. I wonder what this means for the Democratic Party moving forward. Is there another way back to power for the Democrats that the two new leaders know about?
Honest and always Idealistic Reports and Commentaries on World and National Events, the Arts, Sports, Books and Literature, Religion, and anything else that comes to the author's attention.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Breaking News: Americans Have Come to a Fork in the Road: Go Left to Anarchy or Stay on the Road to Freedom and Liberty; There are no Thugs Driving the Train on the Road to Freedom
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Monday, February 20, 2017 and Friday, February 17, 2017 - I initially posted this story on Friday. Now I have rewritten and changed much of it.
Lawyers, at least those with a functioning brain, have a saying that bad facts lead to bad law. The ongoing ordeal the USA suffers through in this start up of the Trump years is a case that illustrates this point. All of the American ideals and traditions of good government, of full and equal opportunity, of respect for the ultimate fairness and nobility of democracy, reverance for the concept of one man-one vote, respect for human decency, honor for the goal of liberty and justice for each human being, and ultimate respect and admiration for the rule of law in These United States, not to mention lasting clear respect for human freedom; all of these have been thrown forcefully out the window. In the place of these wonderful and noble ideas and traditions are the now daily doses - and we mean large sour and very putrid doses - of pure sick and disgusting anarchy. Riots in the street, riots in the Congress, riots in the states. The thing is, if you are actually paying attention, these riots are not naturally occurring; they don't consist of a large group of angry people spilling out into the streets each and every day to address some very obvious societal wrong. No sir. These daily shows (and that is all that they are: Vaudville shows) are staged by a bad person, an international pariah, who, sadly, has a lot of ill-gotten money at his disposal, money he has used to matriculate here to these United States. The person of whom we speak, George Soros, working with B. Hussein Obama, rounds up a cabal of thugs, and then these thugs go and play out these staged and scripted faux riots. The latest manifestation of this sickness were a couple of "films" of little children acting out a "movie" of anti-Trumpisms, as if little children would think of trash like this. All of this stuff is, to quote our leader, "fake." It even feels fake, it even looks fake, it even smells fake. Why? Because it is fake.
The Soros and Obama Thug Show features thugs who show up places and disrupt. On another day, the thug team shows up places and riots. Then they show up places and stage all manner of things directly resembling anarchy. But these despotic plays and shows are nothing more than stage names for anarchy, because there are virtually no Americans who are just doing these awful things because they seem like good ideas. They are very bad ideas, sick ideas. Americans don't want this, even the many who voted against Trump. As Ms. Kidman said and Mr. McConaughey said, it's time to rally behind Trump because, like it or not, he is the President. We elected him. At least, that is how I conceptualized the task at hand. I was sitting staring out into space - something I am prone to do when there is a problem I need to solve - and it struck me that Obama has to be about the most bitter and self-centered (and vapid) man on earth to have sunk so far down the moral and ethical ladder to get himself involved with running this thug squad that he and Soros are running in, apparently, a very hands-on way.
Thugs here. Thugs there. Thugs all over the place, and each and everyone of these low-brow people answering directly to Obama and Soros and their closest minions. One man was our President. The other is one of the richest on Earth, through hook or crook. For eight years Obama held the reigns of power in his hands. Soros stood just off stage in the shadows. Together, they wielded the greatest military power. Together, they wielded the greatest technological advancements, holding them at their fingertips for use anywhere on earth. A veritable who's who of brilliant people, all at their beck and call, people who could flesh out the ideas the two came up with and then form and mold these ideas into usable tools to solve mankind's most vexing problems. Eight years all of this was theirs. Eight years. And then, one of the most amazing and stunning phenomenons known to mankind: the peaceful changing of power - the same peaceful change that put Obama into power then put his replacement into power - left Obama and his family with money and resources to continue contributing to society from a higher plane, while his replacement dug in to tackle the day-to-day issues that a head of state confronts.
None of this was enough for somebody like Obama or for Soros; both have this sociopathic sense of narcissistic entitlement that is far beyond anything Americans are familiar with. When you believe the world owes it to you to do everything you say it should do, in the way you say it should be done, well, you aren't going to keep your nose out of things even if your life depends on it.
Our form of government does not curtail a former president's life in any way whatsoever. The one and only restriction on his life, going forward, is that he can no longer be president of these United States. This one restriction is not part of the original constitution. It was added to USA law following the four elections of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Even though most Americans loved and adored Roosevelt - God knows I adore him, and I wasn't even born when he departed this life - there was a feeling among most Americans that Roosevelt and the times he lived in was a story that should not be repeated. As Wikipedia reports, Americans have long opposed any person serving more than two terms as President. The first elected President, George Washington, almost certainly could have run for and won as many terms as he chose. A great many Americans wanted him to be King of the United States, and if he had acquiesced, he could've been King, so great was te admiration and respect the citizenry as a whole had for the great man. Washington, however, thought eight years was enough. There is evidence that the main reason he did not seek a third term was his health. Others believed it was to set an example. From Washington's time until FDR's time, there was much discussion about setting a two-term limit on the presidency. Even Roosevelt's decision to run for a third term was something he didn't relish making. As the Democrats came together at their 1940 Convention, Roosevelt wrote a letter to the Convention, saying he would only run if they "drafted" him. World War II had started, although the USA'a entry into the actual fighting was still more than a year away (the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor happened on December 7, 1941). Nonetheless, many, if not most Americans were aware that America's entry was inevitable, and Roosevelt had just guided the USA through the Great Depression. It was the one time that neither side was all that anxious to change leaders.
