Monday, December 26, 2016

Obama Should Explain His Contempt for Israel Before It Is Too Late

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Monday, December 26, 2016 - What, precisely, would possess a man to turn on an entire nation, especially one like Israel, which is the home of a huge portion of the world's Jewish people, and which has a long history of being victimized by tyrants and other rank and evil types?  Take a step back from the current events, the ones where Barack Hussein Obama has again abandoned Israel, leaving it as the unprotected target and certain victim of swarming Middle Eastern Islamic Countries which publicly condemn it and swear to utterly and literally destroy it.

For decades, the one and the only country that has shielded Israel from its tormentors was the USA.  Whenever the UN got ready to lower the boom with one of its one-sided absurdities that it calls "resolutions," the USA would use its veto power to stop the storm in its tracks.  When nations threatened war, the USA sold arms and high tech weapons to Israel.  When the evil Saddam Hussein launched Scud Missiles at Israel, it was an American Missile Shield System, sold to Israel by the USA, and operated by American technicians, that kept Israel safe.

Last week, all of that changed.  For the first time, ever, the USA, on Obama's direct orders, abstained from one of the UN's resolutions, allowing the propaganda weapon to pass and subjecting the Jewish State to a heaping mountain of international scorn.

Even more ominous, Obama is said to have ordered Secretary of State John Kerry to prepare a 'two-state solution' plan for consideration first by an international 'quartet' at a conference in France, and then by the Security Council at the UN.

The idea, of course, is to bring enormous international pressure on Israel to accept a two-state reality with the Palestinians.  And the plan being proposed is almost totally sympathetic to all of the issues important to the Palestinians, while being very antagonistic to Israel's concerns.

[News emerged on Tuesday that indicates the plan hatched by Obama has much more history and back room planning to it.  Israel now says that the United States drafted the resolution that passed the security council unanimously, with the USA abstaining to disguise its influence on the matter.  Other rumors say Obama has had something like this up his sleeve for a long time, probably as far back as the time when Netanyahu came to the USA and spoke before Congress in an eleventh hour effort to stop the Iran Treaty allowing that terrorist nation to obtain a nuclear weapon in ten years.]

All of this is to take place in the last ten days of Obama's very long eight year administration.  That marathon ends, at last, in January.

After eight years of keeping the international wolves at bay, Obama has decided to join the pack on his way out the door.  Would he be doing this if Hillary Clinton was about the replace him?  Why is he doing it at all?

No one can forget the 6 million victims of the Jewish Holocaust that was carried out by the Nazis during World War II.  It is an ultimate international nightmare, but one with little staying power around the world.  Even European Nations that were eyewitnesses to the death camps and ovens that burned tens of thousands of Jews during that awful handful of years.  One wonders if anybodty learned even one thing from the human carnage inflicted on the Jews by the Nazis.  

Common Sense and a simple sense of decency would seem to dictate that nations do everything in their power to avoid a repeat.  Yet with crazed rulers vowing Israel's destruction scattered all over the Middle East, President Obama apparently wants to take his chances with the security and safety of the Jews in Israel, even though Israel is one of the surest allies of the USA, while Iran, which he has spent most of his administration gussying up to, continues to proclaim "death to America" dozens of time each week.  Obama jammed an international treaty down the world's throats for reasons which only he can explain.  Obama says it was the best way of keeping Iran from launching a nuclear attack on Israel and the United States. But even he admits that the treaty will allow Iran to possess a nuclear weapon in the next ten years.  

Donald Trump has vowed to renounce the treaty the minute he takes office.  In the meantime, Obama is intent on reamming a two-state solution down Israel's throat, even though the plan Obama has in mind will, in the Israeli's way of thinking, undermine their chances of staying safe.

The Palestinians, like most other Middle Eastern States run by Islamics, vows Israel's destruction.  They want Israel to be eliminated from the maps, dissolved, even catastrophically destroyed, and never brought back again.  Islamics say this is what their religion compels them to do.

Why does Obama feel compelled to molify such terrible international desires?  If Mexico's government said it was going to destroy the United States, and the sooner the better, would the USA want other nations helping Mexico achieve its aims?  No.

But with Israel's neighbors - with the exception of Egypt and Jordan - all saying they will destroy Israel, and doing so openly and with venom, why is Obama lending his assistance.  He cannot say he isn't really aware of the plans of Iran, Libya, the UAE, and others.  

Many of Obama's detractors believe Obama is pro-Muslim, and some even wonder if he is a Muslim, at least in his heart.  He has said that the most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim Call to Prayer.  He started his administration saying he was Christian, but he no longer says that.  Instead, he vigorously supports all things Muslim while working against Christian interests, especially in the Middle East. Obama has worked to bring tens of thousands of Islamic refugees to the United States, even though such actions by European Nations has blown up in their faces.  At the same time, Obama has denied Christians in the Middle East any chance of immigrating here, even though everyone concedes that there is a genocide going on against them in the Muslim world.

Is Obama anti-Semitic?  What does he say to the charge?  Obama himself says little, but his foot soldiers blast even the mention of such a reality.  If the charge is so outrageous, why don't the facts support Obama?

When tyrants move against a victim, often times those who could intervene are afraid to act.  In Obama's case, he took over a country that was already on the front lines protecting Israel.  Obama pulled back the protection.

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