Friday, December 30, 2016

Trump, Putin Dial Back Obama's War Talk

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Friday, December 30, 2016 - Allow me to pose this question to the world:  If it was the RNC instead of the DNC that the Russians supposedly had hacked into, would President Obama be imposing the same sanctions on Russia that he imposed yesterday?

Instead of beating around the bush, let's just have out with it. The answer is no.  If it was the RNC, Obama would have called Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, on the telephone and said, simply, "thank you."

But it wasn't the RNC that was hacked.  It was the DNC, and all of their dirt then came spilling out in the Wikileaks.  All the stuff about Hillary and the rest of those fun-loving Ultra Leftists plastered all over the inside pages of America's newspapers.  If it was the RNC, the material would've been far more mundane, but would have been on the front pages of the New York Times, instead of page A22, which is where the mainstream ultra leftist media put the revelations about Hillary and the Democrats, no matter how newsworthy.  And you know I'm correct about this.  Tell me I'm not.

Putin, for his part, is riding much too high in the saddle to get suckered into this stupid game the President wants to play.  Just yesterday a Syrian Cease Fire was announced.  It wasn't a cease fire arranged or brokered by These United States.  For the first time in what seems like forever, an important treaty wasn't arranged or brokered by America.  It was brokered and arranged by Russia.  All sides that agreed are honoring it so far.  Putin is a hero to the world.  Obama is playing silly games.  Terrific.

So, when Putin's intelligence chiefs recommended to him that he expel just about the same number of American intelligence officers as Obama had expelled yesterday from the USA, Putin said no, he wasn't going to play that game.  He thinks Donald Trump, the incoming President, will be more reasonable.  So, for now, Russia isn't expelling anybody.  Not one single soul.

Obama can't start a fight when he's throwing Molotov Cocktails.  How about that?

Trump praised Putin's non response as "very smart."  Putin said he was anxious to get started with the Trump plan for Russian-American relations.  And, instead of expelling American Diplomats, Putin said on the Kremlin's web page that "all the children of American diplomats accredited in Russia {could come] to the New Year and Christmas celebrations in the Kremlin”.  What a guy!

The Ultra Leftist picks a fight, and the Moderate avoids the war and wins praise from the enemy.  

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