Sunday, November 8, 2015

Putrid Mainstream Media in Lame and Detestable Attempt to Shame a Good Man

BALTIMORE, Maryland, November10, 2015 - As many already know, the DNC's on-line outlet, Politico, on Friday printed an entirely false 'news story' about the GOP candidate that has Hillary Clinton and the rest of the DNC actually shaking in their boots: the retired Johns Hopkins Neurosurgeon Ben Carson. The article contained a veritable roll call of bald, putrid and outright lies about the Renowned and Noble Doctor.  In an interview later, Dr. Carson - who is credited with saving hundreds and maybe thousands of lives in his role as head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore (repeatedly called the best hospital in the world by rating organizations) -  said that he has expected such a barage all along and was not surprised in the least by the Politico article. Others of us - and 'us' in this case is most of American society - might also have expected it.  But the utterly horrid set of falsehoods combined with the strident vitriol with which they were set forth, took many of us aback.  Even when called on the falsehoods running throughout the article, Politico and its so-called reporter, Kyle D. Cheney - he makes George Stephanopolous seem downright objective - would not pull the article.  Instead, it tried to incrementally walk it back, only taking back the exact parts of the story the newest revelation laid bare.  Soon enough, however, it became clear that nothing about the article and its tired allegations were even slightly accurate.  

Even on Saturday morning, the ABC network couldn't resist the low-brow and quite creepy temptation to include another related zinger in its 9 am radio newscast.  According to the announcer, Dr. Carson, for no known reason, sometime on Friday evening made another series of comments about the idea that everybody in the media was out to get him.  The announcer wanted listeners to believe that he just blurted those comments out, with no context and no prompting. Sadly, today's media has abandoned all pretense at objectivity, something most Americans already know, unless they are the most uninformed low information voter on the face of the earth.  

This is what the Politico hit piece said:  Ben Carson, while still a teen, accepted an invitation from General William Westmoreland to attend the Naval Academy on scholarship.  The article went on to allege that Dr. Carson then lied about the entire set of facts.  There is nothing wrong with going to 'Navy,' mind you.  It is the lying that Politico wanted to drive home.  But Dr. Carson did not lie. People who know Dr. Carson know he doesn't have it in him.  He is too good of a person to tell such lies. He did talk to General Westmoreland as a teen.  At the time the General was commander of all United States forces in Vietnam.  But when the conversation took place, Dr. Carson had already made the decision to go to college to study medicine.  He went to Yale to get his Bachelor's Degree and the University of Michigan for his medical degree.  He did not go to Navy.

Dr. Carson was called on to comment on the witch hunt carried on by Mr. Chaney and other operatives for the DNC in the mainstream media, and he stated that because he was a black conservative, he expected such an onslaught and was, to the degree anybody can be, prepared for it. 

And a word about Kyle D. Cheney:  he is not the objective and truth-seeking 'typical' reporter that you may have been led to believe he is.  Kyle Cheney actually has quite the history of writing such articles.  The moderate news site, Breitbart, wrote an article providing background material on Cheney, and that article makes it crystal clear that calling him an uber leftist is an extremely accurate thing to do.  The site for the Breitbart article is: 

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