Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Ultra Left Is, As Always, Deathly Afraid of Being Open and Honest About What They Are Doing

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Sunday, January 1, 2017 - One thing that is absolutely certain about the Ultra Left is their absolute fear of being open about the public policy stands they support.  Back in the days when Ronald Reagan was President, it became absolutely toxic for anybody or anything to be called a liberal.  In fact, even today, liberals don't call themselves liberal.  They say they are "progressive," or some other anachronism that makes little sense and has absolutely no relation to reality.

In today's New York Times, the Ultra Left Newspaper announced, at the top of page one, that Obama was trying to "cement" his legacy before Donald Trump became the nation's Chief Executive.  Considering that Congress is, only in the most technical sense, 'in session,' it is hard to imagine what the Ultra Leftist President is doing to "cement" his legacy.  However, you can be totally sure that one of the things he is not doing is being open and honest about what he is doing.  If you take my meaning.

One of the things Obama is said to be doing is playing a   little behind-the-scenes trickery to keep Trump and the Republican Congress from repealing the awful Obamacare legislation.  He is getting "regulations" in place that will make a simple repeal difficult.   Swish this around for a bit.  The country just elected a new president.  Opinion polls show most Americans want to get rid of Obamacare, for a lot of reasons.  First, it is way too expensive, and huge annual premium increases will be the rule rather than the exception.  The nonsense about all citizens getting a $2500 rebate was another Ultra Left lie.  But instead of saying, well, I'll try to point out the good things about the law in hopes that they can be included in the new health care law, Obama and company are literally booby-trapping the mess they made so that Congress will have a hard time saving the chances of most Americans having some kind of viable health insurance.  This is what the Ultra Left does.  This is what Obama has done for eight years.

Or, take the United States' always delicate, always explosive relationship with Russia.  Obama did what he could to ramp up hostilities on his way out the door.  He did it as a way of explaining why he lost the last election, even though he wasn't on the ballot, technically speaking.  Trump will have a hard enough time getting along with a country led by a former KGB operative, without having TNT laid across the diplomatic playing field.  But this is what the Ultra Left does.

Or, if you are a member of the Ultra Left Mainstream Media, you stay as far away from the plain truth as you possibly can.  Instead, you run a front page, above the fold story about how important it is that Obama safeguard his successes from Trump.  Obama had no successes.  He did ram a lot of Ultra Left slop down the nation's throat, hamstringing the Democratic Party to the point of irrelevancy.  But he did very little that was good for America in the long run, and he did a whole lot of really bad things.

Like Obamacare and Foreign Relations.  And did you hear about the clown he put up for a six year term on The USA Civil Rights Commission?  Debo Adegbile, a top lawyer for cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, whose nomination to the Justice Department was rejected by the Senate in 2014, has now been nominated by Obama to a federal commission that does not need Senate or House approval.  The nomination was met with harsh criticism from Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) and a top official at the nation’s largest police union, who called it a “kick in the teeth to the cops.”

It's not like Obama cares.  He has never gotten along with the police, and now he's on his way out the door.  The only party to really suffer when such an immature act is executed is, well, this nation.  But that's the Ultra Left.

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