The situation today could not be more different. A lot of Americans would be happy if there was a one-term limit on the Presidency. After the Obama experience, how far away can we be from a law severely limiting a President's participation in post-term politics.
As I sat and contemplated how bitter and vapid a man has to be to end eight years of omnipotence and have to plunge immediately into deviously screwing another man's effort to run the same nation. Trump was duly elected. Before Trump was duly elected, Obama was duly elected. Both came to power in the same way. As for how a president acts toward his predecessor, Obama's treatment of his predecessor is not the stuff of legend. In short, he treated him terribly, blaming him for any and every problem America has, whether or not Bush had anything to do with it. And heaven only knows how hard Obama tried to preserve Bush's accomplishments. Sure he did.
But there is no use griping about what Obama is doing to Trump. Why? Griping about Obama won't change anything. He is doing what he is doing because he can and because he thinks he is so wonderful and smart that America needs him to do it. In reality, of course, nothing could possibly be further from the truth. What we need is for him to get out of today's politics and take his thugs with him. How could anybody - and I mean any sane thinking American of either party - think that a former President rounding up actual thugs and then turning them loose on the incoming administration is a good idaa. Whatever you think of Trump, he has appointed a cabinet of distinguished Americans who know how to govern. Turning thugs loose on them? Really. Do you know that Ms. Devos, the Secretary of Education, now has U.S. Marshalls guarding her around the clock because she has already been physically attacked trying to enter a public school. Good idea turning loose thugs? Talk about setting a precedent. If Obama does it, any former president will feel entitled to do it. Think of some of the Ultra Leftists Obama put in charge. I've heard people say it will take years to clean up the awful mess Obama has made of American foreign policy. Word came today that the American embassy in Macedonia was used by George Soros and his functionaries to overturn the existing government there. Our embassy was used by Soros. What? What? What? Now, the former President is directing a band of thugs. And Trump is the problem? How really sick is what Obama is doing? I'll give you a hint, it is very sick.
Watch the mainstream media bury this. What kind of American would bury this stuff and allow somebody like Soros run roughshod with American power? I was a journalist, and I cannot imagine in a million years allowing myself to be used for this kind of stuff by people like this.
What America has to do is stop Obama and stop Soros. This kind of stuff is very bery sick. It isn't OK. Soros is not a good person. Does anybody on the Ultra Left really think Soros is ok? Is it OK for him to be in charge of anything. Do you want somebody like him telling your family how to live and where to live and what to do? Once we realize that Obama and Soros won't stop themselves - and they won't - Americans have to band together to put a stop to this sickness. A former president directing thugs to screw up the next administration is about the pit of reality.
The best thing about the United States of America is that we are free: free to think, free to act, free to speak, free to decide how to handle certain situations we encounter. Except when we deny others their freedom, there is no limit on our freedom. Tens of millions of American men and women have given their lives to preserve that freedom, that liberty that makes us different from other nations throughout history.
Obama wants to change that. Soros hates democracy and capitalism. They both abhor the first amendment. A strong central government naturally opposes liberty. A strong central government cannot stand up to a barrage of criticism. It won't stay strong. A limited government whose primary duty and obligation is defending the people it serves has no trouble with criticism. Criticism is good. Take a really stupid example, take Michelle's school lunch mandates. Michelle wanted to be able to order children to eat a certain menu for lunch. If the kids brought something from home that was different than what was ordained for them to eat, she wanted the school administration to take the home-packed lunch and give the kids the awful looking and tasting vegan stuff she'd come up with. But the kids weren't going to eat the Michelle lunch. They literally threw it out. What Mom sent in might, perhaps, lack a bit in some nutrient requirement, but the mom knew what her kids were willing to eat. The kids got more nutrition eating what mom packed, because they actually ate it. The Michelle lunch might have more nutrition, but only if it were being eaten. But it was being thrown out.
A free nation will have researchers, many of them private, putting out facts and studies educating families on the latest news in nutrition. But they won't make people, mothers, follow their findings.
Trump wants to delay entry to certain immigrant classes until his government can properly vet them. If that delay lingers on too long, you can bet the loyal opposition will scream bloody murder. But if Trump totally capitulates to the ultra left and stops trying to weed out the terrorists, the entire nation will suffer. What Trump is doing seems a reasonable compromise. More importantly, it is what he was elected to do.
