Thursday, February 26, 2015

What, Exactly, is Obama's Relationship With Islam? It's a Tough Question Even in the Asking

BALTIMORE, Maryland February 26, 2015 - Mark Levin, the essential conservative, says that President Obama is Anti-Semitic. The problem is, it is not an outrageous charge. It is a painful charge for any real American since America is partly Jewish, and always has been, and what's more, one of America's staunchest allies is Israel. President Truman, a Democrat and one of this nation's greatest Presidents, opened the door to the formation of the modern Jewish State. America has stood by Israel through thick and thin, come hell or high water. Today, hell is licking at Israel's border, again, and the Jewish state looks again at its best allied nation for assurance. Under President Obama, exactly none has been forthcoming and it is wholly embarassing and humiliating. There is no reason for it. None. Even when one understands that Obama doesn't like Bebe Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister and one of the most dynamic statesmen in the world at this time, there is no excuse at all for it driving his policy towards such a stalwart allied power. None. When the otherwise skittish House Speaker, John Beiner, made the uncharacteristically dynamic move in inviting Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress, Obama went balistic. His actions and outlandish behavior, his turning his thugs loose on Netanyahu, all but proved the charges of Mr. Levin and the millions of others who believe what was said is true.

Obama must answer the charges, but to do so means he will have to pull back the attack dogs, promise to listen intently to Netanyahu's critical address, and attempt to placate the American people about the sickening rumor that he has reached an agreement with Iran that will allow the genocidal mullahs who run that sorry nation to have a nuclear weapon ten years from now. That rumor cannot be true. No American President would ever do that to Israel or any other allied power. The mullahs have openly promised to blow Israel off the map and they believe that it is their religious duty to do so. I believe that this would be their policy even without a religious reason. Those men should be in jail, not running a nation with powerful resources. Yet Obama and his overmatched Secretary of State, John Kerry, continue secret negotiations with these Mullahs. One is almost sure that any agreement will be sold as binding the United States even though it has no chance of ever gaining Senate approval as all treaties with foreign nations must. This week, the bumbling Kerry criticized Netanyahu for backing President Bush's attack on Iraq, even though Kerry voted in favor of the attack. I suppose he either forgot that vote, or hoped we would. We did not. He should resign in protest of any future negotiations with Iran, as should any other United States official either aware of or participating in such negotiations. Anyone who does participate will have blood on their hands if the mullahs follow through on their promises.

And so we must ask, what is Obama's relationship with Islam. Many Americans believe he is a secret Muslim, or at least a strong Muslim sympathizer. Many people are coming to the conclusion that Obama is either wrong or not telling the truth when he describes the actions of ISIS and Al Qaeda as non-Muslim. One can certainly say that a study of the history of the Muslim faith, from its founding in the seventh century, right up to today, does not in anyway back Obama's views of the religion.

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