Monday, October 12, 2015

The Uber Left's Worst NIghtmare is Dr. Carson

BALTIMORE, Maryland October 12, 2015 (Columbus Day in these United States) - It is a poorly guarded secret that Dr. Ben Carson is the Uber Left's absolute worst nightmare.  

Nor do you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why.  Whether you are on the left or right or somewhere in the middle, you know that these days a solid majority of Americans support public policies that are miles and miles away from the policies of Barack Obama and the Uber Left.  A clear majority of Americans want the southern border closed tight.  If the government does that in a convincing way, whether by building a wall or fence, or by some other viable means, most citizens will be placated. There is not a clear majority for kicking out all of the illegals who are already here.  Any reasonable solution will be accptable.  The Uber Left and Obama, on the other hand, do not want the influx of illegals even slowed down.  In their warped world of "Uber Left first and everything else including the national well-being, second."  The Left has concluded, rightly I think, that as people become more educated and more aware of the public policy ideas of the respective parties, the ranks of the GOP will swell and the ranks of the Uber Left will shrink. The only way for the Uber Left to stay in power is for it to replenish its ranks with incoming immigrants, many of them of the illegal variety,   It also must keep a vice grip on the votes of African Americans.  If Black votes begin slipping to the GOP because of this issue or that, it is the end of the Left's power.  

Which brings us back to Dr. Carson.  There is no more decent man on the face of the Earth.  His Life's story is so compelling, his demeanor and personality so wonderful, that schools in the Baltimore area - white and black, rich and poor, public and private - lined up to bring their children to Johns Hopkins Hospital to hear Dr. Carson speak.  His books are uplifting and powerful.  They speak to the ability of anyone to succeed if only they put their minds to it.  But he also had other wonderful messages for the kids. He urged them to get along with each other.  Don't be afraid to say hello to someone you are riding an elevator with is one of the things I remember him saying (he wasn't a hypocrite when it came to that: I happened to ride an elevator with the doctor one day way back when, just me and him, and darn if he didn't look over at me and, with a smile on his face, say hello.  I said the same.  And I felt good about it.  Now, I have that confession out of the way).  When Dr. Carson stood up at the National Prayer Breakfast those couple of years ago, and proceeded to criticize President Obama's God-Awful Obamacare (Obamashame is what I call it) Health Program, he left his countless admirers stunned.  But only for a minute.  Once I thought about it for more than a few seconds, I realized that there must be more wrong with the bloody law than even I had picked up.  It was an extremely powerful message and immediately announced the arrival, on the political scene, of a new and potentially powerful force.

Now, as Dr. Carson climbs the polls methodically, despite his understated approach, the sweat glands on the Uber Left are working overtime.  If Dr. Carson should get the GOP nomination and beat Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, or whoever else ends up running, it could mean the beginning of the end of the Uber Left's hold on national power.

You have to give the Uber Left credit.  The public policies they support are so opposite the views of most Americans that they dare not be open and honest about them.  Do you think for one minute that Obama would've beaten Senator McCain in 2008 if the voters knew that he would be introducing and ramming down the nation's throat a health care system as radical and indecent as Obamashame?  Would Obama have beaten Mr. Romney if the electorate would've known about the Iran Treaty, the Bergdahl affair, the IRS and Bengazi scandals and his complete abandonment of Israel?  I don't think so.

Anyway, if Dr. Carson gets out on the campaign trail, gets his policy points across and displays his wonderul anti-politician persona, it will be enough to split off a huge chunk of the African-American vote and spell defeat for the Democratic nominee.  It would take the most determined effort by the uber Left to keep Dr. Carson's real true nature away from the voters.  The scary and disenchanting thing is, you know they will try in any way and every way they can think of.  

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