The three judge panel apparently realizes the egregious error they made and is looking for ways around it. I hope they feel severely chastened. Maybe a happy ending is at hand. Wow.
Lawyers, at least those with a functioning brain, have a saying that bad facts lead to bad law. The ongoing ordeal the USA suffers through in this start up of the Trump years is a case that illustrates this point. All of the American ideals and traditions of good government, of full and equal opportunity, of respect for the ultimate fairness and nobility of democracy, reverance for the concept of one man-one vote, respect for human decency, honor for the goal of liberty and justice for each human being, and ultimate respect and admiration for the rule of law in These United States, not to mention lasting clear respect for human freedom; all of these have been thrown forcefully out the window. In the place of these wonderful and noble ideas and traditions are the now daily doses - and we mean large sour and very putrid doses - of pure sick and disgusting anarchy. Riots in the street, riots in the Congress, riots in the states. The thing is, if you are actually paying attention, these riots are not naturally occurring; they don't consist of a large group of angry people spilling out into the streets each and every day to address some very obvious societal wrong. No sir. These daily shows (and that is all that they are: Vaudville shows) are staged by a bad person, an international pariah, who, sadly, has a lot of ill-gotten money at his disposal, money he has used to matriculate here to these United States. The person of whom we speak, George Soros, working with B. Hussein Obama, rounds up a cabal of thugs, and then these thugs go and play out these staged and scripted faux riots. The latest manifestation of this sickness were a couple of "films" of little children acting out a "movie" of anti-Trumpisms, as if little children would think of trash like this. All of this stuff is, to quote our leader, "fake." It even feels fake, it even looks fake, it even smells fake. Why? Because it is fake.
The Soros and Obama Thug Show features thugs who show up places and disrupt. On another day, the thug team shows up places and riots. Then they show up places and stage all manner of things directly resembling anarchy. But these despotic plays and shows are nothing more than stage names for anarchy, because there are virtually no Americans who are just doing these awful things because they seem like good ideas. They are very bad ideas, sick ideas. Americans don't want this, even the many who voted against Trump. As Ms. Kidman said and Mr. McConaughey said, it's time to rally behind Trump because, like it or not, he is the President. We elected him. At least, that is how I conceptualized the task at hand. I was sitting staring out into space - something I am prone to do when there is a problem I need to solve - and it struck me that Obama has to be about the most bitter and self-centered (and vapid) man on earth to have sunk so far down the moral and ethical ladder to get himself involved with running this thug squad that he and Soros are running in, apparently, a very hands-on way.
Thugs here. Thugs there. Thugs all over the place, and each and everyone of these low-brow people answering directly to Obama and Soros and their closest minions. One man was our President. The other is one of the richest on Earth, through hook or crook. For eight years Obama held the reigns of power in his hands. Soros stood just off stage in the shadows. Together, they wielded the greatest military power. Together, they wielded the greatest technological advancements, holding them at their fingertips for use anywhere on earth. A veritable who's who of brilliant people, all at their beck and call, people who could flesh out the ideas the two came up with and then form and mold these ideas into usable tools to solve mankind's most vexing problems. Eight years all of this was theirs. Eight years. And then, one of the most amazing and stunning phenomenons known to mankind: the peaceful changing of power - the same peaceful change that put Obama into power then put his replacement into power - left Obama and his family with money and resources to continue contributing to society from a higher plane, while his replacement dug in to tackle the day-to-day issues that a head of state confronts.
None of this was enough for somebody like Obama or for Soros; both have this sociopathic sense of narcissistic entitlement that is far beyond anything Americans are familiar with. When you believe the world owes it to you to do everything you say it should do, in the way you say it should be done, well, you aren't going to keep your nose out of things even if your life depends on it.
Our form of government does not curtail a former president's life in any way whatsoever. The one and only restriction on his life, going forward, is that he can no longer be president of these United States. This one restriction is not part of the original constitution. It was added to USA law following the four elections of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Even though most Americans loved and adored Roosevelt - God knows I adore him, and I wasn't even born when he departed this life - there was a feeling among most Americans that Roosevelt and the times he lived in was a story that should not be repeated. As Wikipedia reports, Americans have long opposed any person serving more than two terms as President. The first elected President, George Washington, almost certainly could have run for and won as many terms as he chose. A great many Americans wanted him to be King of the United States, and if he had acquiesced, he could've been King, so great was te admiration and respect the citizenry as a whole had for the great man. Washington, however, thought eight years was enough. There is evidence that the main reason he did not seek a third term was his health. Others believed it was to set an example. From Washington's time until FDR's time, there was much discussion about setting a two-term limit on the presidency. Even Roosevelt's decision to run for a third term was something he didn't relish making. As the Democrats came together at their 1940 Convention, Roosevelt wrote a letter to the Convention, saying he would only run if they "drafted" him. World War II had started, although the USA'a entry into the actual fighting was still more than a year away (the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor happened on December 7, 1941). Nonetheless, many, if not most Americans were aware that America's entry was inevitable, and Roosevelt had just guided the USA through the Great Depression. It was the one time that neither side was all that anxious to change leaders.
