Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Attack on Israel Continues at UN; Obama's Scheme Against USA Ally Continues Unabated

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - On Sunday night, Bebe Netanyahu went to the Wailing Wall, an important part of Jerusalem's Ancient Western Wall, and a symbol of Jewish hegemony in a time of nearly world-wide condemnation of the small Middle Eastern nation.  Once there, Netanyahu lighted Hanukkah Candles that were brightly colored, even festive in appearance. He was determined to continue traditions begun in antiquity, traditions that have helped define a people that are otherwise so embattled world-wide that the anger in these attacks almost defy explanation at a time when many world leaders whisper about a global government. 

Other Jews were gathered around Netanyahu, doing the same thing as he.  They are determined to remind the world that their President does not act alone.  The Wailing Wall is just about the most Jewish place on the face of the Earth, standing near to the Temple Mount and the site of the Great Jewish Temples of the past.  Yet, the plan of the UN is to take this place from Israel and turn it over to the Palestine Authority.  

How could any one, any country, any group have a better claim to this place than the Jewish People?  Well, Barak Hussein Obama thinks that the Palestinians, who have never had a country or organization anywhere on the face of this Earth, much less here in Jerusalem.  The claim of the folk who call themselves "Palestinians" just coalesced in the last decade or two, while the Jewish or Israeli claim dates from antiquity.  The Bible speaks of Jews and Israel.  Recently, some alleged scholar tried to say that when the Bible speaks about Philistines, it really means Palestinians.  

Huh? So now the Bible made a spelling mistake? 

But to prove his point, Obama stabs Israel in the back and seeks to move on from there.  Really, this is what he is doing.  And everybody else is supposed to say OK and act like he is correct.  Even people on his side know that he is not correct. 

Obama, thankfully, is leaving office in America.  It is an event that can not come soon enough for millions of Americans, most of them not Jewish.  But on Obama's way out the door, he threw a knife and hopes the knife will strike America's ally, not head on, but in the back.   Obama and his functionaries concocted this scheme in utter privacy, then quietly, secretly, they campaigned for their plan with other hapless nations also willing to promote a second Holocaust.

You see, the UN was once again trying to pass one of their despicable resolutions condemning Israel for whatever, pick a reason, it doesn't matter.  The UN will condemn Israel for the sky being blue if it would bring scorn to the Jewish State.  For decades, the USA has used its inherent authority on the Security Council at the UN to veto such nonsensical actions.  Everyone expected it again last week when the latest of these anti-Israel abominations slithered to the floor of the UN Security Council.  For its part, in the lead-up to the vote on the resolution, the USA wasn't saying otherwise.  And then, without notice, and out of the blue, the USA's UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, a functionary of Obama's, announced that the USA would abstain from the vote.  No veto. Just an abstention. This meant that this hair-brained resolution - condemning Israel for building homes for its people on land it annexed after the Six Day War in 1967 - would pass the Security Council.  It would bring untold international scorn on Israel and undermine the Jewish State's claims on these very very small parcels of land. 

Remember, the Six Day War started in 1967 when Israel was attacked from all sides by a number of Arab States.  Despite the coordinated nature of the ambush-like attacks; i.e., many against one, Israel won the war in just 6 days, and, to protect its ability to defend itself going forward, Israel annexed several extremely small parcels of land.  It is this land that the homes were being built on. It is these micro parcels that has the UN all in a huff.  You know, it doesn't have anything better to do.

There was no phone call from Washington to Israel announcing that the USA would take this awful step at the UN, even though the USA abstention would break the decades long understanding between the two nations.  The reason for the secret abstention was the utter scorn that Obama holds Israeli President Bebe Netanyahu in.  You see, Obama is an Ultra Leftist and a man consumed by narcissism, He thinks of himself first and his cultish movement second.  After that comes all the rest, with the USA falling in this catch-all group somewhere.  The USA'S longtime ally, Israel, falls below the catch-all group in importance to Obama.  For reasons Obama has never revealed, Obama really hates Netanyahu.  To his utter embarrassment, Obama was recorded saying as much at an international conference some years back. He whispered his feeling about Mr. Netanyahu to some diplomat or the other, unaware that a microphone was recording his every word. Then, recently, when Obama's God-Awful "treaty" with Iran - it being the one that will allow Iran to obtain nuclear weaponry after a decade -  finally became public, Netanyahu accepted an invitation from the Republican Speaker of the United States House of Representatives to address a Joint Session of Congress.  The eloquent and persuasive speech laid out all of the reasons that Washington should not sign such an agreement with a nation that has vowed to destroy Israel and wipe it off of the face of the Earth.  Despite the speech, Obama out-thought certain Republican Congressional leaders and got the treaty ratified.  But Obama was boiling mad at Netanyahu for coming to the USA and trying to short-circuit his plan to bull rush the agreement through the Congress.  First, he sent paid functionaries to Israel shortly before the Israeli Elections in an effort to have Netanyahu's bid for re-electiion defeated.  But Obama's ploy had the opposite effect on Israeli voters.  Before the functionaries showed up, Netanyahu was well behind.  When word of the presence of Obama's Minions got out, the election turned and Netanyahu won.  So Obama then concocted this awful piece of work.  If it works, the whole nation of Israel suffers.  

Is Obama that narcissistic? Would he punish an entire nation to appease his injured pride.  The short answer to this question is yes, he would.  He is doing it now.

Netanyahu is a master statesman, a leader among leaders.  he keeps his tiny country working and surviving despite being surrounded by enemies.  He will need all of his skill and all of his guile to survive this Obama gambit.  He knows help is on the way.  The USA President Elect is as much pro-Israel as Obama is anti-Israel.  Trump has tweeted an open message to Netanyahu, telling him to hang on because January 20, the day Trump is sworn in, is right around the corner.

Obama's Secretary of State, John Kerry, gave a lame speech today trying to put Obama's back room treachery is as good of a light as possible.  But when you slither, those who walk are way too far above you to see clearly.  Incredibly, Kerry made this absurd and disgusting comment: “If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both," 

Can a statement be more Anti-Semitic?

Trump blasted the Kerry Speech in its entirety, concluding: "We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but......."

Netanyahu and other Israelis have pointed out time and again that the world is beset by ruthless dictators and genocidal maniacs, but the UN continues to direct all of its ire at Israel, a democracy that guarantees its Palestinian citizens more rights than they are guaranteed in their own homeland area.  The world's governments had an excuse for not acting to stop the Nazi Holocaust.  It was carried out while the Nazi army was in the field and attacking the allies with blitzkriegs and aerial attacks.  But if Iran launches nukes at Israel, there will be no excuses.  What will the world's governments say, 'we were too busy voting on an anti-Israeli resolution at the UN?'

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