Friday, June 19, 2015

Back at the Desk: A look at the Far Left Tactics of the President

BALTIMORE, Maryland June 19, 2015 - Credible and Incisive returns today after an extended hospital stay, and several surgeries. It was not fun. 

Barack H. Obama, the President of these United States, had the unmitigated audacity during my absence to say that the world is more in awe of our country that they have ever been, and it is all due to his enlightened leadership.  He is delusional.  Anyone who studies history and is even slightly realistic in the present day observations is aware of the abject failure of Obama and his administration.  And now he believes it is okay to stop worryinig about the people he governs and to say whatever ridiculous thought crosses his mind.  His wife is, if anything, acting in a more objectionable way, living like Marie Antoinette and talking like some discriminated against pauper.  It is repugnant.  

Yesterday, in the wake of the horror in Charleston, South Carolina, where some sick racist scum shot and killed nine black Christians attending a mid-week Bible Study, Obama saw fit to say that the time will come very soon when we as Americans will have to come to grips with the place such events have in our national history.  He could not be more wrong.  His observatons cannot be more perverted.  I know of no one, literally, who thinks that what that sorry excuse for humanity did has any redeeming value.  Most Americans believe that the nine victims were total innocents - what else could they be? - who were doing things that announced to the world the value they held for all Americans.  Last night and today tens of thousands of Americans from all walks of life went to the church where the tragedy took place to pay their respects.  There is one person to blame for what happened, and he is the dog that did the killings. (I know that dogs do not deserve the comparison.) Into their midst came a person who, if not doing the devil's work directly, was certainly trying to impress those who, in their horrid existences, believe that evil still has a place in our world.  Does Obama know anyone today who approves of what happened?  I doubt that he does. There are stories and rumors that similarly inclined folk exist today in ISIS Camps around the world, but Obama seems unperturbed by that evil.  Why?

Obama's former Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton, dove right in with a similarly sad political view of the Charleston events.  She blamed Donald Trump, without naming him, for his determined statements during his announcement of his presidential bid about the national harm being done by the ignorance of federal law along the Mexican border.  Trying for sad political gain, she said all Americans should condemn Trump for what he said.  Huh?  Most Americans, in poll after poll, believe that federal policy toward the Southern Border is a disgrace and a national tragedy.  By her comments, you can tell how Mrs. Clinton would react to that policy debate as President.  Far Left leaders of my party totally ignore legitimate questions of national policy when it comes to immigration, choosing instead to encourage mass violation of existing federal law in the belief that once economically challenged immigrants will be natural Democrats if the party can get them here and make it legal for them to vote.  Citizens learning of the ruse on national well-being, who then abandon the leftists in charge, will be replaced by new immigrants voting for government checks.  It is enough to give the most healthy person nausea.  But then, that is Obama, the uber Leftist.

Many Americans happily voted for Obama in 2008, believing that electing him would be the crowning conclusion of the national rush to total civil rights for all Americans.  instead, Obama and his functionaries have pushed the racial divide to its most abrasive point in almost a century.  He should be ashamed.  He has shown that his backwards beliefs on civil rights are typical of the far left, and, what's more, absolutely wrong.

The candidacy of Ben Carson has started to give the Far Left ulcers galore.  Anyone who knows the doctor knows he is about the highest quality person walking the land today.  He is the ultimate humanitarian.  He is a leader.  He is brilliant.  But none of that affects the left.  They are gearing up to take him out with the typical far left low ball, low brow political scum tactics.  And nothing they do will shame them even a little bit.  They have sunk that far.  The far left, we are coming to realize, is exactly equal to the most filthy political behavior.

Neither Obama or Hilary will comment on the revelations last month that that in the last months the Obama administration has freed over 36,000 illegal aliens who were being jailed for murder and other serious crimes.  Over 36,000.  This includes over 150 persons serving time for murder.  How low brow and filthy can you get?  But the national media has ignored the story.  This week, some Charlston leftist berated Fox for causing the Charlston tragedy.  What about this?

Across the sea, ISIS continued its relentless drive to militarily rout and take over both Syria and Iraq.  Ramadie was permitt

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