The situation today could not be more different. A lot of Americans would be happy if there was a one-term limit on the Presidency. After the Obama experience, how far away can we be from a law severely limiting a President's participation in post-term politics.
As I sat and contemplated how bitter and vapid a man has to be to end eight years of omnipotence and have to plunge immediately into deviously screwing another man's effort to run the same nation. Trump was duly elected. Before Trump was duly elected, Obama was duly elected. Both came to power in the same way. As for how a president acts toward his predecessor, Obama's treatment of his predecessor is not the stuff of legend. In short, he treated him terribly, blaming him for any and every problem America has, whether or not Bush had anything to do with it. And heaven only knows how hard Obama tried to preserve Bush's accomplishments. Sure he did.
But there is no use griping about what Obama is doing to Trump. Why? Griping about Obama won't change anything. He is doing what he is doing because he can and because he thinks he is so wonderful and smart that America needs him to do it. In reality, of course, nothing could possibly be further from the truth. What we need is for him to get out of today's politics and take his thugs with him. How could anybody - and I mean any sane thinking American of either party - think that a former President rounding up actual thugs and then turning them loose on the incoming administration is a good idaa. Whatever you think of Trump, he has appointed a cabinet of distinguished Americans who know how to govern. Turning thugs loose on them? Really. Do you know that Ms. Devos, the Secretary of Education, now has U.S. Marshalls guarding her around the clock because she has already been physically attacked trying to enter a public school. Good idea turning loose thugs? Talk about setting a precedent. If Obama does it, any former president will feel entitled to do it. Think of some of the Ultra Leftists Obama put in charge. I've heard people say it will take years to clean up the awful mess Obama has made of American foreign policy. Word came today that the American embassy in Macedonia was used by George Soros and his functionaries to overturn the existing government there. Our embassy was used by Soros. What? What? What? Now, the former President is directing a band of thugs. And Trump is the problem? How really sick is what Obama is doing? I'll give you a hint, it is very sick.
Watch the mainstream media bury this. What kind of American would bury this stuff and allow somebody like Soros run roughshod with American power? I was a journalist, and I cannot imagine in a million years allowing myself to be used for this kind of stuff by people like this.
What America has to do is stop Obama and stop Soros. This kind of stuff is very bery sick. It isn't OK. Soros is not a good person. Does anybody on the Ultra Left really think Soros is ok? Is it OK for him to be in charge of anything. Do you want somebody like him telling your family how to live and where to live and what to do? Once we realize that Obama and Soros won't stop themselves - and they won't - Americans have to band together to put a stop to this sickness. A former president directing thugs to screw up the next administration is about the pit of reality.
The best thing about the United States of America is that we are free: free to think, free to act, free to speak, free to decide how to handle certain situations we encounter. Except when we deny others their freedom, there is no limit on our freedom. Tens of millions of American men and women have given their lives to preserve that freedom, that liberty that makes us different from other nations throughout history.
Obama wants to change that. Soros hates democracy and capitalism. They both abhor the first amendment. A strong central government naturally opposes liberty. A strong central government cannot stand up to a barrage of criticism. It won't stay strong. A limited government whose primary duty and obligation is defending the people it serves has no trouble with criticism. Criticism is good. Take a really stupid example, take Michelle's school lunch mandates. Michelle wanted to be able to order children to eat a certain menu for lunch. If the kids brought something from home that was different than what was ordained for them to eat, she wanted the school administration to take the home-packed lunch and give the kids the awful looking and tasting vegan stuff she'd come up with. But the kids weren't going to eat the Michelle lunch. They literally threw it out. What Mom sent in might, perhaps, lack a bit in some nutrient requirement, but the mom knew what her kids were willing to eat. The kids got more nutrition eating what mom packed, because they actually ate it. The Michelle lunch might have more nutrition, but only if it were being eaten. But it was being thrown out.
A free nation will have researchers, many of them private, putting out facts and studies educating families on the latest news in nutrition. But they won't make people, mothers, follow their findings.
Trump wants to delay entry to certain immigrant classes until his government can properly vet them. If that delay lingers on too long, you can bet the loyal opposition will scream bloody murder. But if Trump totally capitulates to the ultra left and stops trying to weed out the terrorists, the entire nation will suffer. What Trump is doing seems a reasonable compromise. More importantly, it is what he was elected to do.
The three judge panel apparently realizes the egregious error they made and is looking for ways around it. I hope they feel severely chastened. Maybe a happy ending is at hand. Wow.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
The "Press Conference" that was a Press Shout Down
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Thursday, February 16, 2017 - It was called a "news conference." What it really was, in actual fact, was the President giving the big boys and girls in the Mainstream Ultra Left Media a severe tongue-lashing. God knows they deserve it. Their arrogance and narcissism is astounding. Yet one of them had the audacity to stand up and tell Trump that he was doing a "disservice" to the country by ripping the press.
