Friday, January 17, 2014

Documenting obama's slide from Chief Executive to Caesar

BALTIMORE, Maryland January 18, 2014 - Reading carefully from his security blanket turned teleprompter (or is it teleprompter turned security blanket?), obama tells us he is determined to get things done.  He won't be stopped, he says.  The people demand it. They absolutely do.  Let me, a totally disenchanted Democrat, interpret these sayings for you. In plain unfettered obamaspeak.  obama is telling us that, these days, he just can't get Congress to pay the first bit of attention to him.  

The House has been recalcitrant - and not one second too soon - since the 2010 election gave the GOP a majority in that august body. That election was the first dividend paid by obamashame (a/k/a Affordable Train Wreck er, ah, Care Act) Before 2010, obama had two whole years of unchecked unfettered control over both houses.  Looking back, even leftists have to admit that they had never seen so much boot-licking and gussying up as you did during those years. The whole country acted as if a deity had been discovered.  Remember the article in the Washington Post that talked about the sweat glistening off of his fit body as he walked along the beach in Hawaii, or the things running down the leg of some nobody on MSNBC? We learned about those things from the dude himself.  He bragged about getting, what?, sexually excited about obama's mere presence.  Two joyous years for the far far left.. The legacy of those years?  Tons of ingenious and far-reaching legislative reform, a country at the peak of its pretige and influence spreading goodwill and social change throughout the four-corners of the planet.  I mean it was two years of Nirvana.

Two years of hell.  Two long years.  We had so much garbage rammed down our throat that it will take years to get it cleaned out. After those first two years we've now had three more years on the downbound express. Of late, obama has had trouble getting much of anything through Congress because while the Senate would generally continue to rubber stamp the far left manifestos slinking over from the White House, the House would not.  

Now, it seems, even the Senate is starting to pose trouble for the far-left uber hero. This has caused the regime leader to, as they say, lose it. 

Fact is, obama has lost has capability to hold sway in either party because legislators on both sides of the aisles are running away from him fast as they can.  The reasons are obvious. Poll after poll show that the citizenry neither believe what he says or trust him as a person in the wake of his "if you like it you can keep it". bald-faced lie.during the obamashame run-up.  The other scandals now plaguing his far left regime are also contributing to the contempt that more and more of the citizenry seem to hold him in.  

It still seems downright hideous to say "bald-faced lie" in the same breath as you say the name of an American President.  

 In 2014 the country will elect or re-elect every member of the House of Representatives and about one-third of the Senate.  In a great many election districts, closeness to obama is absolute poison.  The GOP is in position to strengthen their hold on the House and grab control of the Senate.  And that brings us to the present problem, and it is a problem that will not go away so long as obama and the rest of his far far left glee club are running the show.

Obama's days of jamming the far left playbook down America's throat via the Congress have, thankfully, ended.  It is a hard lesson to learn and a bitter pill to swallow for a far far left exec like obama who, you'll recall, wants to fundamentally change the nation.  He still wants to open the borders to immigration without restriction.  He still wants to make public sector unions like the SEIU more powerful than the local governments they serve.  He still wants institutionalize the tremendous power of the EPA, enabling it to rule-make its way to total environmental hegemony.  In normal situations - with a sane and actually independent press - a package of "wants" like this wouldn't get out of the soot and smoke in the back room even if he had a majority in Congress. 

obama has let it be known that he intends to do a lot of what Congress won't let him do by executive order.  What can and can't be done by executive order isn't etched in stone. After well over 200 years, the judicial branch of the federal government has given direction and hints about what is ok.  The reason the picture isn't clearer is that no president has tried to "fundamentally change" the way our government works.   There has never been a wholesale end run like the one obama contemplates.  

Obama, basically, wants to turn from a President into a Caesar.  He wants to sign orders without challenge from anyone in another party or anyone in his own party who is seeking publicity.    An executive can pass orders for things like canned food drives by his office staff.  Executives can pass orders about having all US flags flying at half mast because some famous citizen died.  These are the easy ones.  obama has kicked up mild controversy - it should be a lot of controversy but the complicit press has shielded obama from most of the griping -  by changing dates and deadlines in obamashame even though these dates and deadlines are part of the law; in other words, it is part of the law enacted by Congress and signed by obama, that all citizens are supposed to have registered for obamashame by such and such a date.  But as time moved along, those statutory dates became inconvenient for obama, so he simply announced new dates.  There is absolutely no question that he overstepped his power.  But nobody took steps to challenge him because nobody thought the new dates were bad news.

When obama tries to open the borders - say by ordering the border guards to stand down - all hell will break loose.  Right now they are brainstorming on Pennsylvania Avenue, trying to come up with a way to force the country to abandon sanctions on Iran in favor of the negotiated capitulation described by John Kerry before Christmas.  Obama is also working on ways to rule-make laws about climate change.  If the EPA gets away with it, and who's to say they won't, why would obama ever want to fool with Congress again.  

With obama's approval ratings in free fall, more and more members of the loyal opposition are empowered. Obama is being a bully - in the end, all far far left "executives" are bullies.  Now, opponents are poised to move to try to stop him.  They will make their move in the Courts.  That's where the showdown will be.  And, as we saw with obamashame - when Chief Justice turned traitor, John "Benny" Roberts, allowed his bulging ego and quest for fame outstrip his silly old conscience - anything can happen in that forum. 

Even so, just the idea that somebody might stop the bully in his tracks is giving obama the heebeejeebees.  It is a beautiful sight to behold.

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