Friday, December 13, 2013

Pretty paper and snazzy bows and ribbons cannot disguise the ugly muck this man bequeathed us

BALTIMORE, Maryland December 13, 2013 - There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to obamashame (i.e., the Affordable Care Act).  As each day brings new and more terrible revelations about the pernicious, almost evil legislation that has turned the country upside down, one person who has avoided a public bashing but doesn't deserve to is Supreme Court Chief Justice John "Benny" Roberts.  The narcistic, pompous fool of a man cast the decisive vote to uphold obamashame when nearly every constitutional expert had opined that it was dead in the water.  Roberts had a record as a profound and completely committed conservative when President George W. Bush appointed him to the Court.  But even as far left Democrats everywhere were screaming blue murder, some conservatives quietly worried that the publicity-seeking Roberts would reach for quick Washington glory at the expense of his supposedly deep held views.  How right these few concerned persons were.  In an almost unintelligible, completely goofy opinion, joined happily by the four committed leftists on the Court, Roberts found the law as it read to be unconstitutional but then gave it a reading rejected by its drafters to turn around and find it constitutional.  In doing so he became a traitor to President Bush and the dozens of legislators who voted for his accession to the Court.  Hence, his valid comparison to the quintessential American traitor, Benedict Arnold, of Revolutionary War Fame.  Like Roberts, Arnold hid his loyalty to the British Crown and betrayed the men serving under his generalship during the War of Independence.  The damage he did to the American cause was tremendous.  Similarly, obamashame is gutting American unity, the American health care system, and the health of nearly every American.  It should never have gotten off the ground.  A large group of State attorney generals appealed the validity and constitutionality of the law and it quickly wound its way to the nation's high court.  As currently constituted, there are four totally committed leftists on the Court, three committed conservatives, one moderate and Roberts.  Before obamashame came to the court's attention, Roberts was thought to be a fourth committed conservative.  His record on federal appeals courts certainly indicated that.  Most observers thought that justice Anthony Kennedy, the moderate, would be the pivotal vote, but Kennedy despised the law, especially its compulsory citizen spending on something that until now had always been a decision made by individual citizens.  As deliberations began and Kennedy's views apparently leaked out, obama and his functionaries began a very public pressure campaign, at one point actually 'telling' the Court that it must approve the law.  Roberts saw his chance for glory and praise among the far left, who dominate the Washington, D.C. social scene.  His move has eternally shamed him.  He never realized that the far left will never accept him unless he totally sells his soul and becomes a leftist himself.  Instead they quietly laugh at his naivety.  And he totally deserves all of it.  John Roberts: a complete idiot.

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