Friday, November 11, 2016

As the Impossible Begins to Sink In, the Ultra Left Still Bangs Its Heads Into a Door Now Slammed Shut

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Friday, November 11, 2016 - There we were - and by "we" we mean those of us who were inexorably opposed to Hillary Clinton becoming the President of These United States - still glued hard and fast to the Television Set or Radio, as the clock ticked up to and then past 2 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.  And still there was no hard and fast result of the national vote to decide who would be the next President.  The three 'baseline' battleground states, the ones the Donald Trump had to sweep to have even an outside chance to win that national vote, had all been called in Trump's favor.  All three were unbelievably close, but all three went the outsider's way.  The polls then closed on the west coast and all of those states were called for Hillary.  Now, the count in the electoral college stood 228 to 208 in Trump's favor.  Then Idaho and, at last, Wisconsin, went Trump's way, but he still needed another dozen or so electoral votes to wrap up the vote.  At last, at around 2:30 a.m. the ever elusive state of Pennsylvania was called for Trump, and just like that, it was over.  Trump went past the magic 270 votes needed for election.  Donald Trump was the 45th President-Elect of These United States.  

Even as we write this it still seems impossible.  The road to victory was very narrow and crammed with traps of all sorts.  Somehow, he managed to make it through to victory.  Against all of the odds, he prevailed.  Now comes the equally difficult task of actually governing.

Immediately, the Ultra Left acts as if Trump, as the winner, has an actual obligation to cooperate with the Ultra Left in governing.  If Trump falls for that hogwash - that is the only word I could come up with that is printable - he will immediately be off on a downbound train.  

Did the Ultra Left, the Obamas, Clintons, Hillary, Bill, Barry, etc., invite the rest of America into their governing pow wow?  They couldn't even invite liberal Democrats into the governing pow wow.  Instead, normal libs were forced to vote for this ultra left Marxist junk like Obamacare, Stimulus etc.  Obama alienated normal libs.  Now they cannot so much as  force themselves to imagine what will happen to their "legacy," if Trump does what he says he will do.  He says he will completely eliminate Obamacare.  He says he will completely eliminate the deal that will give Iran nuclear weapons.  

As I post this, Obama has cancelled the photo op of his family and Trump's family.  The meeting of the two men has lasted far longer than was what expected. 

From this vantage point there will be no buyer's remorse.  Any other result on this night spelled certain disaster for these United States.  The very idea of putting someone with so flawed a character, so certain to further line her pockets with taxpayer's cash, was not a thought we were willing to contemplate.  Up until Trump was declared the victor it seemed the end of These United States lurked right around the corner.  We understood that some Hollywood knuckleheads were threatening to leave the country if Trump were elected.  How crazy was that thought.  They would rather elect someone who played as if elected and appointed office were merely for the purpose of further enriching herself with other folks' money.  She was open and obvious about it because she didn't believe she would ever be called on the carpet.  

It is the hope and prayer of this life-long Democrat that the party will forever pledge to avoid the low brow thuggery that so defined its behavior in this election.  There is absolutely no excuse for it anymore.  Up until this juncture in America's history, the thought was that many of our policy initiatives were so outside the mainstream that the low brow behavior of the Hillary and Bill Clintons of the world were necessary to prevail in the court of public opinion.  Now that is no longer true.  I don't think - let me go further - I know it was never ever necessary or ethically justified.  If our ideas couldn't cut it with the people we serve, we had stinking ideas that did not deserve a second thought, now or later.

We are better than that.  We have to be.  If our ideas are worthy, we need to get behind them and work like all get out to sell their worthiness. 

In the meantime, we need to get behind this President, Donald Trump.  He is a unique and worthy soul cloaked in a street-wise, crass, often shrill exterior.  He used to be a Democrat.  He has always been an American.  He won the national election fair and square.  We have prevailed in the same manner that he has prevailed.  If we have any ethical or moral fiber left, we need to jettison George Soros and his ilk, quit with the mayhem in the streets (I bet the dark souls who came up with that idea - I mean you, Mr. S - please pack your bags and make your way off the stage, forthwith).  Like so much of the so-called genius of the ultra-left, those coming up with it and implementing it continued to forget the time-honored premise that 'what goes around will surely come around.  Right now, the George Soros of the world are about to be kicked in the ass by their own flying boot.

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