Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trump Trashes Far Left Media After Salacious and False Report is Widely Printed and Broadcast; Obama Recites Things He Wishes He Did

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - Last night we had President Obama being cheered loud and long by his inner base - if there is such a thing (and maybe I should just call them his most ardent admirers) - especially when he recited as one of his primary accomplishments the entry of tens of thousands of Muslim refugees.  That was loudest cheer of the night.  Which isn't to say he didn't get a lot of applause from his admirers.  Even so, it was a bit of a reach, even for Obama, to recite accomplishments that were either not true, or did not occur, and often times both things which didn't happen and were not true.

According to President Obama, race relations are better now than they have ever been.  He added, however, that immediately after he was first elected in 2008 there was talk that he would turn the USA into a "post-racial" America.  

One pundit said Obama, throughout the so-called farewell speech, was delusional.  I will give you a hint, it wasn't just during the speech.  

A caller to a popular radio show said that Obama was even worse than Jimmy Carter.  I will give you another hint, he is much worse than Mr. Carter, who I think has been badly under-rated.  Had the rescue of the hostages succeeded, instead of the failure and meltdown of the mission in the Iranian Desert, Carter may never have lost his re-election race against the great Ronald Reagan.  

That's how history is.  One unbelievable turn after another.  Carter led Reagan until the final weeks of the campaign, but when Carter's momentum fell apart, it completely shattered.  What was a close race became a landslide.  But it was the landslide that gave so much impetus to Reagan's legislative package, which, in turn, led  directly to America's economic resurgence.  The economic resurgence led directly to the fall of the Iron Curtain, and the rest, as they say, is history.  The best kind of history.  All I am saying is that Carter deserves better, at least during his Presidential years.  Of late he has said some crackpot stuff, but such are the ravages of age.

Today, Trump held a press conference and took the opportunity to tear apart the mainstream ultra left press.  They had it coming.  Oh boy did they have it coming.  A trash report that was totally false as well as intentionally salacious was printed and broadcast by a number of ultra left media outlets.  It started when the awful "Buzzfeed" printed the entire false document, supposedly to quell the controversy.  They said that the report was not proven, as far as they knew.  Once Buzzfeed opened the door, Katy could no longer bar it, if you take my meaning.  CNN couldn't stop talking about it.  The entire thing was known to be false, but the media went with it just to further embarrass our President.  

For his part, Trump pulverized them to a largely adoring public.  There are, of course, some whining leftists.  I feel so sorry for the media, which is becoming ever more useless and embarrassing by the day.  Their only choice if they want to remain viable is to admit up front that they favor an ultra left government, lifestyle, societal mores and etc.  At least they would bring a touch of honesty where now it is totally absent.  Right now, the mainstream media cannot be trusted.  You would be a fool if you did.

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