Thursday, November 19, 2015

Comparing Paris Massacres to Pearl Harbor; The Shock is in the Here and Now

BALTIMORE, Maryland November 19, 2015 - It is admittedly unfair to seriously compare the events of November 13, 2015, in Paris, France, to the terrorizing blood bath of December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, which marked the USA's entry into World War II.  Will the Paris Massacres and Pearl Harbor be considered to be similar by historians?  Will the Paris Massacres be deemed, in the pantheon that is world history, somehow or in some way, to be more important than Pearl Harbor?  Could the Paris Massacres be the pivotal event in the thousand-plus year conflagration between Islamics and Christendom?  Could it somehow be the spark that forced the West to confront the meglamania that runs through the Islamic World? Or will the evil visited upon Paris last Friday now fade into history, considered, in the big scheme of things, to be nothing more than an isolated outburst in a brief and meaningless episode of such incidents, carried out by a garish but ultimately insignificant collection of crazed Islamic lunatics?

I believe the answer is crystal clear; crystal clear, that is, if you are Barack Obama.  The meaning is far less clear if you are among those Western Christians who see Islamic Extremists making gains everywhere with precious little resistance from the governments of the west.  The meaning of Paris and the Massacres taking place there are quite clear if you are an Islamic Terrorist, who sees the events of less than one week ago as proof that the battle against the west can be expanded, made more violent, and made more, well, telling, without drawing too much of a response from the west.  If you are a Muslim who sits somewhere in the middle, aware of the blood-letting requirements of the Koran, aware that a moderate approach to the religion is not tolerated well by the authors of the Islamic Holy Books or by modern day mullahs, aware that at some point the sleeping giant that is the west will come to life and begin to fight back against the Islamics now inflicting horror on this giant.  If you are this person in the middle you are in conflict.  Your ability to live comfortably is coming to an end even if you don't want it to.  A growing number of your fellow Islamics are heeding the call to Jihad.  You hear the leaders of the west who keep calling your religion one of peace.  You don't see that anywhere in the writings of your leaders or those who came before.  Even if you want peace, you wonder aloud if it is even possible now.

The current American Regime has already begun to downplay the significance of the Paris Massacres.  On Monday, even as the French President, still shaking with anger, called the Friday massacres an "act of war," and continued to ramp up his nation's already vigorous military response, Barack Hussein Obama, the USA President, held a news conference at which he characterized the massacres, not as an act of war but merely a "setback." and he announced that the tepid and toothless air campaign being conducted by the USA and a few of its allies will continue to be the sum and substance of America's efforts against the absolutely evil ISIS.  (How tepid and toothless is the USA strategy?  Consider these few facts:  The USA is averaging 7 air sorties per day in the Iraq-Syria theatre.  The number of sorties per day during the Iraq War and the Kosovo Campaign was well over 300. 300! Two weeks ago, when Obama wanted to tell the world he was getting tough on ISIS, he announced that he was sending more troops to Syria.  In the make-believe world that Obama lives in, 'more troops' means less than 100 soldiers.  And even the figure of 7 air sorties per day is greatly misleading.  Many of the fighter planes sent out on the bombing runs return with all of their munitions still attached to the wings of the jets.  This is because the 'rules of engagement' imposed by the former community agitator and his functionaries prevent using the weapons if even one non-combatant could be injured.)  Obama grew angry at reporters - imagine getting mad at the doorman or the person who does your laundry - when they asked him why he wasn't 'taking them (ISIS) out.'  And he insisted that this measley response was absolutely the only one that had a chance of working.  In the face of the bloody massacre of well over 100 innocents on the streets of Paris on an autumn evening, even saying something that absurd has to raise questions.

In this light, the original proposition becomes oh so poignant.  Peart Harbor was a well-planned sneak attack designed to wipe the USA's entire Pacific Fleet off the face of the Earth.  It came very very close to working.  The Paris Massacres were a bloody and explosive statement by an evil, crazed group of Islamics that may or may not be a statememt by a majority of Muslims.  We are all assured that most Muslims oppose such violence.  Yet, surveys of groups of Muslims believed to be the most peaceful and the ones with the most reasons for remaining peaceful - like those living in the United States - continually find high percentages, sometimes approaching a majority of respondents, favoring imposition of Sharia Law and sympathizing with violent acts carried out by those in favor of imposing Sharia Law.  What sets the Paris Massacres apart from other terroristic acts is the promise by ISIS that it is the beginning of a new phase of actions against the West which will culminate in the worldwide imposition of Sharia Law.  The plan of attack has a second purpose, and that is to show the relative impotence of the west in responding to the violence.  In today's social environment, where political correctness seems to rule the day, many Leftists seem to almost favor imposition of Sharia Law as a way of demonstrating how sorry Leftists are, speaking for all Westerners - as they seemed determined to do - for overlooking the rights and aspirations of people the world over.  Meanwhile, the pro-Islamic President Obama plots to bring unvetted Islamics to the west by the tens of thousands.

Pearl Harbor was a warning bell heeded by all Americans.  Everything changed for Americans at once.  Everything was thrown in to defeating those who visited the evil and destruction upon these United States.

Sadly, it does not look like the Paris Massacres will have a similar effect.  Obama's plot to brings unvetted Islamics to the shores of these United States moves ahead.  Today, the House of Representatives voted, by a veto-proof majority, to enact a bill to ban such immigration.  But the feckless Harry Reid says he will use available Parlimentary procedures to block the bill from coming to a vote in the Senate.  Like Obama, Reid cares little about American Security.  Like Obama, the only thing that matters to Reid is the Democratic Party and its total devotion to the uber Left.  In 1941, such men did not walk the Halls of Congress.  Nor did such men sit in White House.  Therein lies one huge difference between then and now.  The leaders then realized that they either reacted to Pearl Harbor as if the future of America depended on it, or America would cease to be.  In 2015, a clarion call like the Paris Massacres falls on the ears of leaders who think America is nothing worth saving.  Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower were Giants of History, Giants of the glory and the nobility of free people.  Obama and Reid are small, arrogant, narcistic men, unable to comprehend the Rights of Man or their roles in seeing that freedom and liberty are preserved.  

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