What the mainstream media does these days bears no resemblance to journalism. There is no reporting of factual news. Trump pointed out several facts that were either not reported at all or so poorly reported that most Americans know little about it. How many Americans who get all or most of their news from the so-called big 5 (CBS, ABC, NBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times) know that Hillary Clinton swung a deal that resulted in Vladimir Putin and the Russians buying some 20% of the USA's known reserves of uranium? She really did, and the mainstream press did not report it. Trump asked the assembled media why the mainstream press did not report that Hillary was supplied - in advance - some of the questions to be posed to her during her debates with both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. He could have asked, but didn't, why no one from Hillary's campaign was ever called on to apologize for sending thugs to Trump's political rallies to start fights in which people were badly hurt. The media not only didn't insist on Hillary apologizing, they didn't even report on it. The election was held without Hillary even having to answer for such criminal activity. Trump asked during the press conference what the press would've done if he and not Hillary had done any of those things. I would've loved it if Trump would've asked one of the media types why they favored Hillary. What was it about someone who is the one responsible for Benghazi and the four American deaths that caused them to do all these things to her benefit and not Trump's.
We know the answer to that question, but wouldn't it be great if just once one of them would be put under the media spotlight to explain such insane thinking?
At the get together this afternoon at the White House, Trump defended Lt. General Flynn, saying the only reason he was asked to resign is because of his partial lack of candor with the Vice President. I would love it if Trump did an about-face and rehired Flynn. As we reported yesterday, Flynn is one of the few people who have their arms around the real evil tucked into the Iran deal. Without Flynn, there is every possibility that Obama will get away with keeping the "secret" parts of the Iran deal out of the public eye. And that would be beyond tragic. We speculated yesterday that the part of the deal Obama is willing to do just about anything to keep private are the parts of the deal that force the USA to side with Iran, militarily, if Israel attacks Iran to keep it from having a functioning nuclear weapon. Can you imagine American aircraft shooting down Israeli jets trying to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities? The USA needs to be ready to help Israel in such an attack, come hell or high water. I hope Trump realizes that. I cannot believe he would ever force USA military assets to be used against Israel. I think there is a good chance that some USA military units would refuse to participate in such operations. Then where would we be?
Of course, if Hillary had actually prevailed, such actual events might be closer than we care to think about.
What the mainstream media does these days bears no resemblance to journalism. There is no reporting of factual news. Trump pointed out several facts that were either not reported at all or so poorly reported that most Americans know little about it. How many Americans who get all or most of their news from the so-called big 5 (CBS, ABC, NBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times) know that Hillary Clinton swung a deal that resulted in Vladimir Putin and the Russians buying some 20% of the USA's known reserves of uranium? She really did, and the mainstream press did not report it. Trump asked the assembled media why the mainstream press did not report that Hillary was supplied - in advance - some of the questions to be posed to her during her debates with both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. He could have asked, but didn't, why no one from Hillary's campaign was ever called on to apologize for sending thugs to Trump's political rallies to start fights in which people were badly hurt. The media not only didn't insist on Hillary apologizing, they didn't even report on it. The election was held without Hillary even having to answer for such criminal activity. Trump asked during the press conference what the press would've done if he and not Hillary had done any of those things. I would've loved it if Trump would've asked one of the media types why they favored Hillary. What was it about someone who is the one responsible for Benghazi and the four American deaths that caused them to do all these things to her benefit and not Trump's.
We know the answer to that question, but wouldn't it be great if just once one of them would be put under the media spotlight to explain such insane thinking?
At the get together this afternoon at the White House, Trump defended Lt. General Flynn, saying the only reason he was asked to resign is because of his partial lack of candor with the Vice President. I would love it if Trump did an about-face and rehired Flynn. As we reported yesterday, Flynn is one of the few people who have their arms around the real evil tucked into the Iran deal. Without Flynn, there is every possibility that Obama will get away with keeping the "secret" parts of the Iran deal out of the public eye. And that would be beyond tragic. We speculated yesterday that the part of the deal Obama is willing to do just about anything to keep private are the parts of the deal that force the USA to side with Iran, militarily, if Israel attacks Iran to keep it from having a functioning nuclear weapon. Can you imagine American aircraft shooting down Israeli jets trying to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities? The USA needs to be ready to help Israel in such an attack, come hell or high water. I hope Trump realizes that. I cannot believe he would ever force USA military assets to be used against Israel. I think there is a good chance that some USA military units would refuse to participate in such operations. Then where would we be?
