Monday, January 30, 2017

Updates: Federal Judge in Washington Blocks Efforts to Halt Influx of Refugees From Seven Middle Eastern and African Nations

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Monday, January 30, 2017 and Friday, February 3, 2017- There are some 46 nations on this Earth with populations that are majority Muslim by actual count.  Count them, each and every one.  46.  These 46 are NOT AFFECTED by the Trump Executive Order.

Do all of you have that?  Some 46 nations on this Earth that have populations that are mostly Muslim are completely unaffected by Trump's January 30, 2017 Executive Order.  

One more time: completely unaffected.

But a Federal Judge out yonder in dear old Washington State has blocked the efforts of the Trump Administration to briefly (briefly!) stop the influx of immigrants from all of seven terror-soaked nations in the Middle East and Africa.  The administration says it needs the temporary (temporary, as in four entire weeks!) halt so that it can devise some way to vet these immigrants in such a way as to permit the administration's immigration team to weed out any terrorists embedded amongst these immigrants.   

Why does the administration fear that terrorists and would-be terrorists will be embedded amongst immigrants from the seven identified nations?  There are two primary and, I would argue, compelling reasons to believe that terrorists and would-be terrorists will be embedded amongst the immigrants:
       1.  The Obama Administration identified the seven nations as being rife with terrorists; and
       2.  ISIS Leaders have sworn to embed terrorists amongst immigrants bound for the West, including These United States.

Such terrorists - all of the Islamic Variety - have preyed upon western nations in Europe and elsewhere.  Thousands of westerners have been killed and many more have been maimed.  Even though Trump's Executive Order was neutral as to religion, the judge apparently read a religious intent into the Trump Order.  Trump promised to stop the influx of potential terrorists throughout his successful Presidential Campaign.

According to Fox News, "U.S. District Court Judge James L. Robart, a Seattle native who, although a nominal appointee of former President George W. Bush, is actually an Ultra Leftist of long standing.  In his ruling, Judge Robart wrote, "the state of Washington proved that [the] local economy and citizens have suffered irreparable harm and an injunction should be applied."

The learned magistrate went right past express black letter law that expressly gives the President the power to stop dangerous immigrant groups of any reasonable description.  Trump's Order did not mention any religion but the Judge was sure Trump was only interested in stopping Muslims.  That would be like saying that any law or administrative order applied to These United States must be set aside because everyone knows that the United States is still majority Christian, and any law or rule that says USA is merely a thinly veiled effort to isolate Christians.

There are seven nations that are rife with terrorists, terror leaders, terror groups, indeed, all things terrorist.  These seven are temporarily in Trump's Cross-hairs. People who are from these seven nations, no matter what their religion happens to be, would not have been coming to These United States for a brief time while These United States devised a safe way to vet these folk in order to insure that no more terrorists from these seven nations enter these United States and do grievous harm to the citizens of These United States.

 Senator Schumer - the nominal leader of my Democratic Party - and former President Barack Hussein Obama, have joined with International Criminal Operative and Multi-Billionaire George Soros and other Ultra Leftists in a kind of howling chorus.  Thet howl and they scream and they stoomp their feet because people in seven terror-infused nations have to wait an entire month before taking a scheduled jaunt to These United States.  We ask then to suffer this inconvenience because we are having a very hard time keeping terrorists out of our country.  How do we know we are having a hard time?  Witness the carnage in California when an office worker did his duty to the Muslim Almighty by butchering some 14 coworkers at an office Christmas get together.  His wife, who joined in doing the dirty butchering deeds, was a recent immigrant who radicalized the American Muslim.  What a couple!  Then there was the mass butchering in Orlando and the murders here and then there and on we go.  And that is only here.  And, oh, by the way, let us not forget the nine/eleven mass butchering.

But Chuck and Barack and Nancy all scream at the profound injustice of asking the citizens of seven nations originally identified by Obama while he was President.  Oh, and late on Friday the Federal Judge in Washington passed an Order halting the execution of the Order and he also ordered that his missive be applied nationwide.  Judge Robart is wrong, legally and morally, but an Ultra Leftist in robe, well, just perish the thought and the image.  Talk about nightmares!

So, while the duly elected President and his advisers work late into the night devising how they can get around such a knuckleheaded ruling, the wonderful spigot is turned on, pouring forth all manner of immigrants, unvetted, for making new homes here in These United States.  

I wish His Honor out yonder would live for a week in the vicinity of the folk there in Copenhagen or Paris, where Sharia Law now reigns supreme.  Coming to a neighborhood near you.

Schumer didn't open his mouth when Obama stabbed Israel in the back at the UN right before he finally left office.  Not one word.  Israel was treated like a junk yard dog and Chuck stayed silent.  Quite the humanitarian, isn't he.

But let an American President stand up to terror, call Terror what it is, and Chuck has tears flowing down his hypocritical cheeks.  He cares.  Sure he does.  About what?  Not this country and not these people.  Obama denied entry to Christians who were the target of Islamic Jihad.  Genocide was being inflicted on Christians throughout the Middle East.  It was so bad that there are none left in places like Iran, Syria and Yemen. These were places that used to be all Christian.  But when the few remaining Christians sought to survive by coming here, well, Obama said no and Schumer just smiled.  These are your humanitarians.  And those fine folk in the Screen Actors Guild?  What did they say.  Not one thing.

When the press lies and tells you that all Americans are against Trump, they are being the Ultra Leftists they are every day all day.  The polls say only one-third of Americans oppose Trump on these orders.  One-third.

Here in Maryland, the fine representative of the people,  Dutch Ruppersberger, was in favor of Obamashame; i.e., Obamacare.  Now, he is against keeping terrorists out of These United States.  When Obama and Jimmy Carter took similar steps, he said nothing.  Now, he speaks out.  I think they call this hypocrisy.

In the Democratic Party controlled by the Ultra Left, hypocrisy is contagious.  The leaders have it and they pass it to the boot lickers down the line.

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