Saturday, February 7, 2015

If Obama Was a Moral Man, He Would Resign at Once

BALTIMORE, Maryland February 6, 2014 - Listening to the President make those remarks he made at the Prayer Breakfast, well, I have to admit, it made me want to simultaneously cry and scream out in pure anger. I wanted to cry because the sentiments Obama expressed indicate to anyone who has been paying attention that he is in a moral quandry. He is a Muslim at Heart. He supports Muslims everywhere, and especially those world governments which are Muslim by declaration. He supports all Muslim liberation movements, even those seeking to install the radical kind of Muslim Government which treats women and homosexuals almost exactly like slaves were treated by those who owned them in America or a thousand other locations those many decades ago. His remarks made clear the kind of visceral feelings he has inside for anyone who attacks Islamic movements in any shape, presentation, or form. And his remarks laid bare the hypocrisy he displays when he, for political reasons, claims to be Christian. He indicated to the world that it is Christianity that is his problem, because it stands squarely in the way of the effort by Muslims to establish a world-wide Caliphate. For those who missed his remarks, he expressly told Christians everywhere to get off what he called their "high horse." They must do that, he said, because they have acted just as hideously toward non-believers as Muslims today act toward those who are either not Muslim or, if they are Muslim but are not down for the long run toward radical and "pure" Muslim societies, Afterall, he said, Christians had their Crusades and their Inquisitions, and nations that are sympathetic towards Christianity - meaning these United States - at one time permitted slavery. [I will not, here, rebut Obama's premise, which he certainly knows is spurious. The Crusades had certain elements that were more violent than necessary. I, for one, believe that the Crusades were, as a whole, both justified and necessary. The First Crusade, which was arguably the most violent, resulted in Christian Rule in a large portion of the Middle East for over one century. The Inquisition was confined, largely, to only a portion of one nation, and the number of people victimized, when compared to the evil wrought by the jihadists, was very very small. As for that despicable practice of slavery, it is true that it was legal in these United States for a large portion of the country's first century. But it was ended in a civil war, in which those staunchly opposed to the practice went to war to end it. And slavery has been a part of the human experience since man first learned violence. There is no place on Earth that I know of where slavery hasn't been a fact of life at one time or another. There are countless nations which are Muslim and which have practiced slavery at one time or another. And one doesn't need to go back more than a few years to find these nations.

Those people who speak out against ISIS and Iran are not, to my knowledge, on a high horse. I would call such people humanitarians, I would describe them as noble, decent and civilized. The people of ISIS are none of these things, as the President surely knows. As for the Mullahs who run Iran, it is impossible for anyone who is a humanitarian, or who is noble or decent, to support those men in any way, shape or form. Their virtual 'raison d'etre' is to live long enough to see Israel blown off the map, incinerated in a nuclear hell, and erased from the human experience. And, if they ever get their hands on a nuclear weapon, that is exactly what they will do, and they will do it sooner rather than later, all of which Obama is keenly aware. But he tells those of us who speak out against these national goals that we must get off of our high horse. And so, we realize that Obama is either in denial of certain realities, or is again telling a bald faced lie. And to quote his would-be successor, what difference would it make whatever is his reason. He should resign.

And Americans know we speak not of race - which Obama seeks to exploit for "party" reasons - but of religion. In America, most of the citizens are Christian. It is a religion which forms the basis of virtually every moral step American citizens take. Our God is a humble man who helps the poor, cares about the sick and tbe downtrodden, but also cautions believers not to divert all of their waking energy to redressing societal wrongs, since utopia will not happen on this earth. By contrast, and despite his increasingly weak protestations to the contrary, Obama is a Muslim sympathizer and an anti-Christian. He works tirelessly to undermine the Christian West's response to the Purely Evil Islamic Terror Movement. To find a moral equivalency, he cites the Crusades, figuring that most Americans aren't up to speed these days on their Crusade history. Their was plenty of violence in the Crusades, but a whole lot of it was justified. The most violent crusade was the first, and it resulted in Christian rule in the Middle East for over one century. Evil? Hardly. While Europe and more and more Middle East Governments ramp up their response to ISIS and Iran, Obama negotiates with Iran with a goal of allowing Iran to have a nuclear bomb which they will promise not to use on Israel, except that they certainly will. Like Pontius Pilate, Obama will try to wash his hands of the coming showdown between Israel and Iran. I would advise him not to bother, he is already guilty as sin, no pun intended. And while ISIS proves the scourge of all of humanity, burning soldiers alive and releasing the animalistic act on a video replete with high quality production. Then, as if to confirm their debauchery and sinister existence, they brag about their filthy deed. When a few Mullahs speak out against the outrage, the ISIS Animals have them murdered. Shades of Nazi Germany. Or wait! Could ISIS be worse than Nazi Germany? The mouths of these animals water at the thought. For his sorry part, Obama won't admit that ISIS is Islamist. Terrific. They say they are. They quote Koran verses authorizing their every sick move, their every savage act - besides burning the Jordanian Pilot, they rape and behead women, behead mullahs who condemned the burning of the Jordanian, and behead children for watching a soccer game. ISIS is the word the rest of humanity uses for the sickness ripping the Muslim religion apart. Yet few, if any, Muslim leaders condemn the daily atrocities. ISIS is also running a beautiful front for Iran and their ill and sick leaders, who are hell-bent of blowing Israel off the world map. Politicians fear the result of any supposed deal between the USA and Iran, engineered by Obama and his apostates - just ask ISIS - in the White House. America, this is what happens when anything other than voting for the best man holds sway at election time. Would McCain have done any of this? It sounds stupid even to bring it up.

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