Thursday, November 3, 2016

Comey Letter All the Internet Rage; But What is Real Impact on Presidential Scrum? And Why Doesn't Loretta Lynch Want FBI Investigators to See Clinton Charitable Foundation Emails?

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Thursday, November 3, 2016 - You cannot avoid reading about FBI Director James Comey's brief letter to Congress, informing legislators that his Bureau is going to re-open its criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton's extremely illegal practice of sending highly classified and top secret information over a private email system that was so easy to hack into that virtually anybody could have accomplished it.  It is extremely likely that a number of sinister forces did exactly that, according to the FBI.  In fact, the FBI is now saying that Hillary's email servers have been hacked at least five times by interests that are opposed to These United States (and by that I do not mean Barack Obama, at least I don't think I mean him).  According to published reports, some 650,000 emails were discovered on a computer notebook said to have been shared by Hilary's right hand woman, Huma Mahmood Abedin, and her notorious and now estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, the former New York Congressman now linked to a number of so-called "sexting" scandals that are way too perverted for this writer to go into details.  Now, published reports say that United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch is forcing FBI agents reviewing that extraordinary number of previously undiscovered emails - including some that were among the 33,000 that Hillary said she deleted because they were personal in nature and only delved into her yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding - to review the emails at break-neck speed so that she can march ih front of DNC/ABC. DNC/CBS, DNC/NBC, DNC/CNN, DNC/MSNBC and DNC/PBS cameras to announce that there was nothing criminal in those 650,000 previously hidden emails.  You see, Ms. Lynch wants to make that announcement before next Tuesday, which is election day.  Nevermind that Hillary's state department took months and months to comply with Congressional subpoenas.  She wants to be cleared before election day.

If you believe that Hillary can be legally and actually cleared, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I might be able to sell to you.  Ms. Lynch was said to be furious with FBI Chief Comey for sending the letter to Congress last week.  For my part, I was not furious with Mr. Comey.  Really, I wasn't.

You'll recall that Comey decided last summer not to recommend Hillary be indicted, not because she hadn't violated Federal Espionage Laws - it was crystal clear that she had, Comey announced - but because he said he could not find substantive proof that she intended to do so. As for that, one would note it is very difficult to find something you are absolutely determined not to find.  Democrats everywhere gushed on and on about the courage and forthrightness of the FBI leader, all words they regretted come last Friday, when Comey found something that was dumped in his lap.   Turns out the FBI has been probing the Clinton Crime Family and, in particular, their so-called charity, for over one year.  They asked to be able to see emails generated by the "charity," but have been blocked, not by lawyers for the Charity, but by Ms. Lynch.  Can you say CORRUPTION?

Comey told Congress in his letter last week that the Bureau's investigation of former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's sexting activities had unexpectedly led to the discovery of some 650,000 emails having a possible bearing on the issues involved in the criminal probe of Hillary.  According to the Washington Post, Huma Mahmood Abedin, who is also the woman said to be closer to Hillary Clinton than even Clinton's Husband, Bill Clinton,  told her friends late last week that she had no idea how so many of her emails (and by "her emails" she meant her and Hillary's) wound up on Anthony Weiner's computer.  Political Analysts such as Rush Limbaugh pounced on that statement. Limbaugh said he expected to hear that Abedin told friends that she had no missing emails.  Instead, her alleged quotes confirm the existence of the missing 33,000 Hillary emails and their key role in the current scandal surrounding the Clinton campaign.  Why the United States AG wouldn't let FBI analysts investigating high level corruption see vital evidence is downright disgusting.  But I bet you haven't seen even one report on this on the mainstream DNC media.

Political polls - so devastating to Donald Trump just ten days ago - have now turned on Hillary.  Two weeks ago Trump trailed Hillary by a whopping 12 points in the Washington Post Poll.  In the poll out last weekend, that 12 point bulge is down to only one point.  It goes without saying that Trump has pounced on the Comey letter, saying that it gives hope that the FBI now wants to right the terrible wrong it did when it failed to recommend Hillary be indicted.

The Powerline Blog considered just how many emails the FBI has to analyze.  If the notebook computer that the FBI has seized in the Wiener investigation can actually hold that many emails (650,000), it would suggest that somebody sent or received 200 emails per day, 365 days per year, for over nine years.  Think that over for a bit.  Harry Reid, the Senate Minority Leader, and a noted Ultra Leftist and Narcissist, charged that Comey has violated the Hatch Act in sending the letter to Congress so close in time to the Presidential Election eight days away.  At least Harry says that is what a friend told him.  Limbaugh wondered whether it was the same "friend" that told "Dingy Harry" that former GOP Candidate Mitt Romney hadn't paid his income taxes for ten years. 

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