Friday, June 24, 2016

A 5-Year-Old is Sexually Assaulted and Brutalized by Three Children of Obama's Refugees; Mainstream Media Hides the News.

BALTIMORE, Maryland June 24, 2016 - In Twin Falls, Idaho, a 5-year-old girl with "special needs," was playing outside of her parents' apartment house.  Playing.  Just playing.  A five-year-old child with profound medical needs.  As this article is reported, I have no idea whether the child was white, black, Latin, Asian, Muslim or Christian.  

Suddenly, and without any sort of provocation of any kind, the small child was grotesquely sexually assaulted by three other children: one was 13 but the other two, it appears, weren't much older than the victim. These three assailants were Muslim Immigrants.  They forced the little girl into a laundry room, where they pinned her to a wall, urinated in her mouth, then sexually assaulted her and committed other unspeakable atrocities on her and against her.  Remember, the victim is five, and with profound medical problems.  The entire incident - or most of it - was videoed by one of the assailants and the video is in the possession of local police.  The victim was eventually taken to a local hospital, which was able to confirm the sexual assault.  At some point during the assault an 89-year-old woman happened upon it.  In short order the parents of the victim arrived at the scene.

After the incident, scores of mainstream media outlets ran stories, not about the incident itself, but to the effect that the entire incident was contrived by conservatives. Instead of steady factual reporting about the horrific attack, the news media ran stories that everything was made up by conservative folk.  

The story was not contrived by anyone.  What happened in Twin Falls, Idaho is cold hard reality.   

While true accounts of the event are absent from the mainstream media, there are factual accounts out there on the internet.  These accounts are in blogs like the one you are reading, and on conservative media sites. The incident is being talked about by millions upon millions of American Citizens who listen to talk radio.  Other minor media outlets have accounts that are in graphic detail.  There is no way to report such a horrific attack except in such detail.   Otherwise, people would not believe such an incident would be possible in These United States.

Three Muslim children commit an unspeakable crime against the most innocent of victims.  Other assaults by Muslim immigrants are also being scrubbed, routinely, from mainstream media outlets by the people who operate them.  It is hard for me to accept, in fact, it is impossible for me to accept, that Muslim folk would believe this type of event was acceptable.  But most of them don't know about it.  Were this or any other criminal act perpetrated by Christians of any number or age, it would be splashed all over everything. How sick has the media become to allow a situation such as this to exist.  I was taught in journalism school that reporting the truth in all of its raw and awful 'splendor' is the highest calling of a journalist.  If reporters everywhere commit to this principal, we were taught that the overall truth would inevitably emerge.  In the years since I graduated, have we learned that this premise is no longer true?  We have not.  What nobleness, what glory, what satisfaction is there for mass reporting of untruth?  What joy is there in keeping truth buried and promoting untruth?  If society as a whole knew about Twin Falls and knew about Germany on New Year's Eve, the criminals perpetrating these evils would be confronted, certainly and with authority. The fight against evil like this would be joined.  Now, these acts are done with relative impunity.  How sick is that?  What have we done to ourselves to allow such a situation?  What is wrong with Obama that he allows such events without bringing the bully pulpit to bear against them?  Were I in power (God Forbid) and certain Christians were going about doing evil acts to Muslims or Jews or whomever, I would act with certain quick authority and would make clear that neither society nor Christianity would tolerate such debauchery.  For the sake of a very uncertain gain of political power, I would not permit such madness into my country.  I would do what had to be done to ensure that the people who came in did not include terrorists or criminals or, for that matter, people who did not care to assimilate into the American culture.  Or is American culture so backward that no one wants to live here anymore?  Doesn't the number of people storming the borders convince Obama that this is not true?

I really really hate to write about stuff like this. I hate drawing the differences that exist between the citizens of this country out into the open, where I heap scorn on one group and praise on others.  But what occurred in Twin Falls should not have happened. Obama knows that. He should demand action to prevent its happening again.  Instead, he literally perpetrates a repeat.

When terrorism strikes again and again, stand up to it.  Act against it.  Do not try to hide it under the guise of some other perceived evil. Somethings demand action or, at least, enlightened discussion.  Orlando and Berkeley and Tennessee and Fort Hood are linked together by one thing: Islamic Terrorism.  To say otherwise is an attempt to change the subject and it is evil to do so at such a critical juncture in the life of our nation.  A perceived benefit to the ultra left political party is never ever more important than protecting all of the people, especially when  so many of them elected you to protect them.  

So there are these questions:  How evil are the parents of the three assailants that their three children think what they did to an innocent five-year-old girl is an acceptable thing to do?  How did the three assailants even get the idea to attack a young girl, urinate in her mouth, sexually assault her, and commit other unspeakable acts against her?   

A real government would demand such answers and would do everything imaginable to keep this evil from being repeated.   A government that refuses to seek these answers is not worthy of its existence.  Americans need to act swiftly to change it.  Anyone unwilling to demand such answers should not come to power.  But I bet Obama and Hillary won't even speak to the evil unless the public demands it, and the public today won't demand it because most of them will never know about it.  Obama and Hillary know about it, of that you can be sure.  Their only instructions to subordinates will be to keep the incident quiet and promote the idea that the whole thing was made up by the right.   Just look what the two of them did after the Benghazi attack.  I'm a liberal, and I know that is what ultra leftists of the kind we're stuck with will do when they know their ideas for ending the America most of us treasure with our very lives really isn't working.  The enemy of America has slithered into the inner rooms of power.  It is doing unspeakable things to those places that tens of thousands of the best and brightest gave their lives to build and protect.  It is Obama and it is Hilary.