Of course, if Hillary had actually prevailed, such actual events might be closer than we care to think about.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Rogue Leftists – Organized By and Answering To Obama - Practice Debauched Form of Sabotage on Trump Administration; Sports: Maryland Baseball Season Begins in Two Days
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Wednesday, February 15, 2017 -
The New York Times, that purveyor of all things Far Left, concedes that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn broke no laws. Should I say that a second time so that it sinks in everywhere? Amidst all of the ridiculous nonsense that was banged out yesterday by Mainstream Media Functionaries organized by and answering to the Former President, Barack Hussein Obama, the New York Times concedes that no laws were broke at any time by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Further, the Times also concedes that there is no evidence – none – that Trump colluded with the Russians to affect the autumn Presidential Election.
Say what?
Turns out that all of this, all of It, is pure Ultra Left nonsense. There is nothing of substance going on. Flynn, a wonderful and dedicated patriot, is thrown overboard by an over-reacting administration. And the administration did so to placate the putrid Ultra Left, and this because Obama organized and deployed a bunch of debauched functionaries whose only purpose in life is flipping Donald Trump off the national stage. And all of this because Trump had the audacity to defeat her majesty, Hillary Clinton, in the said elections. How dare he! How dare he!
The award for the American people in turning such an outcome is a daily dose of stupidity in the streets. The Secretary of Education is blocked from entering a school where she hopes to help poor children improve their academic scores. Cabinet secretaries are kept from their posts for no apparent reason. And Chuckie Schumer tells us the overwhelming importance of all of these patriotic acts by his cadre of mindless thugs. You go Chuck! You go there and we will watch carefully to see if it is true that you are acting because your foolish party got voted out, and not because you have any plan to help America. One thing for certain about the Ultra Left. They could care less about America. They care only for the Ultra Left.
Obama and his abjectly debauched functionaries are petrified that the “top secret” parts of his obscene deal with the Iranians, a deal that will result in the Iranians becoming a nuclear power, will now become public. You remember that deal, that highlight of Obama's well thought out foreign policy. The USA gives the Iranians tens of billions of dollars while at the same time standing aside while the Iranians get a nuclear weapon. You may have forgotten, however, that there were 'secret' parts of that deal that Obama and friends desperately wanted to keep the public from learning about. Michael Flynn was about the make those 'secret parts' public. So they aimed for him and now they have shot him down. With Flynn out, there is some chance they can avoid what, for Obama and what one observer calls his “Shadow Government,” can avoid the public vetting of these obscene and debauched top secret parts of the deal.
What is it that Obama is hell bent to keep out of the public eye? I have no idea, but I’d be willing to bet that Obama and his administration have promised, on the USA’s behalf, to fight against Israel if Israel moves militarily against Iran.
Swish that around for a minute. True, I might be wrong. I might be. But the only thing I can think of that would cause Obama and his functionaries to go to such radical extremes to keep out of the public eye are parts of the Iranian deal that pledges the USA to ally with Iran against Israel if Israel moves militarily to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear nation.
That would be beyond awful. It is the kind of deal that might rip the USA military apart. Some units simply would refuse to fight the Israelis. It'd be like shooting missiles at an old and trusted friend. And making that outcome even more likely is the idea that USA soldiers would have to shoot a trusted friend on behalf of an old and diabolical enemy.
Something like that gets out and you can kiss that Obama legacy good bye!
Sports: Terp Baseball Season Starts Friday at Clearwater Tournament; Maryland to Square Off with Ball State in 2017 Opener
True, it is only February. And true, it is cold and windy outside. But down south it is warmer and happier and the NCAA Baseball Season is about to start. Friday night at 7 pm Maryland takes on Ball State in the first game of the season.
On Saturday night, the Terps will tangle with Louisville, before coming right back on Sunday morning for a game with Alabama State. The following weekend, Maryland will be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a three game series with LSU. Maryland then returns home for a game with James Madison on March 1, before returning to the sunny and warmer south to participate in the USA Baseball - Irish Classic in Cary, North Carolina. Over that first weekend in March the Terps will play Notre Dame, North Carolina State and Dayton.
Maryland's 35-man roster includes 6 seniors and seven freshmen. After two straight seasons in which they advanced to the NCAA Super Regionals, Maryland failed to qualify for the NCAA tournament last season.
Can spring be far away?
The New York Times, that purveyor of all things Far Left, concedes that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn broke no laws. Should I say that a second time so that it sinks in everywhere? Amidst all of the ridiculous nonsense that was banged out yesterday by Mainstream Media Functionaries organized by and answering to the Former President, Barack Hussein Obama, the New York Times concedes that no laws were broke at any time by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Further, the Times also concedes that there is no evidence – none – that Trump colluded with the Russians to affect the autumn Presidential Election.
Say what?
Turns out that all of this, all of It, is pure Ultra Left nonsense. There is nothing of substance going on. Flynn, a wonderful and dedicated patriot, is thrown overboard by an over-reacting administration. And the administration did so to placate the putrid Ultra Left, and this because Obama organized and deployed a bunch of debauched functionaries whose only purpose in life is flipping Donald Trump off the national stage. And all of this because Trump had the audacity to defeat her majesty, Hillary Clinton, in the said elections. How dare he! How dare he!
