Thursday, October 11, 2012

When the closet is already empty, what will obama do to play catch-up?

Even as Gov. Romney begins to pull away from obama, even in polls controlled by the DNC, a desperate pack of obama advisers is left to contemplate retaliatory moves without a record of accomplishment to build them on.  According to polls as disparate as the Pew Research poll and the Public Policy poll have Romney with a working lead, including in most of the key swing states.  obama's functionaries, including those in the media, are left to push the ridiculous and quite pitiful line that obama was caught off guard by the brazen nature of Romney's "lies," during the first debate.  That is how they explain the fact that the only person at the debate who seemed presidential was Gov. Romney.

What's worse for obama is that only one of the two "debaters" is also a good and decent person.  If you need a hint, it isn't obama.

A huge problem for the obama functionaries trying to push this "Romney lied" line is that it wasn't Gov. Romney who was in the land of the untruth.  Obama was the one spouting the incredibly lame argument that Romney was "lying" because he kept telling America that he could simultaneously cut taxes and raise revenues.  obama was apparently on the golf course during the entire eight years of the Reagan administration, or was he in Indonesia then?  

obama is in the process of cutting the navy back to pre-World War I strength, and when I say strength I mean number of war ships.  obama has rules and regulations ready to issue that will virtually end so-called fracking, a new and safe method of drawing petroleum from rock formations far underground.  obama has only recntly - and only because of the pressure brought about by the fall campaign - opened much of the Gulf of Mexico back up for oil production.  He had arbitrarily shut it down for years after the BP disaster, even though over 90% of the oil wells are of a sort far different and far safer than the BP well that went bad.  obama knows that the costs of obamacare will raise taxes for the average middle class family by hundreds of dollars per year, but won't admit to it.  God will have to help us survive if obama is re-elected.  Pray, fervently, that he isn't.

But back to the nonsense about Gov. Romney lying...
The sequelae of the Libyan disaster isn't just nipping at obama's heels anymore.  Now, it has already rose up and bit him somewhere where it hurts.  The Heritage foundation has an excellent timeline, I'm told, for those trying to get their arms around the breadth of obama's cover-up of his massive Middle East failures.  In a nutshell, obama and his functionaries are pushing the line, in the fall campaign, that when obama "killed" osama, Al Qada was killed too.  According to obama, he had cut off the head of the snake.  Well, if Al Qada is, in fact, a snake (I'd always pictured it as an obscene Hydra, or something of that sort), it has many heads.  In the days before the 9-11 attacks in Libya, the Hilary Clinton state department had actually withdrawn key elements of protection for Middle Eastern diplomats.  She also rejected pleas for additional security and is said to have rebuked those diplomats who made personal appeals for help.  And if you think for a minute that Ms. Clinton will come clean you are so very wrong.  United States intelligence had many warnings of a planned 9/11 attack at diplomatic resources in the Middle East, but ignored all of them.  Then, when the attacks came, they organized a huge and sinister cover-up, dispatching functionaries such as their UN Ambassador and White House Spokesman, in addition to obama and hilary, to tell anyone who would listen that the Libyan attacks were not planned affairs by Al Qada, but instead were unplanned mob reactions to some unheard of film that doesn't cast Islam in a rosy light.  Until obama and friends began mouthing off about the film, nobody had heard of it in the Middle East.  After over one week of solid lying, certain professional diplomats in the State Department had had enough and put out statements to the effect that there was no mob violence in Libya on 9/11, only well-planned Al Qada operations.  The statements also said that those who were speaking out played no role in the coverup.  obama was left with his proverbial pants down and his re-election campaign in even more trouble than it already so deservedly was.  In Congress, the House opened an investigation and had witnesses already testifying by October 10.  Those testifying now echoed the professionals in the State Department.  Hilary was hung out to dry by elements in her own department.  All wasn't completely clean at State, however, because when they planned a conference call for the compliant mainstream media, they intentionally forgot to call Fox News, the only agency likely to ask real journalistic questions.

Now, even some mainstream pundits are suggesting the scent of scandal is ever so pungent in Washington right now. obama lied and his campaign died.  We can only hope.

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