Thursday, December 12, 2013

ESPN Shows Anti-Christian Side

BALTIMORE, Maryland December 12, 2013 - I hate even writing this.  A cable station I watch almost incessantly has announced a decision that smells so awful it makes me wonder who is running the show up there in Connecticut.  It seems that a Roman Catholic Hospital that serves many very sick children wanted to purchase ad time to give details of a Christmas Season fundraiser.  The ad made the "mistake" of noting that Christmas is the time of the season when folk celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  ESPN said the ad was "problematic" and refused to run it.  We see ads on ESPN for all manner of stuff, not all of it of the kind that makes us proud.  But ads containing details of the Christmas message of peace on earth aren't good enough.  Makes you wonder about the values of the moron who made that decision.  Another sad thing about the situation was the refusal of the Hospital to provide a spokesperson for Fox News when they wanted to do a story on the debacle.

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