Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Evil of Hillary Manifested in All of its Debauchery in Benghazi Report

BALTIMORE, Maryland Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - The pure unfiltered criminal evil of a person who now says she wants to be President of These United States - How did this nation ever get to a point this far down the scale, a point so low that you cannot even see Presidents like Washington, FDR, Kennedy or Reagan from here? - is there in black and white for all to see in the report of the Special House Benghazi Committee, released to the public yesterday.  Even as the Mainstream Ultra Left Media Fabricates reports that downplay the evil set forth in that report, there is nothing anyone can do to hide the conniving and downright sinister actions of both Hillary and Barack Obama.  There is the outline of the infamous phone call on the night of the attack between Hillary and Obama, the call that fleshed out their plan to blame a video by a California man rather than what they both knew was already obvious: that the attack on the Benghazi Annex was planned in advance by elements of the Al Qaeda Terror Group.  As both concocted the evil "video" story they already knew that they had blown numerous chances to plan for the likelyhood of the attack and to have beefed up defenses ready for it.  Such a noble move - getting the facility ready to repel an attack - would have endangered the re-election of Obama in 2012 and the election of Clinton this year.  At least, that is what they worried about.  What they didn't worry about was the lives and well-being of the Americans who would be left to repel the vicious attack with inferior weaponry and inferior numbers of defenders.  

If you have the nerve and the patriotic backbone to read this report, you might want to remind yourself that what passes today for the Democratic Party but which is, in fact, little more than a collection of ultra left Anti-Americans, surrounded by bootlickers and others without the wits, the will or the courage to fight back against the gathering clouds of debauchery.  This hint: avoid taking deep breaths, because the stench could kill you.  Elect Hillary? How did it ever get to this awful point in American History?  She lied, and Democrats on the Watergate Committee had to fire her.  She lied and cheeted and collected tens of thousands on cattle futures in Arkansas, even though she knew nothing about any of it.  Women whom her husband preyed on came forward describing his unfettered debauchery, and this poor excuse for a femminist did everything she could to shut them up and threaten their well-being.  One woman was raped by her husband, and she did all she could to shut her up.  On and on it went.  Benghazi was one of the latest and most debauched.  Four died and when their bodies, in coffins, were gathered on an airport tarmac, she went to grieving family members and lied about who was responsible and what she would do to right the wrong.  How does a person who does this even declare for the Presidency?  How does anyone who knows of this episode - wipe the rest away if  you want, and just concentrate on that vignette: a woman going from one grieving family member to another and looking each in the eye and telling a disgusting bald-faced stinking lie about what killed their loved one.  And she wants to be President and has such debauched morals that she thinks she has a right to do this? Really?  In the Star Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key asks whether the USA is still the land of the free and home of the brave? 

We will find out in November.

I did not like the way Trey Gowdy presented his findings yesterday.  Like so many other Republicans, he apparently is still of the belief that the mainstream media is capable of telling the truth and playing the role envisioned in the Constitution.  But they are not.  Time and again they have shown they are little more than shills for the Anti-American Ultra Left.  This includes their reports on the Committee Report, which trumpets the lie that it basically exonerates Hillary.  It does not, but Gowdy should have said this in no uncertain terms.  It was the one chance he had of galvanizing the public about the substance of the report.  Instead, Gowdy kept urging reporters and members of the public to read the report and draw their own conclusions.  The media will not.  They had their stories and headlines about exoneration written and ready to go.  Gowdy had to know this.  

The report itself is a helpful source of information if you really want to know details of the evil perpetrated by Hillary Clinton.  It describes a far left shill far more concerned about the political fall out of doing the right thing.  It points out that she quickly came to the conclusion that telling the public honestly about what happened to Ambassador Stevens would badly damage her chances of becoming President in this year's election.  So she lied and lied, and with the media's help, still thinks she will get away with it.  

Sadly, patherically, it could happen.  There are a mind-boggling number of Americans who are willing to give this woman a pass on any evil act, including this one.  They are willing to give her a pass and then, incredibly, still voting for her.  It is the same thing as voting for Benedict Arnold.  Actually, Arnold's evil pales in comparison to the evil of Hillary's actions.

The far left Democratic Members of the Gowdy Committee say Hillary had no direct knowledge that her ambassador wanted beefed up security at the Benghazi Annex, but even that is a direct lie, and Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings should be ashamed of himself for telling it.  Hillary was the recipient of an official memorandum one month before the attack by Islamic Terrorists, and the memorandum vividly described the dire situation in Benghazi.  Hillary ignored the memo and saw to it that no security upgrades of any kind were made, a move or lack of movement that played a direct role in the death of four Americans at the hands of Islamic Radicals.  Even if you believe the minority report's argument that all of the scores of emails and other messages from Stevens about the need to beef up security at the Benghazi Annex never reached Hillary, there is no argument that she did not receive this urgent memo.  Hillary Clinton knew the situation in Benghazi and chose to do nothing at all.  It was so bad that the folk on the ground in Benghazi, before the attack, were told that having soldiers with machine guns was not pleasing to the eyes.  On the night of the prolonged, drawn-out attack, Clinton did everything she could to prevent a military response to the attack.  As several elected officials said Tuesday, the world will never know whether USA military assets could have made it to Benghazi in time to make a difference on the night of the attack, because no effort was made to send any.  There is the sordid tale of troops in Spain actually changing uniforms multiple times over a four-hour period, and then never leaving for Benghzi at all.  The one military unit that did respond went on its own, and included ono of the four Americans killed that evening.

Hilary Clinton needs to be put in jail for a long time, not only for what she did not do before the night of the attack and what she did not do on the night of the attack, but also for her bald-faced lies told to the American Public on the night of the attack.  Her conduct is reprehensible.  This report, in and of itself, is all the evidence any real American would need to remove her from the Democratic ticket and replace her with somebody who had no part in this sordid and disgusting affair.  She is corrupt and a bald-faced liar, but then again, we knew that before yesterday.

The question now is whether we are still decent enough people to do what must be done.  

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