The award for the American people in turning such an outcome is a daily dose of stupidity in the streets. The Secretary of Education is blocked from entering a school where she hopes to help poor children improve their academic scores. Cabinet secretaries are kept from their posts for no apparent reason. And Chuckie Schumer tells us the overwhelming importance of all of these patriotic acts by his cadre of mindless thugs. You go Chuck! You go there and we will watch carefully to see if it is true that you are acting because your foolish party got voted out, and not because you have any plan to help America. One thing for certain about the Ultra Left. They could care less about America. They care only for the Ultra Left.
Obama and his abjectly debauched functionaries are petrified that the “top secret” parts of his obscene deal with the Iranians, a deal that will result in the Iranians becoming a nuclear power, will now become public. You remember that deal, that highlight of Obama's well thought out foreign policy. The USA gives the Iranians tens of billions of dollars while at the same time standing aside while the Iranians get a nuclear weapon. You may have forgotten, however, that there were 'secret' parts of that deal that Obama and friends desperately wanted to keep the public from learning about. Michael Flynn was about the make those 'secret parts' public. So they aimed for him and now they have shot him down. With Flynn out, there is some chance they can avoid what, for Obama and what one observer calls his “Shadow Government,” can avoid the public vetting of these obscene and debauched top secret parts of the deal.
What is it that Obama is hell bent to keep out of the public eye? I have no idea, but I’d be willing to bet that Obama and his administration have promised, on the USA’s behalf, to fight against Israel if Israel moves militarily against Iran.
Swish that around for a minute. True, I might be wrong. I might be. But the only thing I can think of that would cause Obama and his functionaries to go to such radical extremes to keep out of the public eye are parts of the Iranian deal that pledges the USA to ally with Iran against Israel if Israel moves militarily to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear nation.
That would be beyond awful. It is the kind of deal that might rip the USA military apart. Some units simply would refuse to fight the Israelis. It'd be like shooting missiles at an old and trusted friend. And making that outcome even more likely is the idea that USA soldiers would have to shoot a trusted friend on behalf of an old and diabolical enemy.
Something like that gets out and you can kiss that Obama legacy good bye!
Sports: Terp Baseball Season Starts Friday at Clearwater Tournament; Maryland to Square Off with Ball State in 2017 Opener
True, it is only February. And true, it is cold and windy outside. But down south it is warmer and happier and the NCAA Baseball Season is about to start. Friday night at 7 pm Maryland takes on Ball State in the first game of the season.
On Saturday night, the Terps will tangle with Louisville, before coming right back on Sunday morning for a game with Alabama State. The following weekend, Maryland will be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a three game series with LSU. Maryland then returns home for a game with James Madison on March 1, before returning to the sunny and warmer south to participate in the USA Baseball - Irish Classic in Cary, North Carolina. Over that first weekend in March the Terps will play Notre Dame, North Carolina State and Dayton.
Maryland's 35-man roster includes 6 seniors and seven freshmen. After two straight seasons in which they advanced to the NCAA Super Regionals, Maryland failed to qualify for the NCAA tournament last season.
Can spring be far away?
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Burnley and Chelsea in Scintillating Draw at "Fortress Turf Moor"
sBALTIMORE, Maryland, Sunday, February 12, 2017 - In the snow and cold that is this Sunday in the Northern England town of Lancashire, Burnley is rising up, straight up, and what's more, they are doing right before your very own eyes. Out on the pitch, the Number One side in the Premier League has came to ancient Turf Moor, thinking it will walk all over the locals and leave with a very easy win. But Chelsea is in the process of learning a very nasty lesson. On this bitter February day, Chelsea will not leave with a win. They will catch a bit of luck and escape with a draw that they really don't deserve. True, they jump out to a 1-0 lead. But it will not stand. Burnley had gone out and signed precocious Robbie Brady for what, for the Claret, is a record amount. Turned loose on Chelsea, Brady's set piece in the 24th minute eludes the diving Blues' Keeper, Thibaut Courtois, to knot the score.
The match never was unknotted.
The BBC now calls Burnley's Home Stadium, "Fortress Turf Moor." This is because all but one of Burnley's 30 points have been earned there. In fact - and what an amazing fact it is - the Claret's home record is just as good as any teams in the top flight. Hard to believe, really, when the budget and resources are considered. And Burnley came so close to beating powerful Chelsea. Matt Lowdon made a strong run in the penalty area, only to have Courtois somehow deny his bid. Later, Andre Gray got in on Courtois and rifled a low blistering shot to the superb keeper's right, but Courtois was equal and this, in and of itself, spared those Blues from a totally fruitless trip to snowy Lancashire. Consider this stunning fact: Chelsea did not have even a single shot on goal in the second half. No wonder the BBC named Claret defender Michael Keane the player of the match. The right snitty football press immediately bemoaned the failure by Chelsea to secure all three available points. But the ones saying this either didn't see the match, or watched but did not really see. Said the BBC, "In the end, [Chelsea] manager Antonio Conte will perhaps consider this a point gained." instead of two points lost.
