Friday, September 28, 2012

Lie du jour

"obama and confederates" have launched a new and utterly disgraceful TV ad packed with one excruciating lie after another.  If you had just arrived in America after a decade in outer mongolia, and the first thing you heard was this ad, you would think President Reagan had been reincarnated.  You would also think that all was well in these United States.  That is the picture that this ad is selling. But if you bought into the picture obama is trying to paint, you would be incredibly stupid.  The problem for obama, of course, is that nobody is that dumb.  Well, I hope nobody is that dumb.  Well, I pray - daily, profoundly, anxiously - that enough people are not morons.  I mean, you've lived here recently, most of you, for the most part.  You have, haven't you?  Have you heard the unemployment rate?  Have you seen the track record of the GDP during these obama years of misery?  Did you hear about the stimulus billions that were supposed to be for "shovel ready" jobs but ended up as union slush fund money?  Did you hear obama laugh about that?  Myself, I didn't laugh.  I don't like obama.  But I digress, as Mr. Levin is fond of saying.  What obama and the far left are banking on or hoping for is that there are enough voters who are stupid enough to think that obama's policies still might work to get him re-elected.  In other words, even though he has had four years in office and even though the first two of those years were with a veto-proof majority in both houses of Congress, even though every one of his legislative initiatives were passed and signed into law (I am not saying that I have no problems with the methods used to pass what I call obamamess and what most call obamacare; the point here is that at least for now, that atrocity and all of his other legislation, is law), obama and company hope enough people are so removed from reality or are so utterly vapid that they believe his old, stale, far-left, uber left, ideas are working. In other words, obama hopes like hell (talk about a freudian slip) that enough people are so utterly stupid that they think (a) his ideas = the ones now parading around as obamamess, stimulus, stimulus two etc. are just great laws; (b) think that if given more time, they will work; and (c) want more such ideas, ideas like a new and far more aggressive EPA, the end of the coal industry, severe new restrictions on domestic oil production, new restrictions on your first amendment rights, virtually unilateral nuclear disarmament (have you read "Fate of the Earth?"), a severely limited U.S. Navy, a severe cut-back on weapons development, and, if obama somehow survives the inevitable conclusion of a nuclear-armed Iran, new strong-arm tactics on Israel in order to force concessions by the Jewish State to appease the islamic radicals now in possession of a virtual vice-grip on power in the Middle East. I believe the only possible way Iran emerges from the current build-up with nuclear power is for the inevitable attack on Iran by Israel to utterly fail. That would be a nightmare for everyone.  Can you imagine Israel attacking Iran in an all-out attempt to set the nuclear program back far enough that the current generation in Israel will be able to live without fear of nuclear armageddon?  Can you imagine if such an attack is only partially successful but, what's worse, the Israeli's get caught there and their military faces unimaginable damage without quick and decisive help.  The only possible help would be from the United States.  But other countries, maybe even some western countries, are alligned with and maybe even in the field with Iran.  What would obama do?  Egads!   

Did I say this current obama ad is long?  obama says in the ad that he wants to come to your house and sit around your dinner table so that he might fully explain why his ideas are so much better than Romney's.  First of all, he traffics in that old Democratic lie about the Republican candidate only wanting to give tax breaks to the very rich.  for his part, he wants the rich to pay higher taxes.  Now, I am not rich.  I am not even a little bit rich.  If the truth be known, I, like many Americans, am just about broke.  obama says that it is all Bush's fault.  Except that when Bush was President I got to keep some of the money I made.  It wasn't  redistributed to people who did not earn my money. (I am in favor of taxing.  I believe the people get to set the standards for taxing.  obama believes taxes are the way to the end he wants: bringing the poor up to a point where there is economic parady between the poor and the rich. I have always agreed with President Reagan who said that society's obligation is to set a viable and working safety net for all citizens.)  But that is getting off the point.  Statistics say that the top 10% of all taxpayers are paying over 70% of all taxes.  How much more are they supposed to pay?  Obama knows full well that he cannot raise taxes on such a small number of people high enough to make any kind of a meaningful difference to bringing down the national debt.  You would have to raise their taxes to an astronomical level to make even a small dent in the deficit.  And if the truth be known, obama isn't interested in cutting the deficit, he is interested in more entitlements.  In other words, even if congress got stupid and gave him more money, he wouldn't use it to trim the deficit, he use it to give more money to the distributees.   This would mean that he is lying when he says he wants to increase revenue as a vehicle to cut the deficit.  Tell me I'm wrong and you are making your kool-aide way too strong.

