Sunday, December 11, 2016

Democrats Might Do Well to Study the Giants of Their Party: Kennedy and Humphrey

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Sunday, December 11, 2016 - Wouldn't it be nice if the Democratic Party started acting like a real American Political Party once again?  Back in the proverbial day, a defeat such as the one just sustained by the Democrats would bring about a time of profound soul-searching.  The losers would typically wonder what went wrong, why they had lost, what they had been doing wrong and what was a logical path to a bright new day.  The people running the Democratic Party today - and in case you've been asleep at the switch for the last eight years, I'm speaking here of the Ultra Leftists who run today's Democratic apparatus - have absolutely no interest in such soul searching.  Some of the nonsense spewing out of their mouths in the past few days is enough to make people who care about this nation just stand there and shake their heads.

Late in the past week, Hillary Clinton made remarks that insinuated that she has come to the conclusion that she lost this election because of the "fake news" that her campaign had to fight throughout the fall.  In other words, Hillary and her functionaries were bastions of truth and justice while everyone else - she calls them the "basket of deplorables," - did nothing but flood the news cycle with one false narrative after another.  Before you laugh - or gag! - you must know that she sounded entirely serious.  She actually thinks she has figured out why she lost, and the reason has nothing to do with her penchant for bald face lying, back-stabbing reduced to nouveau art, and all other ends justify the means bruhaha that she and her functionaries dabble in day in and day out.

Mrs. Hillary, I know I am not the first person to reveal the truth, unvarnished, to you.  Do you have any idea how often you lie?  I believe that you do.  Are you under the impression that the electorate is not on to your habits and propensities?  Apparently, in your sorry existence, you think you get away with the lies and other low-brow nonsense you engage in.  In case you don't know, most Americans know about the uranium sales to Vlad Putin, the lies you told about the Benghazi Massacre, the thugs you turned loose on Donald Trump's Political Rallies, the voter fraud your people engaged in with your okay, the thuggery you yourself engaged in against the dozens and dozens of women your husband preys on, and, well, do I really need to go on?  Even if there really was a plot to splatter false news on your campaign - and you and I both know that there wasn't - it would pale, badly, when compared to the anti-American, pro-uber left "stuff" you and your gang let fly.  

What's worse, we received news last week that Hillary and Friends are actually "keeping their options open" about the 2020 Presidential Race.  That way, you might be able to sucker some international show boats into giving more money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, or whatever you call it.  You, Mrs. Clinton, and the Fascists you mix it up with, fully deserve each other.

Alas, Mrs. Clinton was not the only Uber Leftist who was out certifying that the folk who exist on the political fringe live in their own insulated, insular world, a world where reality rarely laps on the shore of their mental processes.  President Obama, another Uber Leftist, is now concluding his last world tour.  He told one world leader after another that, despite the Trump Win, most Americans really and truly do agree with his foreign and domestic policies.  Even though American Voters just elected the only candidate to promise an impenetrable wall all the way across the country's southern border, they really do favor almost unlimited immigration.  And even though they elected a man who openly and obviously circulated a list of 20 American Jurists from whom he would make his Supreme Court Appointments, and every single one of them are bonafide conservatives, Obama thinks he leaves with America heading in the right direction.  (P.S., Mr. Obama, unless you are not telling us a whole lot about yourself, you are not a conservative in any sense of the word, and those 20 men and women are not going to work to keep the nation heading out to sea on an uber left ocean liner.)

And last but not least, Mr. Obama, the man who was just elected is not a friend of climate change fanaticism.  After meeting cordially with at least two climate fanatics: Former Vice President Al Gore and Actor Leonardo DiCaprio; Mr. Trump appointed a man who doesn't buy into any part of the climate change "stuff," and has the credentials to do something about it.  Here, I speak of Scott Pruitt, the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma.  David Malakoff of Science Magazine - and, you should know up front, he is no fan of Pruitt, surprise, surprise - reports on Pruitt's track record in his article on the Science web page (  

[As fate would have it, the 'skads' of folk who buy into human-caused global warming, and those who either don't believe it or don't know, had a real battle just this past week after a raft of news stories reported that Earth has actually cooled in the past year or so, and the typical collection of far left reporters immediately pushed back.  The Daily Mail, in London, started  this latest war when it reported on 11-26-2016 that El Nino (and not man-caused catalysts) drove the supposed global rise in temperatures from 2014 to 2016.  When El Nino weakened, global temperatures plunged a full degree in about one year, the paper reported.  See:].

As I've let on many times, I am a life-long Democrat.  I am also a life-long liberal.  But I am not, and never have been, a leftist.  I really dislike the politics of the uber left, which I judge as absolutely incompatible with Democracy and Capitalism.  I love the way the United States was formed, defined and run, except for Slavery and other laws which limited the right of all Americans to vote and fully participate in America's Democracy.  I do not believe we can condemn our founders for their shortcomings because they had to operate in the politics and realities of the day.  Leaders like Jefferson and Washington knew that America would sooner or later have to rid itself of slavery, but they also knew that they would not be able to break away from Kingdoms that dominated their day if they tried to do everything at the same time.  As it was, they were barely able to pull together enough 'revolutionaries' to break away from England in 1776. Had they insisted that slavery fall with the revolution, they would certainly have lost the support of the south at a time they simply could not afford it.  The anti-slavery movement took hold in earnest only a few years after America was formed.  In less than a century America had abolished the despicable institution, and thousands of Americans of all races lost their life in the civil war that made slavery a thing of the past in this country.  

The uber left wants nothing to do with democracy or capitalism.  The leaders of the movement say just enough politically correct "stuff" to keep their movement viable.  You don't need to be a genius to see that their hearts are not into either of these American realities.  Barack Obama often blasted the Constitution and signed enough Executive Orders to show his absolute contempt for legislative processes and American politics.  Hillary would have been his clone times ten.

The Democrats I grew up admiring were John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey.  I cannot imagine that either of these American Giants would feel at home in today's Democratic Party.  Then again, it was always the GOP that got real civil rights landmarks enacted.  Sure, there are a lot of people who were Republicans who made my skin crawl.  That's why I am a Democrat.  

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