Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Testing the Moral Claims to Power: The Democrats Have Fallen Under the Total Control of the Neo-Marxist Ultra Left, but the GOP Acts As If They Do Not Want to Lead. That Leaves Donald Trump

TOWSON, Maryland, Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Whether the right or the left have a morally superior claim to lead the nation is an issue that is consuming the United States and its citizens.  The left, in particular, is campaigning virulently, in an all out, no holds barred effort to be recognized as the confederation that may be best able to lead America.  The right seems less sure of its claim to lead.  Sometimes the right seems reluctant to even make such a claim in public.  But before the day can be conceded to the Neo Marxist Ultra Left, all those interested in the issue need to recognize this fact:  All across America, the Democrats and their ideology are being voted out of power.  In federal, state and local elections in virtually every state in the union, republicans are winning and democrats are losing.  Many times, these elections are not even close.  

It would be most interesting to hear the Ultra Left analyze why they have lost so many of these elections.  The moderator of any such discussion will need to stay on their proverbial toes to keep the conversation on point rather permitting the Ultra Leftists to delve into so-called democratic talking points.  {A note to the moderator: if people in the audience are getting up from their seats and leaving, you've lost control of the night.  There is nothing worse for your average citizen than being forced to listen to a would-be Communist expounding on Marxist Talking Points.}

The Democrats have never before been put into this position.  A study of voting trends throughout American History reveal that only the GOP have seen their percentage of elected officials dip as low as the percentage of democrats holding elected office is today.  What is causing this?  I think I know the answer.

It is the rise of the Ultra Left.  Americans, generally, have a severe distaste for this very very small group.  Their characteristics seem to be a compendium of every trait historically hated by Americans in all walks of life.  They are a breed of fascist combined with low brow street thugs.  The result is a downright despicable group of people.  Worst of all, they have taken control of the Democrat Party.  If you don't buy into their debauched thinking, they don't want you.  Even though the number of Democrats holding elected office is astonishingly low, these Ultra Leftist street thugs and fascists show no sign of moderating their positions, their thoughts and their methods.

Ultra Leftists are prone to violence.  In fact, they openly admit to believing that violence is a means to an end.  But Americans as a rule abhor violence.  They recognize that the military must kill and destroy as part of their duties.  They recognize that the police have similar requirements when they confront the criminal element.  And Americans recognize that when their small areas where they live are invaded by criminals at a moment when the police cannot arrive in time to handle the criminal invasion, they must protect their families and yes, themselves.  In fact, Americans say they have a duty to defend themselves; this is why Americans will not consider any new law that limits their right to "keep and bear arms," as the Second Amendment states.  But these three exceptions to the general rule of abhorring violence are as far as Americans will go.  Outside of these narrowly drawn exceptions, Americans do not approve of violence.  Well, that isn't exactly true.  Americans do not approve of violence, but the Neo-Marxist Ultra Left not only approves of violence, they revel in it.  At Charlottesville, only the Ultra Left showed up with long nails driven through the end of their battle sticks.  And they had their mouth guards and other hand-to-hand paraphernalia.

This disqualifies them from any long-term claim on the reigns of power in America.  You could see this coming when Obama said at the outset of his eight very long years that if the opponent comes with sticks, we'll come with guns.  The Ultra Left had flame throwers at the Trump appearance in Phoenix last night.  The Ultra Left will grab power by any means necessary.  I really wish I was wrong here.  I want to be wrong.  I hope someone convinces me I am wrong.  I am a Democrat.  Right now, my party stinks to high heaven.  Unless we can crawl out from under the leadership of the Ultra Left, the Democratic Party will become the party of modern day fascism. 

It makes a kind of sad sense.  The armed thugs which the Ultra Left sends to Trump Rallies and any other gathering which in some way or another challenges their emerging demand that they be recognized as the only power able to lead America; well, these thugs are called "Anti-Fa" or some other moniker close to it.  Anti-Fa is short for Anti-Fascist.  But these thugs are fascists.  In fact, they are the poster children for modern day fascism.  I can just hear one of their mentors mumbling, "but we are anti-fascists, how can you call us fascists?"  The reason we call the Ultra Left and their thuggish "Anti-Fa" Militias fascists is because they are fascists.  They hide their faces, dress in intimidating clothing and act like wild animals.  They showed up at Donald Trump's campaign events claiming that they backed Trump, then they picked violent fights with real Trump supporters.  But they aren't fascists, are they?

The Anti-Fas, despite all of the nonsense pushed by mainstream media types and all of the nonsense mumbled by the Pelosis and Schumers of the world are America's worst nightmare.  Anytime society bends to their debauchery, America loses.  How often can America lose this fight before America ceases to exist?  Talk about a frightening thing to contemplate.

You'd think that the GOP would be in their glory when confronted with an opponent that is so openly despicable.  But the GOP leadership is so pathetically weak, so pathetically unimaginative and so pathetically afraid to take the reigns of power that they are losing the unlosable battle. The upcoming 2018 elections are by far the most important that America has ever confronted.  Unless America continues to scrub the public scene clean of fascism and thuggery, it risks falling under its control in a real, cruel, fascist kind of context.  Look for the Ultra Left to make a summary grab for power, eschewing normal American precepts for attaining power.  Obama set the stage for this summary grab of power.  He openly ignored the Constitution and Federal Law, and openly dared his detractors to try to stop him.  No one lifted a finger.  A few brave souls did speak out - the Limbaughs, Levins and Hannitys of the world - but the elected Republicans acted like they wanted nothing to do with these three essential conservative speakers.  

I would be stunned if the Ultra Left went quietly.  Besides their political leaders in the Democrat Party, they have influential leaders among the Hollywood Elite and, of course, in the old Mainstream Media.

Even as I write this tonight, the very important Newt Gingrich is speaking out on very similar issues.  He is pointing out that under President Trump there has been real dynamic change in the Veterans Administration.  It is the best leadership team at the VA in decades.  Yet most Americans no nothing about it, because the Mainstream Media simply will not report on it.  Unless the GOP or something that replaces it can reach and communicate with America in a real and meaningful way, the Ultra Left will prevail.

The GOP leadership in Congress couldn't get much worse.  Mitch McConnell ran for reelection in 2016.  His campaign was based almost exclusively on his promise to get rid of Obamacare.  He came from behind and won.  The day after the election he made it clear that he had no intention of getting rid of Obamacare, and absolutely would not use the Constitutional and Statutory tools available to him to do so, this even though the GOP controlled the White House and both houses of the Congress.

If you pay attention to the American Scene, you know that the Republicans in Washington are not conservatives and have very very little fidelity to the Conservative Cause.  Instead, they are controlled by interests that spend lots and lots of money to influence every important Congressional Vote.  You would know this is absolutely true if you paid attention because there is no other explanation for the GOP refusing to do what they promised their voters they would do.

I don't know what kind of nonsense these power brokers in Washington tell the Republicans.  Their money is like a strong drug, for certain.  But they have to run for reelection.  The electorate is seething.  Time is getting short.

I don't know what will happen to America if Trump is impeached.  Whatever it is, it will not be pretty.  Will America as we know it survive such an upheaval?  No one can be sure.

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