Thursday, January 5, 2017

Swiftly Comes the Reaper

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Thursday, January 5, 2017 - Swiftly comes the reaper, swiftly and truly.  

Spirit? Well, yes. But obviously not all spirit.  There must be reality for the resulting damage to be real.  And there was real damage. Lots of it.

Notify all of the creatures here on terra firma whose continued long term viability and well-being depends on their ability to avoid the one who tolls their time here.  Call them, inform them, make them understand that their very existence is strictly and inexorably reliant on whether or not they are able to conceal their presence from the one who comes to end the ebb and flow of the lives they live, who comes to substitute death for, in its putrid mind, the arrogance of the continued existence of, well, let's be out with it, shall we? the "victims."

Swiftly he comes.  Through the night.  There is no sound, not a rustling of leaves, not a grinding of the broken earth beneath.  No wind. No exhale. 

Swiftly he comes.  The imbeciles on guard do not hear, see, smell or feel him as he 'spirits' through their feckless, what? grip.  If it be a grip, it has no sure handle.  Even if its 'grip' closed on him, he would be through it before the grip closed. Through it and then gone before they are sure he is there.

Was he here?  Or did we just imagine it?

There was a, well, they called it a 'public' hearing, a Congressional hearing, on the Russian espionage scandal.  Maybe I'm the one calling it a scandal.  I haven't heard them call it a scandal.  But it is.  The scandal is that the greatest of all the nations to ever exist on Earth sullied itself for eight years by choosing, of its own accord, to be run by an ultra far left regime.  

Eight years.  For a whole lot of those eight years, Obama has known EXACTLY what Putin and his Russians were up to.  I'm not sure Putin was making any effort at all to keep it secret.  This is what the great nations do.  They spy.  Really, they do.  Did you not know this?  Did Obama not know this?  Please!

While Vlad was spying as he always has.  Always!  Here in the United States - run by the Ultra Left - one of the two political parties, the one run by Ultra Left, nominated one of their own to run for President, even though she has used an email system that was strictly illegal because it was so completely easy to hack.  Did Hillary Clinton know this?  Did she care?  Did Obama know that Hillary's email 'thing' could be hacked by an elementary school student?  Yes, he did.  Did he care?  No, but only because he assumed Hillary would win even though she had a criminal personality and regularly broke the law, even though she lied so often, well, it's hard to compare this to anything real and besides, Obama lies almost as much.  Or did you not know this?

Vlad was just doing what he always did.  Day in and day out.  And, guess what, we do too.  The difference is that in almost all cases the country being spied on does all it can to prevent the spying entity from getting what they are looking for.  Hillary and he minions did not try at all to prevent this from happening.  She capitulated to the spying by doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.

Despite her total capitulation, Obama saws the Russians tried to mess with out elections.  But Obama waited until now, a few days before the eight years is over, to make a big deal about it, even though he knew all about it a very long time ago.  

You see, if Hillary had won the election (God Forbid!), Obama would still not be talking about it.  He wouldn't want anybody to think there was any reason for Hillary to have won other than her greatness and his greatness.  It's enough to make you sick.  But since Trump won, he wants the world to think that Trump won because of what the Russians did, even though Hillary capitulated to it.  You see, Hillary was far more concerned with keeping her back room money grabbing away from, not the press, because the mainstream media wouldn't have done anything with it if it was dropped in their lap.  But if, say, Limbaugh, or Levin or Judicial Watch got a hold of it then it would be Katy bar the door.  And Hillary couldn't have that.  No siree.  She would much rather keep Limbaugh in the dark than the Russians.

Tell me I'm wrong.

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