Friday, January 13, 2017

Looking Long and Hard at Nancy Pelosi and the Roll Call of Responsibility for Obamacare; Plus Some Closing Notes, Including a Word About the Great Clarence Thomas and the Death of William Peter Blatty

BALTIMORE, Maryland, Friday, January 13, 2017 - The Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives is the reprehensible Nancy Pelosi.   It is sad to note that Ms. Pelosi is the daughter of the late Mayor of Baltimore City, Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. It is equally sad to note that her brother, Thomas D'Alesandro, III, was also a Mayor of my City.  Despite these much-admired family members, Ms. Pelosi has to shoulder a healthy chunk of responsibility for the  fact that the Democratic Party is in free fall throughout These United States.  From town councils to state houses to the White House, Democrats have either moved out, are moving out, or, in the most optimistic assessment that can be made, in some few isolated places, the Dems are holding on for dear life.  From one Democrat to another, thank you Nancy Pelosi.  

In her political life, her private life and every other manifestation of her existence, Pelosi exhibits all of the characteristics of the despicable Ultra Left.  First, she freely and without hesitation will lie with a completely bald face, to anybody at all, especially the American People.  She lies on an ultra regular basis. You name it, she lies about it. Second, her overt devotion, her top devotion, is not to These United States, not to her family, not to her stated religion, but to her Ultra Left Political Cult.  

While serving as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, she routinely commandeered United States Air Force planes to shuttle her and her inner staff of functionaries back and forth to California, where she lives in ultra luxury on one of her vineyards.  When she started this disgusting practice, the Air Force reluctantly supplied her with a plane that did what she said she needed it to do.  But, alas, it wasn't luxurious enough for her self-appointed status as a kind of federal royalty.  Instead of the plane she was given, the self-announced princess wanted a brand new plane, a very plush and modern plane, and a plane that was fast in the sky.  The Air Force didn't exactly jump for joy at the prospect of taking one of their precious vehicles that was in service defending USA citizens and giving it over to some person for non-defense-related purposes.  But Nancy Pelosi was a big wheel and she got what she demanded.  And you never read much about any of this in the mainstream media, even though no House Speaker had ever pulled such awful stuff.  But Nancy did and she got away with it.  We paid for her to be transported back and forth to California in, well, ultra luxury. 

Let me say this about Ms. Pelosi.  She was very good at being a 'Tough' and a Bully and at exercising these traits and characteristics in order to keep the Democrats in the House in line and doing exactly what she and President Obama wanted them to do.  

One of her stunning successes is back in the news these days.  Early on in President Obama's first term, when Obamacare; i.e., Obamashame or Obamamess, was being considered by the House and Senate, Pelosi kept her troops voting for the legislation even though more than a few of these people knew better and were gagging at the mere thought of what this nonsensical law would do to health care in These United States.  Here in this neck of the woods, Democratic Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger was serving his first term representing Maryland's second district.  He knew full well that his constituents hated the whole idea of Obamashame, and would hate Ruppersberger if he voted for it.  Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, he voted for it, anyway.  Amazing!

When Barack Hussein Obama looks back on his eight years as President, one set of facts that will trouble him to no end will be that he did so little with the two full years he was given with the Democrats in control of both houses of congress, while at the same time five pliable judges held sway over at the Supreme Court.  He did ram the Obamashame Health Care Bill through, and he did ram the public funding bills known as the Stimulus Bills through.  But, as evidenced by what Obama can do in far less time - see, for example, all of the God-Awful things Obama is doing in the last month of his eight year term - the President literally frittered away his golden opportunity to turn These United States into the Ultra Left Poster Nation he dreams about most nights.  Nancy Pelosi had a vice grip on the 435 members of the House of Representatives. Dingy Harry Reid's control of the United States Senate wasn't nearly so total as Pelosi's in the House, but it lived up to his status in the Obama regime; Reid had a functioning control.  Recall that Obama had to wheel and deal with some Senators, who feigned various obstacles standing in the way of their ability to vote for the shame bill.  When Obama promised these hold outs enough Pork, they all capitulated.  Never in American History has so notorious a piece of legislation slithered through the legislative branch without even one GOP vote.  Not a one.  But it did get through, and because of that fact, the Congress will spend considerable time during Donald Trump's first 100 days trying to clean up the swill and putrid residue of that Marxist-like thing.

From the time that thing passed the Congress and Obama Signed it, up until now as it is literally torn apart and voted into oblivion (where, God Willing, it will forever stay) by the Republican-controlled Congress, not one public opinion poll ever indicated that Americans had anything but utter disgust for the Obamashame mess.  That is especially so, now, when the bills for this outrage are so high people are getting nose bleeds trying to comprehend how much it is costing them.  And the ridiculous bills are matched by deductibles that are equally outrageous. 

As Obama and his functionaries congratulate themselves for all of the things they did to America, I recall the shame of Obamashame, and all of the work and sweat that will have to be done to clean the slate that it still blemishes in its last days.  

Some Closing Notes: Rush Limbaugh, the indispensable radio host, says about CNN in the wake of the smack down the outfit suffered at the hand of Donald Trump: "CNN exists now to destroy Donald Trump."  Believe it, folks...The other indispensable radio host, Mark Levin, told America Thursday night that they had to be ready to suffer through a mainstream media concentrated on destroying Trump.  

Limbaugh said today that the mainstream media is calling Trump a master manipulator, not because he actually manipulates anybody or anything, but because they - the media - cannot figure out how to bring him down.  "It wouldn't actually occur to him to actually cover Trump try honesty and objectivity...but those are the things they've thrown out...Mr. Limbaugh also said that he hasn't had this much fun watching the news in a long long time.  He noted with glee the give and take between Donald Trump and a CNN news man.  This particular dude kept screaming at the Trump press conference, "Can you give us a question? Can you give us a question.  You've attacked our organization, can you give us a question?"  To which Trump, in a loud voice, shouted back, "I'm not giving you a question. You're fake news!"  Not to be outdone, or so he thought, the reporter shouted back, "that's not legitimate."  Now, Trump had already moved on when that nonsense slipped out of the CNN mouth.  But America heard it.  They heard a reporter telling Trump that he was out of order. Huh?  Did he ever tell Obama he was out of order?  It's stuff like this that has Trump coming to power and the Ultra Left Mainstream Media melting down.

The third indispensable radio host in Sean Hannity.  He has been ripping the media apart since the start of the campaign, and he's been in rare form since Trump was elected, something he was not surprised by.  These three men speak so much truth and common sense in one show that it leaves a former reporter like me breathless.  And all three admit up front that they are not objective.  On the other hand, the mainstream media wants you to believe that they are objective, and 85% of all Americans don't believe it at all.  The media is in free fall faster than their parent group, the Democratic Party.

William Peter Blatty, the author of The Exorcist and other books, has died.  He was 89.  Blatty also wrote screen plays and was involved in film making.  Among his other works, he wrote and directed the Exorcist III sequel to the Exorcist.  He was awarded an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Exorcist.

And finally, Limbaugh revealed today that Mike Pence, the Vice President, will be sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  Articulate, honest, and tremendously intelligent, Thomas is the bane of the Ultra Left.  He is a Black Conservative.  I can think of a few humans whom I admire as much as Justice Thomas, but there is virtually no one whom I admire more, save for my father, my late grandfathers and my late Uncle Joe.  The man has overcome so bloody much and continues to be a picture of virtue and honor.

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