Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rogue Leftists – Organized By and Answering To Obama - Practice Debauched Form of Sabotage on Trump Administration; Sports: Maryland Baseball Season Begins in Two Days

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Wednesday, February 15, 2017 -
The New York Times, that purveyor of all things Far Left, concedes that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn broke no laws.  Should I say that a second time so that it sinks in everywhere?  Amidst all of the ridiculous nonsense that was banged out yesterday by Mainstream Media Functionaries organized by and answering to the Former President, Barack Hussein Obama, the New York Times concedes that no laws were broke at any time by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.  Further, the Times also concedes that there is no evidence – none – that Trump colluded with the Russians to affect the autumn Presidential Election.

Say what? 

Turns out that all of this, all of It, is pure Ultra Left nonsense.  There is nothing of substance going on.  Flynn, a wonderful and dedicated patriot, is thrown overboard by an over-reacting administration.  And the administration did so to placate the putrid Ultra Left, and this because Obama organized and deployed a bunch of debauched functionaries whose only purpose in life is flipping Donald Trump off the national stage. And all of this because Trump had the audacity to defeat her majesty, Hillary Clinton, in the said elections.  How dare he!  How dare he!

The award for the American people in turning such an outcome is a daily dose of stupidity in the streets.  The Secretary of Education is blocked from entering a school where she hopes to help poor children improve their academic scores.  Cabinet secretaries are kept from their posts for no apparent reason.  And Chuckie Schumer tells us the overwhelming importance of all of these patriotic acts by his cadre of mindless thugs.  You go Chuck!  You go there and we will watch carefully to see if it is true that you are acting because your foolish party got voted out, and not because you have any plan to help America.  One thing for certain about the Ultra Left.  They could care less about America.  They care only for the Ultra Left.

Obama and his abjectly debauched functionaries are petrified that the “top secret” parts of his obscene deal with the Iranians, a deal that will result in the Iranians becoming a nuclear power, will now become public. You remember that deal, that highlight of Obama's well thought out foreign policy.  The USA gives the Iranians tens of billions of dollars while at the same time standing aside while the Iranians get a nuclear weapon.  You may have forgotten, however, that there were 'secret' parts of that deal that Obama and friends desperately wanted to keep the public from learning about.  Michael Flynn was about the make those 'secret parts' public.  So they aimed for him and now they have shot him down. With Flynn out, there is some chance they can avoid what, for Obama and what one observer calls his “Shadow Government,” can avoid the public vetting of these obscene and debauched  top secret parts of the deal.

What is it that Obama is hell bent to keep out of the public eye?  I have no idea, but I’d be willing to bet that Obama and his administration have promised, on the USA’s behalf, to fight against Israel if Israel moves militarily against Iran.  
Swish that around for a minute.  True, I might be wrong.  I might be.  But the only thing I can think of that would cause Obama and his functionaries to go to such radical extremes to keep out of the public eye are parts of the Iranian deal that pledges the USA to ally with Iran against Israel if Israel moves militarily to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear nation.

That would be beyond awful.  It is the kind of deal that might rip the USA military apart.  Some units simply would refuse to fight the Israelis.  It'd be like shooting missiles at an old and trusted friend.  And making that outcome even more likely is the idea that USA soldiers would have to shoot a trusted friend on behalf of an old and diabolical enemy.

Something like that gets out and you can kiss that Obama legacy good bye! 

Sports: Terp Baseball Season Starts Friday at Clearwater Tournament; Maryland to Square Off with Ball State in 2017 Opener
True, it is only February.  And true, it is cold and windy outside.  But down south it is warmer and happier and the NCAA Baseball Season is about to start.  Friday night at 7 pm Maryland takes on Ball State in the first game of the season.

On Saturday night, the Terps will tangle with Louisville, before coming right back on Sunday morning for a game with Alabama State.  The following weekend, Maryland will be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for a three game series with LSU.  Maryland then returns home for a game with James Madison on March 1, before returning to the sunny and warmer south to participate in the USA Baseball - Irish Classic in Cary, North Carolina.  Over that first weekend in March the Terps will play Notre Dame, North Carolina State and Dayton. 

Maryland's 35-man roster includes 6 seniors and seven freshmen.  After two straight seasons in which they advanced to the NCAA Super Regionals, Maryland failed to qualify for the NCAA tournament last season.

Can spring be far away?

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