Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What is Wrong With Democrats' Impeachment Mess? Begin With Schiff

TOWSON, MARYLAND, Tuesday, January 29, 2020 - I haven't posted in ages.  Now, I'm back.  Hopefully, I will be "back" for quite a while, the Lord willing.

Today, the darling of all those who are truly Anti-American and who oppose Justice and all that this word means - he, of course, being the pernicious liar, Adam Schiff - had the temerity and underhandedness to criticize the President and his Defense Counsel for lack of good faith in the on-going and totally corrupt impeachment proceedings.  Schiff, Nadler and company have lied and acted against the interests of the nation they are sworn to represent on so many occasions that they defy logic and the meaning of incredulity.  It would be like Lee Harvey Oswald lectured a Medal of Honor Winner on justifiable homicide.

It is not the first time the low-brow Schiff has sunk to such imbecilic banalities.  In fact, he rarely speaks without slipping there.  As a life-long Democrat, I again plead with the pernicious liar to do everyone a patriotic favor and to quit, as quickly as he might.   Just now, one of the managers for the Dems said, on the record, that former Vice President Biden "did nothing wrong," when he pushed his low brow son, Hunter, onto the board of a corrupt Ukraine Corporation - a position he was totally unqualified for - and had the company agree to pay poor Hunter millions of dollars.  Joe has always been corrupt.  In fact, as most Americans have noted, Joe laughed heartily when recalling how good it felt to shake the Ukraine down for billions of dollars unless and until they put Hunter on the board and paid him half the national debt. Yet Trump is in trouble but not the sleazy Biden. And the Dems say Joey did nothing wrong.  Kind of puts this impeachment in a bit of perspective, don't you think?

Because, you know, this is how we treat our allies.  We force our low-ability son onto their local company's board and tell the Ukraine that unless they pay Hunter millions of bucks they aren't getting their defense money.

The thing is, for a truly bad person, such as Schiff, to even allege that any other person is immoral is an irony that races past all definitions and bounds of justice and fair play.  

Begin with this fact, and it is a fact; Schiff began this sham proceeding with a Star Chamber proceeding behind closed and locked doors.  Often, the President and his attorneys were prohibited from attending.  Some 18 witnesses were called.  But Schiff only released bits of 17 witness transcripts and he said in public that that is all there were.  But there were 18.  The Inspector General for Intelligence also testified and gave sworn and provable testimony that would have ended these proceedings, even with Schiff in charge.  Schiff dealt with this stumbling block by not admitting to the 18th witness.  It was behind closed doors after all.  And the liar was guarding that door. Schiff is a bad bad person and a pernicious liar.  And who is standing right behind him at the liar's table?  Ole Nads Nadler.  They deserve each other.

Rarely has a more despicable figure than Schiff graced the halls of Congress.  Yet my party even allows this low brow man to actually run a presidential impeachment.  He is permitted to become the face of my party in this pivotal hour.

This is how bad it has gotten.  One imagines that if Benedict Arnold were still alive, he would have been allowed to share the rostrum with Schiff.  The President must have nerves of steel to put up with this.  It reminds of the day, late in President George W. Bush's second term, when the Dems gathered behind closed doors and emerged agreeing to all call the President a liar.  Every Democrat said the same thing.  They are scum bums.  

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