Monday, January 13, 2014

Fair Criticism Hurts obama and Hilary

BALTIMORE, Maryland January 13, 2014 - All in all, there is enough good and enough bad about the revelations engendered by former Secretary of Defense William Gates to satisfy and disgust all parts of the political spectrum, almost in equal measure.  The far left, of course, is appalled that someone with inside access to obama has turned a large dose of bright light on the inner workings of the far far left sanctum currently holding sway inside the nation's house in Washington.  How dare he?  Except that it wasn't all that revealing unless you live with a bag over your head.  Mr. Gates, after years of frontline observation, is forced to conclude that obama is anti-military and doesn't trust military leaders.  obama is quintessentially a far far left agitator, activist and committed Kool-Aid Drinker.  Most of us consumed a fair measure of far left material as college students.  Most of us kept those chards of it which stood the test of being churned up against the strong detergent that is stark reality.  The rest of it went down the storm drain of life.  The same with other fringe political theories.  There is a reason these things occur as they do.  The experiences of life; i.e., maturing, experiencing, succeeding and failing, learning and realizing, all contribute, in the end, to a view of things quite different from some of the beliefs we might have held as youngsters.  For whatever reason, obama hasn't had these same life experiences.  Somewhere along the line, some of the far far left dogma the rest of us cast off as we grew is still stick on him like a burr sticks to your clothes after a walk through the forest.  Most of us know from experience that any economic system that doesn't reward achievement, ingenuity and success can't last long in the human experience.  That is why one communist country after another fails, not because of outside interference, but because it collapses on itself.  Remember the iron curtain?  It wasn't just the Soviet Union that collapsed.  It was all of the countries around it, also: Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Czeckolslavakia, Latvia, Estonia and so on and so forth.  Red China, too, was falling headlong toward collapse when it began a series of market reforms, reforms which have infused capital into its economic system in the form of western corporate investment in their great supply of readily-available labor.  Meanwhile, socialist Europe heads with equal speed toward its own economic maelstrom brought about by over-dependence on government hand-outs and entitlements by a growing and aging population, even as its work force shrinks rapidly because its citizens can't be troubled with reproduction, at least beyond the compulsory one or two children.  Simple math tells us that when too many people are receiving government aide and too few are contributing to the pot, the system will collapse from within.  The writer Mark Stein has written with abundant clarity on the subject.  obama doesn't tell us how these starkly revealed facts are wrong.  He just goes along pounding away at those who succeed, making it known that he is against them.  His far left learning curve must have been on hyper drive when the rest of us were being dealt those hard doses of reality.  Our economy, by any sane measure, is shriveling.  Nations that couldn't hold a candle to us two decades ago are now laughing at us as they conduct business as if we didn't exist.  Noticed Iran recently?  Their government leaders promise to destroy Israel.  They don't hide it.  They promise it openly.  They are also up front and obvious in their pursuit of a nuclear bomb.  And obama's reaction is to reduce sanctions, allow the nuclear build-up to continue, and announce, as a goal, continued "dialogue."  And instead of ramping up domestic energy production using market-based sources, obama openly kills the coal industry and strangles the domestic oil industry, thereby killing, slowly and surely, domestic business.  Our leading technologies are capable of controlling polution while at the same time using oil, coal and natural gas.  But obama and his functionaries work stridently against fracking and instead waste billions on green energy that is many years away from being economically viable.  The rest of the western world pays lip service to global warming, but only here is obama killing the economy in furtherance of still unproven scientific impact.
       {I keep coming back to this reality:  if Americans of good will really wanted the world, or even just the United States, to accept global warming as a reality worthy of  tremendous economic upheaval, would you really choose Al Gore, a divisive and polarizing figure if ever there was one, to lead the movement?  Gore has parlayed his unelected position into personal wealth that should revolt obama and company, but this never even fazes them.  If they wanted all Americans to accept global warming as neccessitating immediate change, wouldn't someone with the most impecable personal characteristics be asked to assume the leadership mantel.  With Gore, half the people immediately recoil because, if nothing else, he is a one man Carnival side show, doing everything he can to get into your pocket and then making no effort to hide his hypocritical personal lifestyle of unrestricted decadence, all of it gained from the global warming movement.  You can make an argument that no one hurts the cause of climate change than does Gore.}
       Anyway, back to the Gates book.  As long as the far left tries to disguise all of its real views on public policy, books like the Gates book will stab them where it hurts.  obama doesn't want the public to know that he is a committed far left zealot.  It's been easy for him to hide this with the compliant mainstream media being what it is: the compliant mainstream media.  At once, it hides all of obama's flaws and amplifies any it finds in the other half of the political spectrum.  Now, then, we see the debacle of national scrutiny on the Christie regime in New Jersey because some of his trusted operatives pulled off a rank political trick without telling him.  That is covered as if it is an earth-shattering event.  But Benghazi, when obama and Hilary stood beside the coffins of four dead Americans and lied to the families and the nation about why they were dead, is ignored and obfuscated by the media in hopes that they can shield the two perpetrators of the cover-up - Hilary and obama - until the public stops thinking about it.  It is the mainstream media that permits obama to act like a moderate and shield the fact that his policies are killing the American economy.  If the media treated obama's attack on the economy as it treated any little mistake that President Bush made, obama would be dead in the water.  But their complicity in shielding his far far left policies from scrutiny - outside of Fox, Mr. Limbaugh and other right-of-center outlets - enable obama to continue to hold sway with that middle part of the spectrum which votes for him because they don't care where he is politically and, instead, only care whether the entitlement checks and other benefit programs keep the government money flowing their way.
       Of course obamashame (a/k/a the Affordable Care Act) has gummed up the game plan a bit and forced even certain mainstream media sources to stop the shielding act, at least for now.  But at the same time as obama begins getting criticism from parts of the political spectrum there heretofore absolved him of all wrong, the main intent of those mainstream media outlets such as the New York Times has changed from obama to Hilary.  obama, by law, falls from power in 2016.  Hilary is seen as the most reliable place to park the right's stranglehold on the presidency.  Hence, the recent NYT effort to convince the gullable that Hilary really didn't have anything to do with the Benghazi debacle.
       The Gates book was especially reprehensible to the far left because Hilary was also openly criticized.  Sometimes tell-all books like the Gates volley are nothing but a grab for glory from some person about to be considerably less important on the national scene.  Gates, however, in generally shielded from that group.  He has served both Republican and Democratic Presidents.  He had a lot of good things to say about obama.  So when he tied into Hilary with the revelation that her policy choices in Afghanistan and even in Benghazi were as much for political considerations as they were based on national security, the charges have stuck.  And they have hurt badly.

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