Saturday, October 6, 2012

Are you a moron?

Are you an obama moron?  Are you dumb enough, stupid enough, naive enough, to believe the unemployment rate has really dropped three tenths of a point from 8.1% to 7.8%?  Would you believe such a dramatic drop could occur even though a paltry 114,000 jobs were created last month?  Did you know that the reason the unemployment rate dropped was chiefly because obama eliminated over one million jobs from the number of available jobs in these United States?  One pundit said it was the same as obama saying it was 75 degrees today, no matter what it actually was, because he changed the temperature scale.   Did you know that one pundit, Mr. Limbaugh, said last summer that in the month before the election the rate would drop under 8%?  He did.  I was listening and I heard it.  I saw the release from the Labor Department that said only 114,000 jobs were created last month, almost three-quarters of them being only part-time.  But obama and the media are screaming the good news, trying like hell to drown out the catastrophe that was the debate with Gov. Romney.    

If you actually think that the new numbers indicate an economic turnaround, you may be dumb enough to vote for obama.  Of course, you might want to ask yourself what real economic news indicates that such a turnaround is happening.  (I wouldn't waste my time.  There is no good news in the real numbers.  In fact, defense contractors are actually planning huge layoffs due to anticipated cuts in the defense budget, but the obama regime has asked (read: threatened) them to hold off announcement of the layoffs until after the election.  If you are one of obama's minions, you might not want to believe this, but it is true, as you will see.

Remember when people like Dick Durbin were blasting Bush and telling the country that we were in a recession?  That was when unemployment was near five percent and the debt was less that half of what it is now, and some companies were actually hiring?    Dickie called that a recession.  What does he call this awful mess?  If you are a bald-faced iiar like that awful man, you call this a recovery.  obama and his confederates are.  In obama's america, you lop off the number of available jobs, for the hell of it, and use that awful reality to "cut" the unemployment rate.  It is an evil trick, a trick meant to fool the extremely stupid, naive and moronic.

The election - despite all of the media hacks covering for obama - is still extremely close.  We can end this national nightmare by kicking obama out.  It is easy.  It is the way we do things in these United States.  As Mr. Eastwood said, when you fail at your job, we vote you out.  No one has ever failed at being president like obama.  No one.  Ever.  If we expect to survive as a nation, we must kick him out.  If we do not, we get what we deserve, and it will be as awful as it can possibly be.

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