Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Burning International Bridges: Obama's Policies Force London and Tel Aviv to Seek Other Allies

BALTIMORE, Maryland October 27, 2015 - Most Americans are aware of the tremendous damage President Obama has done to the relationship between the USA and Israel.  Several national opinion polls have documented the damage that Americans in both political parties sense has occurred.  When the American President virtually announces his Anti-Semitic feelings and gussies up to virtually all of Israel's age-old enemies, no one should be surprised.  Most of us are of the opinion that only because Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will not allow all lines of communication to be cut does the American-Israeli alliance survive at all.  Netanyahu is a leader for the ages.  Obama isn't a leader at all.  But while the tremendous damage to that relationship is out in the open, the damage to another of America's most important and most productive foreign relationships has been kept relatively quiet. That, however, is about to change in a none-to-quiet manner.

It seems that Red China is horning in on the age-old alliance between these United States and the United Kingdom.  The Chinese are in the process of pouring billions of dollars into its new relationship with England, and the English, cash starved and anxious to improve their economic outlook going forward, are being extremely attentive partners.  As recounted by John Lloyd, a Senior Fellow at Oxford University's Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, a recent visit to London by Chinese President Xi Jinping resulted in the British lavishing him with the highest possible state honors, honors not given to Obama or any other national leader for many years.  

Lloyd reported that Xi Jinping is being given the highest honors the British state can bestow. Queen Elizabeth II gave him a banquet and a suite in Buckingham Palace (last occupied by her grandson William and his wife on their wedding night); he addressed parliament; he was attended constantly by either the queen, or by Prime Minister David Cameron.

This is being done, Lloyd reported, because "China may invest up to $46 billion in various projects, including up to $12 billion in a new nuclear power station (together with France). China will use the City of London for international banking and currency and other trading; and will favor Britain when importing services.

In this newfound amity, there has been no public mention from the British side of human or civil rights. No lectures on the imprisonment of dissidents, nor the suppression of already limited press freedoms, nor even of the vast corruption that still plagues the country, in spite of Xi’s campaign against it. This silence — it’s widely said — is Britain’s shame."  

Where is the United States in this lavish production by the British?  Nowhere.  Obama has emphasized, time and again, how little England means to him.  It began with his infamous removal of a bust of Winston Churchill and the gifting of Obama speeches to the Queen.  You read that right.  Obama thought a nice gift to the Queen of England would be an ipod filled with recordings of his speeches.  Just what Her Majesty wanted, far left dogma.  England cannot stand by while the USA decides whether it will come to its senses next year or elect another uber Leftist.  Hence, the Chinese are the big stars in London.

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