Thursday, October 1, 2015

With the Russians and Chinese Now on Israel's Border, Obama's Foolhardy and Mindless Foreign Policy Threatens An Armageddon Scenario

BALTIMORE, Maryland October 1, 2015 -  The enemy is gathering on the plains of Esdraelon, and the forces of good are quickly digging in at Megiddo.  Thanks to the mindless foreign policy of the Anti-American President, an Argageddon scenario has presented itself, now, to world leaders.  It is about as bad as it gets.  

The Russians, and their strong man dictator, Vlad Putin, are conducting air strikes within a few miles of the Israeli border, and they have deployed troops and built an air base in Iraq.  All of this caught Obama "by surprise."  He and his Anti-American Secretary of State, John Kerry - imagine, if you will, what kind of a really bad joke it would be to ask, if a really mindless person became President of the United States, who would be his first two secretaries of state? Hilary Clinton and John Kerry - just didn't see it coming when they said they 'didn't mind' if Russia joined in the fight against ISIS in Syria.  Mind you, American Presidents from Truman to Bush had kept both the Russians and Chinese out of the Middle East for decades.  Obama let them both in in a few years.  Both of them, at the same time.  The latest Secretary of Obama's Defense - so many of his functionaries have quit in disgust that he is already on Number Four - actually said this week that he 'took the Russians at their word' when they said their bombing runs were to be against ISIS.  When they started, and the bombing victims were the so-called moderate rebels in Syria - the ones being backed by Obama - Defense Secretary Ash Carter said he was so surprised.  Was he now?  How can he be the only one who was surprised that Vlad Putin & Company lied?  Meanwhile, the Chinese are in Iraq, beefing up the Iraqi Oil Fields and getting ready to start shipping the oil to Bejing and other points well east of Baghdad.

How big of a fool are Obama and Kerry?  Bibi Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister who addresses the UN General Assembly today - has traveled in recent days to Moscow as part of his negotiations with the new Middle East Superpower: Russia.  The United States is not involved.  Unbelievable.  

It is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine a more God-awful set of circumstances.  The two American Rivals - really, USA enemies - China and Russia, suddenly ensconced in a Middle East with a waning USA presence.  Jennifer Griffin, the superb foreign correspondent of Fox News, described as "incoherent" a press conference at the Pentagon on Wednesday that attempted to combine updates on the USA's military budget cuts, Russian arms build-up in the Middle East, and bringing women into combat for the USA.  So we play the ignorant fool for the Anti-American President.

On the plains of Esdraelon, the evil enemies gather...

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