Friday, February 27, 2015

Goals of Obama: Allies with Iran, A Million Muslim Immigrants to These United States; Millions of New Democratic Voters

BALTIMORE, Maryland February 27, 2015 - The question is whether Barack Obama intends to hide his Muslim sympathies or bring them out in the open. The spineless Republicans won't do anything about it, so it might just be that Obama will say to himself, I'll just tell it like it is and see what anyone will do about it. Before he leaves office, Obama will do the following:

First: he will enter into this agreement with Iran that will, on paper, curtail Iran's ability to refine uranium for several years. After this period of time, they will be, essentially, free to build a nuke. Obama believes the west has discriminated against the Mullahs. Imagine that. Well, don't imagine that. It won't matter. This is what he will do. My question is whether any member of the inner leftist circle or any other member of the administration will resign over such unconscionable acts. I would not bet that they will.

Second: he will open the borders to Muslim immigration, with a goal of allowing over one million Muslim folk enter the USA. You read it here first. He let that cat out of the bag last week when he said that at this time most Americans "still" do not personally know a Muslim. He will provide us with an opportunity to get to know Muslim folk up close and personal. He told a Hispanic group later in the week that there were not enough minority persons in these United States. So he will work to change that.

Third: he will open the doors to voter registration of all new immigrants, legal or illegal. Look for millions of new Democrats; i.e., new uber leftists, and up to two dozen new Republicans, at least.

This is not a joke. Obama is an uber leftist. These are things he lives to accomplish.

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