Thursday, June 8, 2017

In Washington, the Comey Charade Shows How Far America Has Fallen Under the Sorry Spell of the Ultra Left

Thursday, June 9, 2017 - The hearings in Washington, which should be entitled and deserve to be entitled: Democrats Audition as Circus Ringmasters," got underway on Wednesday and really took center stage today when fired FBI Chief James Comey - now controlled by the Ultra Leftists Who Run the Democrat Party - began his testimony.  Several USA intelligence chiefs - people from the NSA and CIA, among others, all testified on Wednesday that the President never once threatened them, ask them, or tried to intimidate them in anyway.  This was particularly true with regard to the investigation of the supposed collusion.  The quite (but not Ultra) liberal and quite learned Harvard Law Professor, Alan M. Dershowitz, said today over the lunchtime break of the Comey celebrity testimony before Congress, that President Trump would have been well within his power and authority if he had, in fact, demanded that Comey drop the investigation of General Michael Flynn.  He could have pardoned Flynn or taken a number of other dramatic steps.  But he did not take these steps.  Others have said that Trump would have been well within his rights and authority if he merely ask Comey to expedite or speed up his investigation because - as both Comey and Trump recall - the "Russian" business was greatly curtailing his ability to move forward with his duties as a new President.

Today, the star of the celebrity testimony festival took center stage.  He seemed overmatched by his assignment as FBI Director.  For instance, he actually admitted that he sent the memorandums he prepared after some of his meetings with the President to some "friend" at Columbia University.  This is a felony.  Does Comey know that?

Comey admitted that he was fearful of Trump and uncomfortable and afraid of being alone with him.  In eight years, Comey said he had all of two face-to-face meetings with President Obama.  He had three times that many with Trump.  But he was afraid.

All of this nonsense is supposed to be about the alleged "collusion" between President Trump and the Russians.  Comey's firing, according to the Democrats, was to short-circuit that investigation.  The FBI is investigating the alleged hacking of the fall election by Russia, and whether people in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the election by Hillary Clinton.  But no one asked Comey about the investigation and whether he or the FBI was aware of whether there was any actual interference by the Russians of the said elections.  So, while we all wait for someone to say, again, whether there was any actual interference (President Obama and his Security Chief, James Clapper, have both said there was no interference.  Despite the stature of both men in the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton continues to say that the Russians "stole" the election from her.  A document leaked by an 'outed" leaker, Reality Winter, confirms that the Russians had actually attempted to hack into voting machines sometime before the autumn elections. Ms. Winter has been arrested.  Those familiar with the case say that in that instance the Russians were no trying to alter results but were instead trying to learn how things worked.  President Obama and Mr. Clapper were aware of that effort when they fgave their assurances to the American electorate priot to election day.  But neither man was aware that Trump would defeat Clinton on election day.  Before the election, and anticipating Hillary Clinton's predicted victory, they wanted her not to have a Russian interference with the election process hanging over her head.  Once Trump won, they didn't give a lick about such problems.

There were more than one instances during the morning session when Comey declined to answer a question "in public."  In several of those instances, it was almost certain that the answers would have strongly benefited President Trump.

Before Comey testified today he released a seven page, single-spaced "statement," which was described as a compilation of all that he had to say.  The statement was pompous but inevitably pulled the rug out from anyone trying to mount an impeachment case against the President.

How ludicrous is all of this, anyway?  The man was duly elected and millions upon millions of Americans voted for him to give him that victory.  But Trump wasn't in office more than just a few days when the out-of-favor party actually started talking about their goal of impeaching him.  

Even as the Obama Care health bill - the supposed high point of the eight Obama years - melts down before the nations' eyes, the Democrats refuse to make any meaningful contribution to replacing it.  They insist, as a prerequisite of their participation, that no effort at repealing the knuckle-headed Marxist hit piece be made by the majority party, even though that is what they have been sent to Washington to do.

All along, in this column, we have attempted to describe the implications of the ascendancy of the Ultra Left.  If anyone is going to understand exactly what is going on in America today, they must begin with an understanding that the people now running the Democratic Party are an insulated group of radicals who hate These United States, abhor its traditions and values, and will stop at nothing in their effort to knock America off the top of the International Pyramid.  They will do anything they can, including all of the things Obama did which were completely beyond his authority under both the Constitution and American Statutory Law.  

Before Obama, would any prior American President sign such a far-reaching and incomprehensibly expensive treaty such as the Paris Climate Accord without submitting it to Congress for ratification?  Would any of the presidents who negotiated the wonderful arms control treaties with the Russians not submit them to Congress?  Obama went on over to Paris and tried to bind the USA to spending billions and billions of dollars, and he did it alone. The great Obama put his name on a piece of paper and, in doing so, locked this nation into an exchange of national value that would have lasted decades.  One nation, India, for example, was going to get billions and billions of American dollars.  We earn it and give it away, all because one man jotted down his name.  We have never done things that way.  Do you think for a second that anyone would sit still and allow Trump to do that?

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