Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's That Time Again

BALTIMORE, Maryland February 26, 2016 -  Ready or not, willing or not, the wait is over and the time to select the next president of These United States is upon us.  The two parties move inevitably through the long and rightfully rigorous nominating process.  Party conventions - where the process hits its crescendo -  approaches with the summer warmth. 


Opinion and Analysis


The two Democrats seriously running for their party's nomination act like their personal abilities and off-color and oft-times downright dangerous proclivities have absolutely nothing to do with which one of them will be the Democratic nominee.  Bernie Sanders - if you listen to him day in and day out - never even broaches the topic of the full-bore FBI probe of his opponent.  Does that matter to Bernie, or does he envy Hillary that she gets to be investigated but he doesn't? If Bernie went out and did exactly what Hillary has done, he'd be investigated and indicted in exactly one-half of a nano-second.  

Really, he would.  Really! 

I wonder if Sanders realizes exactly what kind of conundrum he finds himself in.  His opponent, Hillary, can do whatever she wants to do because the attorney general of These United States has neither the integrity, personal fortitude or gumption to indict her. Hillary Clinton is like a fox loose in the hen house with no human overlord to offer the least bit of protection or even resistance.  It is open season on the hapless American citizen, er, I mean, hen.  

The Attorney General - Obama's Second - is the same kind of political flunky that her predecessor was: hapless, helpless, witless and spineless.  You cannot tell me that anyone who graduated from an American Law School does not know that an American President does not have the right to pass laws without submitting them to Congress.  It has worked that way for over 200 years.  You introduce legislation in Congress, which considers it, debates it, sometimes amends it, and finally votes on it.  If it passes both houses of the Congress by the appropriate majority, it then goes to the President, who either signs it into law or vetoes it.  If the President vetoes the bill, it goes back to the Congress, which has the power to override the veto if it can muster a three-fifths majority on the override vote.  Obama is wrong when he says he was "forced" to act, i.e., sign a Presidential Order, because the Congress did not send him a piece of legislation.  The Congress is speaking loud and clear when it does not pass legislation.  It is the United States' system of governing saying that at the present time there is not a national will to enact such a law.  The President needs to go to the citizenry and campaign for his ideas.  We call this 'using the bully pulpit.'  The impediment to Obama is that he knows darn well that the American people are 100% sick and tired of his ultra far left policies.  We are the most generous people on earth, but Obama has taken too much.  He has ruined too many things.  The people have had it with him.  You can see it clearly in the early voting. Incredible GOP turnouts show that the will to remove the tumor of Obama is large.  Meanwhile, the Democrats dilly dally back and forth between a spineless old leftist peddling very old, worthless political ideas to a naive, young social crown.and a sociopath thinly disguised as a narcissistic arrogant and repugnant leftist (who, on top of that, is just a bad person).    

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