Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Evil Afoot in the Modern Age, With America and Others Around the World Wondering Who Will Confront It?

BALTIMORE, Maryland August 26, 2014 - Even as America wakes up each day and wonders whether the growing ensemble of evil percolating in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, Africa and Central America, and elsewhere, will have opposition that is really up to the frightful yet essential task of stopping the growing carnage.

As a Democrat, I can tell you it will not be our Far Left American President. He is much too beholden to the Uber Left to actually engage the forces of evil in any profound and meaningful way. In some cases, believe it or not, it isn't even clear whether he wants to halt evil's now comprehensive march. Instead, he cowers and hopes his watch is over before he is actually forced to dispatch troops back to the Middle East. He also desperately hopes that Iran or some other neo-nuclear terror organization does not nuke Israel on his watch - or seriously attempt to - because he knows he has left the door open for that apocalyptic event, and not even a total fool will believe any attempt by him to blame that kind of catastrophic disaster on President Bush or the Republicans. Not that he wouldn't try. In the meantime, Hilary gears up to replace Obama. Who, in days of old, replaced Nero? We witnessed the Holocaust but sit back while Kerry and Obama - and then Hilary - guard against a replay? Are we serious?

And then came Ferguson: I do not know anything about the killing of young Mr. Brown. I know he should not be dead. But who is chiefly to blame in his particular case remains a mystery. It does remind me a lot of the senseless act in Florida that killed Trayvon Martin and the mindless response to it, that gripped America those too few months ago. In that case a neighborhood watch person, aka George Zimmerman, went looking for trouble and found it. Now, one is dead and another marked for life. What has to happen and quickly is a determined look at why blacks generally dislike the police. Anyone in a police uniform is a suspect in black neighborhoods. As a society we know that. The issue is why and what we will do about it. When the problem is this pervasive, nobody is totally correct. Leaders of compassion and wisdom start with that truism and set out to find the answer. It's there to be found.

Blacks, for the most part, were brought to the USA as slaves, and there is no more despicable institution. For some 200 years they were in bondage and were prohibited from learning the most basic subjects like reading. Abraham Lincoln and his supporters enacted the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery, but open discrimination hung on for over 100 additional years. Even today we still confront the vestiges of it: lower academic scores by a race subjected to enforced prohibitions against academic learning. followed by a century of segregated schools. Sad to say, but a lot of police in the decades of the 40's, 50's and 60's, and beyond, continued to discriminate in how they handled the races, generally. I know there were thousands and tens of thousands of outstanding police officers, and thank God for them. But whole police forces looked down on blacks, in the south and in the Inner City. They were seen as second class citizens. There was a reason why they fell behind like that. It's not like they chose to be that way.

That being said, nobody benefits by wasting time dwelling on it. Discrimination happened. Today, there is less and less of it. People of good will tend to keep the spiral of racial hatred heading toward oblivion, and that is as it has to be. This truism is why whites really dislike a charlatan like Al Sharpton.

Whites by and large want a civil society. They want everybody to compete in a fair contest of achievement. They see the police as the enforcers of a civil society, and indeed, that is what they are intended to be.

It is our leaders who need to enforce an open dialogue aimed at solving the problem of mistrust between police and black citizens. Many thought increased numbers of black officers would solve the problem, but, to the surprise of some, it really hasn't. It's the uniform that separates the citizens from the police, and no, I'm not advocating an end to uniformed police.

Obama has been a disaster when he could have been a real catalyst for positive change. The Black economic situation has worsened under the one president who had a mandate to improve it. The reason: he is an uber leftist first, and everything else, including improving the plight of the black man, second, and not a close second, either. That is the one truism about Obama that isn't open to debate. His top priority was taking concepts like democracy and capitalism out of the American equation. To that, he can say he tried. Thankfully, the good ole USA is a tough nut to crack, and we might just survive him, yet. We have to keep our heads up and our eyes on the prize, however. Rome, in a sense, survived Nero and his ilk, for the time being. But Nero et al put Rome, at least western Rome, on a downbound train, and the Empire never got off that track until Rome was no more.

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