It used to be that America's enemies, knowing they had failed to bring America down, would boast aloud that America would be defeated some day soon by a conqueror who would bring us down without ever firing a shot.  Now the conqueror who will perpetrate that defeat is here in our midst and is in the final stage of inflicting that defeat.  By the end of January the destruction will be all but complete.  And, thanks to the mainstream media, we can't even locate the shooter.  God knows what kinds of things Obama will do in these final months.  I hope somewhere there are leaders - either Democrat or Republican - who have the courage to prevent this evil.  It might even be someone who, up to now, hasn't seemed the kind of person who possesses that kind of moral clarity.

If you live in these United States and it doesn't bother every core part of your being that your "president" is rushing, as fast as he possibly can, to get as many foreign people from the Middle East and North Africa into the United States as he possibly can during his last months in power, even though he knows that most of them will never assimilate into this nation, and he also knows, for sure, that an unknown number of them may very well do irreparable harm to this country.   

Each day I wonder just how evil Obama really and truly is.  It used to really really bother me that I perceived him to be more evil with each passing day.  I thought there was something wrong with me because it was hard for me to accept that my president was this kind of person.  Was my president really this kind of person? Does he really think that the American people are evil and have wrongly stolen things from other people and other nations?  Does he not see in our founding documents that the people he governs have the most noble of aims and praiseworthy of intentions?  Is he blind to the good the millions of Americans have done in these last 240 years?  

Finally, I came to understand and, reluctantly, accept that Obama really is against the core beliefs and the actual foundation of the country he was elected to govern.  Even though he stood before millions of American Citizens and vowed, with his hand of the Holy Bible, that he would "preserve and protect" this nation, "uphold" its laws and its precepts, Obama never intended to do any of it.  Apparently, right from the git-go, Obama intended to tear into all things American and do everything he could, right from his first day in office, to tear down the American nation, emaciate its power, hamstring its ability to react to calamity, and destroy its ability to confront and defeat America's powerful enemies.  He was, from his initial moments as head of These United States, the consummate wolf in sheep's clothing.  He was, with every step he took, with every breath he drew, searching frantically for ways to cripple the people he governs.  Obamacare was the first step.  It ruined the best, most noble medical system that had ever existed on earth, one that provided essential medical treatment to every single person who sought it out, no matter their ability to pay.  In its place was placed an old, clumsy, witless jumble of disastrous laws and useless, if not harmful regulations that sucked money and energy from everybody and everything it came in contact with.  Obama's "signature" legislative proposal provided no semblance of quality medical care to any American, provided no semblance of long term policy success, no semblance of the kind of shining house on the hill that the medical system it replaced showed every single day that it existed in this American Nation.  Obamacare was literally like replacing Mickey Mantle or Willie Mays with a crotchety old man who had sat on the bench of the Little League Team his parents forced him to try out for.  

Americans caught on to Obama's real intentions in leaps and bounds over these past 7 and one-half years.  Within two years the USA withdrew its blanket legislative authority from Obama when it gave the majority in the House of Representatives back to the GOP. But two years after that Obama won re-election, an event that continues to baffle many historians who watch this nation for hopeful signs and trends.  Did Obama somehow steal that election four years ago? We know he tried, with his plans to repress tea party groups seeking to organize.  We know he tried with his "Acorn" organizations. We know that he paved the way for outside money sources - the George Soros's of the world - to spend their millions on ultra-left causes.  But the answer to the re-election question might lie in the deep-seated belief of many Americans that wrongs had been committed against black Americans, and the people who were wronged should not have their first go at real political power cut short before it/he gets a chance to really govern. That is a folly, but forgivable folly.  Almost all Americans would be only too happy to vote for a Black American, a Latin American, an Asian American or any other American so long as he or she was the best candidate.  It is the "best candidate" moniker that matters, not the ethnic nameplate that precedes it.  Nevertheless, Obama did get four more years.  They have been nightmarish.  Two years after he was again elected, America took away Democratic control of all of the Congress.  But the GOP has been abysmal also.

Today, in the final months of Obama's stay in power, he seems almost unafraid of being "found out" as someone who hates America.  Its as if he is laughing at us and saying, "what took you so long to find me out?" 

Obama really does want to destroy the United States; his idea of allowing as many folk who think like he does into the country is only the latest manifestation of that.  Remember when he had his flunkies round up a bunch of women and children, then had media types video him with these people while he told viewers that this is what the refugees he is inviting in look like?  They aren't evil, he said, straight-faced, they are innocent women and children.  He knew he was playing bald-faced liar once again.  He didn't care how obvious that it was.  He was getting out in 2017 and history would know the secret of his long term intentions right from the first day he was just a citizen again.  He "fooled" us for 8 years but the charade is over.   

Tens of thousands of people are streaming into the United States in these final days of the Obama regime.  Among them are unvetted terrorists, whether a dozen or a hundred or a thousand or several thousand.  Among them, also, are the type that spread evil in Twin Falls, Idaho.  And all the while, the media and the ultra left are laughing and saying, 'so what?'  What difference does it make now that you know? 

The only thing Obama says is to the tens of thousands who are now crossing the American borders.  That message is, "hurry up."

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