Monday, September 10, 2012

What it said on the internet

He has been, by any measure, the worst president in the history of the United States.  "Herbert Hoover," you say.  He is really worse than Herbert Hoover?  Yes.  Hoover, at least, meant well.  Obama apparently wants the economy to continue as it is, sliding down the tracks to armageddon. 

"He wants to fail?" I hear you say.  Not exactly.  He is teaching those American types a lesson in humility. The American dream is being slapped in the face for no apparent reason.  Dr. King's dream is being choked as it opens in bloom. The thing is, he did this without telling the voters that he was going to.  Unless you vetted him yourself - the press sure as hell didn't - you didn't see this coming.

{There is some nonsense out there in the media that anyone who criticizes obama is a racist.  This is not true.  But anyone who mouths ideas like that are certainly racist.}

Polling firms, many of which are left wing operatives, are making the election seem close.  The idea is to discourage voters into thinking obama's re-election is inevitable.  Maybe some won't vote.  That's what they hope.

On Friday night Mark Levin went into some of the things that are certainties if obama were to be re-elected.  It will be ugly.  It will not be American.  The country will have a next to impossible time recovering and really, if obama were re-elected it has to be assumed America as we know it will slip from the world stage and become nothing but a memory.  A generation will grow up thinking this misery is the way things are.  Imagine that.

I don't think anything bothers me more than the mass media and elites who act like this is a good thing.  They actually work to re-elect such a minor intellect with wild ideas.  Say anything you want about Mitt Romney, he is not obama.  He may well be capable of being an outstanding president.  I believe he has the ability.  

Watching this election is exactly like watching a successful person - you name the race, sex, and any other demographic you want - try to decide whether to go on being successful, wonderful, helpful, beautiful, noble or instead to kill him or her self.  It is that stark.

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