This is how bad it is with the democrats.  First, when obama starts to recite his accomplishments he has to be lying.  He has no accomplishments unless you're one of the brain-dead who judge obamamess to be a "success."  I heard one ad where he says "we've tried their way and it doesn't work."  Is he so wrapped up in mirror gazing that he can't remember the eight years that Reagan was president? Capitalism works.  If it isn't neutered by government interference, it works.  If it isn't working then mankind has had an extinction event.  He says his way has worked.  That's the biggest lie of all.  Every leading economic indicator is so ugly looking that people who follow them stopped because they were so depressed they were contemplating a stroll half way across the Golden Gate Bridge, if you take my meaning.  What is he talking about?  I'll tell you what he's talking about, it's the moron brigade.  He actually thinks he can win by uniting all those voters who are too stupid or ignorant to understand that he isn't being honest.  How else do you categorize people who think obama's economic plans have worked?  What do you call people who really believe he needs eight years to "correct" President Bush's mistakes?  The economy was just dandy under Bush, no matter how much you hated him, until the last months when some really evil people pulled off that infamous caper of the economic catastrophe.  Let me refresh your memory.  It's late September and early October, 2008.  Despite all the defections from GOP troops, despite a fully complicit media that treated obama like a deity, despite the refusal to vet obama by the media, despite the unbelievable love fest surrounding obama, the polls showed John McCain with a slight lead.  Then, suddenly, there is a looming economic calamity.  Certain Bush advisers - many of them looking to pad their resumes for the coming political change and some secretly working for obama - somehow convince Bush that unless he pours money into key sectors there will be a complete economic meltdown.  Democrats and even some republicans state that the emergency legislation must be passed at once.  In fact, obama said that about all of his legislative plans in that first year.  obamamess passed even though not one congressman or congresswoman who voted for it had actually read the 1700 page monster.  obama himself angrily rejected those who claimed the bill provided for "death panels" which are panels of bureaucrats who decide whether certain elderly or disabled patients are worth providing emergency surgery to.  Trouble was, those panels are in the legislation in black and white.  The same thing was true with obama's repeated assertions that you would be able to keep your insurance plan and your doctor. You cannot read that bill and not understand that what obama was saying was not the reality of the statute.  obama was telling the public what he knew they wanted to hear, while his legislation was doing to American healthcare what obama wanted to do to it; i.e., destroy it while driving up costs so fast and so high that it will absolutely make your head spin.

obama is like some desperate child who sold his soul to get into this supposed room of superwonderful toys, only to find out that he wasn't strong enough to pick even one toy up and carry it out.  He somehow got himself elected President and he did it when both houses of congress had veto-proof democratic majorities.  So all these obama-sponsored economic measures - every single one of them right out of the radical far left play book - were rushed through congress and signed by obama.  he got every thing he wanted and all it accomplished was making the domestic economy look like a bombed out warzone.  No matter, obama just goes out and tells americans that bush left the country in worse shape than even he realized, and he just needs four more years to turn it around.  Forget the fact - and it is an absolute fact - that not one of his economic measures showed any sign at all of turning the economy around.  Forget the fact that he has barely mentioned what he would do if he was re-elected.  Forget the fact that if he did tell us what he was going to do you would think a grand jury should be impanelled. Forget all of that.  obama wants you to believe him when he says his plans are better than Romneys.  Forget the fact that the taxpayers who he wants to raise taxes on are the entire class of small business owners who, statistics show, are the group that produces the most new jobs over any time period you choose to compare.  obama is hoping there are enough voters stupid enough to believe him.  Won't that make you feel good if you are thinking of voting for obama.  You might just be a member of the largest group of publicly recognized morons and imbeciles ever to walk the Earlh. Won't you be proud!

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