The fact is - the real reality is - Burnley is rising, rising fast, and Chelsea was fortunate to have caught them this day, and held them to only one point, instead of the three they really deserved.
The match never was unknotted.
The BBC now calls Burnley's Home Stadium, "Fortress Turf Moor." This is because all but one of Burnley's 30 points have been earned there. In fact - and what an amazing fact it is - the Claret's home record is just as good as any teams in the top flight. Hard to believe, really, when the budget and resources are considered. And Burnley came so close to beating powerful Chelsea. Matt Lowdon made a strong run in the penalty area, only to have Courtois somehow deny his bid. Later, Andre Gray got in on Courtois and rifled a low blistering shot to the superb keeper's right, but Courtois was equal and this, in and of itself, spared those Blues from a totally fruitless trip to snowy Lancashire. Consider this stunning fact: Chelsea did not have even a single shot on goal in the second half. No wonder the BBC named Claret defender Michael Keane the player of the match. The right snitty football press immediately bemoaned the failure by Chelsea to secure all three available points. But the ones saying this either didn't see the match, or watched but did not really see. Said the BBC, "In the end, [Chelsea] manager Antonio Conte will perhaps consider this a point gained." instead of two points lost.
The fact is - the real reality is - Burnley is rising, rising fast, and Chelsea was fortunate to have caught them this day, and held them to only one point, instead of the three they really deserved.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Ninth Circuit Panel Deliberating on President's Anti-Terrorist Order
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - As I begin to compose this post, the ninth circuit of the United States Court of Appeals is deliberating on nationwide Injunction signed by Ultra Leftist U.S. District Court Judge James L. Robart, a Seattle native who, although a nominal appointee of former President George W. Bush, is actually an Ultra Leftist of long standing. The injunction keeps the federal government from enforcing an Executive Order signed by the President which briefly prevents persons from seven terror-torn Middle Eastern and African nations from immigrating to These United States. The Executive Order was intended to provide federal authorities with enough time to devise a plan for vetting such immigrants so that terrorists and would-be terrorists amongst them could be weeded out.
Judge Robarts, sitting in Seattle, ruled that his lower level court order applied nationwide. Immigrants from the seven affected, and now unaffected nations - Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan - are said to be sprinting full-speed ahead towards These United States, lest they be caught on the outside looking in when and if the injunction is lifted. Reports say that a not insignificant number of Democrats are nervous lest they be blamed if an immigrant carries out a terrorist attack while the Court Order blocking the ban is in full effect.
In oral arguments today, two of the three judges were said to have taken a skeptical view of Trump's Order. But experts in the internecine area of the law thought it was likely that the panel would send the case back to Judge Robarts with instructions on how they thought his injunction order should be modified. In other words, it is possible that both sides would lose.
In other developments, the Senate approved as the Secretary of Education. The full senate vote ended in a 50-50 tie, which was the expected result. When the senate vote ends in a tie, the Vice President casts the tie breaking Vote. Vice President Pence voted for the President's Selection, meaning she was approved for the post. The Democrats and two turncoat Republicans carried on all through Monday night. They said the droneathon was an 11th hour effort to convince one more GOP Senator to change his or her mind. But it wasn't happening.
A vote on another Trump cabinet selection, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, was predicted to finally occur on Wednesday night.
Meanwhile, there was word on Monday that scientists who support the idea of man-caused global warming further cheated on data over and above what was already proven.
Judge Robarts, sitting in Seattle, ruled that his lower level court order applied nationwide. Immigrants from the seven affected, and now unaffected nations - Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan - are said to be sprinting full-speed ahead towards These United States, lest they be caught on the outside looking in when and if the injunction is lifted. Reports say that a not insignificant number of Democrats are nervous lest they be blamed if an immigrant carries out a terrorist attack while the Court Order blocking the ban is in full effect.
In oral arguments today, two of the three judges were said to have taken a skeptical view of Trump's Order. But experts in the internecine area of the law thought it was likely that the panel would send the case back to Judge Robarts with instructions on how they thought his injunction order should be modified. In other words, it is possible that both sides would lose.
In other developments, the Senate approved as the Secretary of Education. The full senate vote ended in a 50-50 tie, which was the expected result. When the senate vote ends in a tie, the Vice President casts the tie breaking Vote. Vice President Pence voted for the President's Selection, meaning she was approved for the post. The Democrats and two turncoat Republicans carried on all through Monday night. They said the droneathon was an 11th hour effort to convince one more GOP Senator to change his or her mind. But it wasn't happening.
A vote on another Trump cabinet selection, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, was predicted to finally occur on Wednesday night.
Meanwhile, there was word on Monday that scientists who support the idea of man-caused global warming further cheated on data over and above what was already proven.
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